Chapter 12 - Prisoners

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Yelping as he was thrown into a cage, Tiberius groaned as he hit his head on the back wall. His vision was a bit blurry from the effects of the tranquilizer dart. When it finally cleared up, the old hawk found himself in a small cage in a dim room. The walls were lined up with cages similar to the one he was in. There were several empty and some with animals inside. A few had two or more. Looking to his right, Tiberius sighed with relief when he saw his son and daughter, along with a sad looking Cupcake.

"Dad, where are we?" Harrison asked, his brown eyes round with fear. Esmeralda and Cupcake were trembling so badly their limbs could possibly fall off. "I don't know," Tiberius murmured, glancing around again. That's when he saw Chloe in the cage across from his own. The tabby was still asleep. "How long have I been out?" he asked.

"We just got here. I think you've been out for a whole hour. They shot Aunt Chloe twice," Esmeralda replied. Cupcake whimpered as she looked over at her mother. Curling up around her shivering friend, Esmeralda mumbled, "What's going to happen to us?"

Reaching his foot through as far as he could between the bars of their cages, Tiberius whispered softly, "I don't know but I promise you that we'll get out of here. Together. You just have to be brave, okay? Can you be brave for me and your mother?" Smiling, Harrison placed his paw on top of his father's foot as he declared, "Yeah, I'm gonna be the bravest." Esmeralda nodded her head quietly and placed her own paw beside Harrison's. The three smiled softly at each other.

Just then, the door to the dim room swung open and a man walked in, making his way towards them. "You've got them?" the man asked. A moment later, two men followed him inside the room. A lanky man flipped a switch, turning on a light. The second, a chubby guy, nodded his head as he replied, "Yes Dr. Reed." Tiberius stiffened when he saw the doctor looking at the puppies. A deep scowl formed on the man's face as he slapped the chubby man on the back of the head. "You idiot! There was supposed to be a small hawk, not a third puppy! And where's the mother?!" he shouted angrily. The chubby guy pointed over at Chloe. Tiberius facewinged himself as he muttered, "I've been captured by imbeciles..."

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