Demon in disguise

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John caressed his small child. "Your new brother" he looked towards the small brown haired boy, big brown innocent eyes stared down at the tiny figure in his father's arms. Black locks of hair on his head, making small noises and big doe eyes that made him even cuter. "So cute" Was all the brown haired boy said, "What's his name?" John smiled. "Shadow" he answered.


"I'm old enough to go out on my own" A 17 year old Shadow, spoke up to his parents. John looked at him and shook his head, "You aren't stro-" He was interrupted by Shadow speaking out. "I've been practicing!! Just like you told me! I-I've been doing really good! Just please-" Another voice spoke out. "I'll go with him" Shadow looked over to his Older Brother. "Michael- really?" Michael Jr. smiled. "Of course I will. What kind of brother would I be if I couldn't take my little brother to see the world?" John sighed, but knew he wouldn't win the fight. "Do not stray out too long. Heaven will not be open once it hits dark" Shadow tilted his head. "Why not?" He asked curiously and a new voice intruded in. "That's where the demons come out and play" All three heads turned to find Felix standing by the doorway. He smiled, "Did I hear my boys are taking a trip down to earth?" The two boys nodded and Felix squealed, running over to them and hugging them tight. "Now, just remember, come back home before it gets dark. Be careful of demons in disguise and never interact with Mortals. You may help them, but they are never allowed to see you" John looked at the boys as they both agreed. "Please, be careful" John added as they both left.

They both descended down and flew above all the mortals on the ground. "This is beautiful" Shadow awed as they flew past trees and flowers, "I wish we could go lower" Michael Jr. smiled and nodded. "Of course we can! We just have to..." Soon enough, they became transparent. "We can blend into the surroundings" Shadow awed at himself as he flew down, flying above a lake, before sticking his hand in the water and feeling it against his immortal skin. He laughed and spun in a circle, he was ecstatic, happy and felt more free then he ever felt in his life. "This is incredible! What else can we do?!" Shadow was beyond excited, he absolutely loved being here, the sun was so warm and inviting. Michael Jr laughed at him and smiled, "So much more!" He spoke out and flew towards the ground, Shadow following him right after. They were wandering the town a bit, Michael Jr was talking about all the sites and buildings, but Shadow was distracted at how much trash was on the streets. "This is disgusting. Did you see that?!" Shadow pointed at a man that dropped a random cigarette butt on the sidewalk. "He just littered and no one cares?!" Michael Jr looked over and sighed. "I'm afraid not, most people don't really care about the littering."

Shadow scoffed and picked up the cigarette butt, throwing it n the trash. "The nerve of some people, we should teach them a lesson" Michael put his hand on his brother's shoulders. "Shadow, as Angel's were are guardian's and we protect human life. We try and steer them away from the bad path. Some people are unsalvageable and a lot are. A little bit of littering is barely anything" Shadow crosses his arms and stared at the man who threw it on the ground. He looked to be about 16-17 years old, there was no way he would be able to smoke right now. "He's underaged" Shadow said under his breathe. Michael Jr looked at him, "what?" He asked. Shadow pointed at the man, now boy, "He's underaged" Michael Jr tilted his head at the boy. "You're right, how could I have been so blind? Let's go help him" Before Shadow could answer, Michael Jr already started flying over to him. Shadow followed, not really hoping to help the guy who littered.

"He can't see us though right?" Michael Jr shook his head. "We can make him see us" Michael snapped his fingers and flew right in front of him. "Hello Sir!" Michael Jr said happily, "We're you're guardian angels!" The boy stared at them and blinked slowly, "there's no such thing" he simply said. Shadow scoffed, "Then why are we here Dumbass?" Michael Jr elbowed him and huffed, "Be nice!" He whisper yelled. Shadow groaned and took the cigarettes away from him, "These are bad, you're gonna wind up dead and into hell if you don't stop" The boy looked at him before bursting out laughing. "Funny, Real Funny. Look, I don't really believe in Angel's? I'm an atheist" The boy raised his eyebrow as he stared them both down. Michael Jr gasped and covered his mouth, "how can you deny the will of god?!" Shadow huffed at him. "I told you he was a lost cost. I bet he has a stupid name too"

The boy chuckled, "Actually it's Amelio" Shadow squinted his eyes at him. "Stupid name" he replied back. Michael Jr sighed and looked at the time, the sun will be setting soon. "Shadow we better get going" Shadow grunted in response and Amelio smiled at them, "Too bad you couldn't convert me. Guess I'll keep enjoying these till I'm dead" He held up another packet of cigarettes. Michael Jr tried grabbing them from him, but Amelio was too fast as he held them away. "No no no. These are mine, I'll give you the ones you took though" He took out a stick and lit it up. Shadow growled, started to get angry with this person. "Listen up" he started. "We'll be back tomorrow. We're gonna come find you, we know where you live and when we come back the next day, we're gonna make you believe in God" Shadow flicked the cigarette out of his mouth and onto the floor. "Now be a good boy and-" he took the pack of cigarettes before Amelio could store them away. "Wait for us" He patted his cheek before turning to Michael. "Let's leave already." Amelio laughed a bit as they both stretched out their wings and flew off. Amelio grinned as his tail and horns came out, "This'll be fun"


I hope the Michael Jr and Michael thing wasn't confusing, I just felt that at certain parts he should just be called Michael and then Michael Jr regularly in the rest of the parts.

Also just a concept! But a fun one

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