Chapter 65 - Beautiful

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"There we go, the final touch," Chloe purred as she gingerly placed a crown made of white flowers upon Gidget's head. The fluffy white Pomeranian smiled gratefully as she looked in a mirror. Reflecting back was a small dog wearing a white dress and the biggest smile the world had ever seen. "You're so pretty," Chloe whispered, admiring her handy work. Hugging her friend, Gidget pointed out, "You'll be pretty when Max finally asks you the same question." A week after the whole fight, Max and Chloe announced that they had officially begun dating each other.

"Yeah yeah, now come on! Everyone's waiting!" Chloe urged Gidget onwards. Max was waiting to walk her down the aisle while Norman held a basket of flower petals. "Ready to go?" Max asked quietly. Taking a deep breath, Gidget nodded her head. And the ceremony began. Following Norman while walking beside Max, Gidget smiled as she passed everyone on her way to the front of the aisle. Mel, Buddy and Sweetpea were practically in tears while Duke was trying to calm them. Snowball was filming while Leonard was playing an organ. Ozone and Pepe made sure he played the right notes. Pops stood at the altar.

To the left of Pops, Gidget smiled when she saw Tiberius. His feathers were neatly groomed and his eyes shone with happiness. He had managed to get away with wearing a white scarf. As Max took his seat beside Chloe and Norman went over to Myron, Gidget continued to the front. "You look so beautiful," Tiberius whispered. Smiling at the old hawk, the fluffy white Pomeranian nuzzled him.

"Puffball, do you take Eagle Eye to be your husband to love in life and in death, in happiness and in sadness, in sickness and in health for years to come?" Pops asked. Tail wagging, Gidget answered, "I do."

"Eagle Eye do you take Puffball to be your wife to love in life and in death, in happiness and in sadness, in sickness and in health for years to come?" Pops continued. Gazing down at Gidget, Tiberius spoke clearly, "I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" Pops declared. The small apartment was filled with cheering animals. Glancing at Gidget and Tiberius, the elderly basset hound went on, "You may kiss the-" Gidget leaped up and kissed Tiberius.

"The groom?" Pops finished, shrugging his shoulders.

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