Chapter 43 - Water

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Suddenly, Gidget jumped out of the water as fast as a torpedo. Grabbing Tiberius, she pulled him in. Yelping, the old hawk was about to panic when he realized that he was standing in water that was only a foot deep. Gidget was laughing nearby. "Very funny, I could've drowned..." he muttered, shaking himself. Wading over towards him, the Pomeranian nuzzled his cheek gently. "You should've seen the look on your face," she whispered, before suddenly splashing him with water. Tiberius couldn't help but laugh as he did the same thing. Having wings, he managed to get Gidget drenched in water. Giggling, the dog got him back.

The pair continued their splashing wars for quite awhile. But then Gidget whispered quietly, "Follow me." She headed towards deeper water. Terror filling up in his heart, Tiberius whimpered, "Gidget, I can't. I'm not built for swimming." He lowered his head in shame. Coming back towards her friend, Gidget reassured him quietly, "I'll be right beside you, don't worry." She gently took a hold of his wing, causing his heart to accelerate. Leading the old hawk out to where he could still stand while she was treading water, she wrapped her paws around his neck while looking him in the eyes. "We'll go under together on three," she whispered, "One..."

"Two..." Tiberius mumbled, his heart pounding.

"Three," they both said at the same time. And then they drew a big breath and dunked underwater. Her eyes open, Gidget noticed that Tiberius had his eyes closed tightly. Gently tapping him on the shoulder, she helped him open his wings. Then the dog motioned to the hawk to use his wings like he did in the sky. Still frightened, Tiberius followed Gidget around underwater. Seeing things he would never have seen in the air, he felt amazed as he glanced over at his friend gratefully. After awhile, they headed back for the surface.

Gasping for air, Gidget breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Tiberius had resurfaced alright. Swimming over to him, she hugged him. "That was amazing..." the hawk whispered quietly. Smiling, Gidget rested her head against his chest as she replied back, "Glad you liked it." The two friends stayed there like that for a few minutes before heading back towards the shore.

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