Chapter 13 - Patient

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If humans were capable of growling like dogs, Tiberius could've sworn that this man could as Dr. Reed snapped, "Get out of my sight!" The chubby man fled without another word. Rubbing his forehead, the doctor turned to the other man. "Now what Ryan?" he asked. The lanky man shrugged his shoulders in reply just as another man stepped into the room. "Let's see this little family Ulrich!" he declared, rubbing his hands together anxiously.

Stepping forward to intercept his partner, Ulrich explained, "Michael, we don't have the whole package. The idiot who just left didn't get one of the offspring or the mother." Waving off his pal, Michael responded, "I just want to see what we have right now." Sighing, Ulrich saw that there was no use in stopping him. Approaching the cage where the puppies were at, he opened it and reached in, grabbing Esmeralda. The puppy panicked. Growling, Tiberius hissed at the humans angrily. Reaching his foot through the bars, he managed to scratch the doctor.

Crying out in pain, Ulrich released his hold on Esmeralda. Falling to the floor, she could've gotten away if Ryan hadn't caught her and put her back into the cage with Harrison and Cupcake. "Wow, he got you pretty good," Michael remarked, chuckling to himself. Glowering at his partner while holding his bloody wrist, Ulrich looked over at Tiberius, who was trying to calm down his daughter. Instead of being angry, an idea popped into the doctor's head as he murmured, "I know how to get more cash from you." Unlocking the hawk's cage, Ulrich quickly grabbed Tiberius before he could fly away or scratch him again.

"Daddy!" Esmeralda's voice faded away into the background as Ulrich carried Tiberius down the hall and into a different room. Placing the hawk on a table and pulling on some gloves, he had someone hold his newest patient down. Struggling to get free, Tiberius saw Ulrich getting a syringe ready. "Don't worry boy, this will all be over before you know it. And you'll bring us a lot of cash as well," the doctor said reassuringly. Coming back over, he jabbed the syringe into Tiberius's back. The old hawk screeched, his blood feeling like it was on fire. Then his world faded to black...

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