Chapter 64 - Question

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"Come again you two!" Dominic and Mario called as they cleaned up the area. They waved goodbye to Gidget and Tiberius as the two animals left for Central Park. A total of two months had passed since the huge fight at the docking yard in Queens. It has also been two months since Gidget had begun dating the old hawk. They had romantic dinners and lovely walks. The other pets believed that they made a perfect couple.

Today though, Gidget sensed that something was bothering Tiberius. He seemed a little quiet as they walked around in Central Park. He clearly had something on his mind. Arriving at an ancient willow tree, the two sat down and watched as the autumn leaves fell from the trees surrounding them, fluttering in the wind towards the ground. Looking over at Tiberius, Gidget noticed the thoughtful expression on his face. Tilting her head slightly to the right, she asked quietly, "What's wrong?"

"Uh... nothing. I just need to ask you- hold on one second," Tiberius stammered. Carefully scratching his neck with his foot, the old hawk got rid of a bothersome itch. Gidget sighed softly as she was about to offer her service. However, he was done before she could say a word. But when he lowered his foot from his neck, he was holding a beautiful pink blossom. Glancing over at Gidget as her eyes grew wide, he cleared his voice and asked, "Gidget, would you do me the honor of-"

"YES!" Gidget cried, pinning Tiberius on his back and licking all over his face. Managing to get the blossom behind her ear, the old hawk smiled up at the fluffy white Pomeranian as he wheezed, "I love you." Tail wagging as she kissed him, Gidget replied back, "I love you too." Just then, she looked down at the hawk and asked, "How'd you do that with the flower?"

Grinning, Tiberius answered, "Guess Snowball's not the only magician."

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