Chapter 17 - Woods

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"I thought they would've continued on towards Albany," Snowball remarked. Thirty minutes ago, the group had discovered that the smelly black Ford pickup truck with an oil leak had turned right. There was no more pavement, it was just an old dirt road surrounded by trees on all sides. It was very long too and creepy, especially with the sun beginning to set. Shaking, Andromeda stayed close to Gidget.

"Guys, stay close. Visibility is pretty bad in here," Max called from where he was leading the rescue party. Sparky moved closer to his father, not even bothering to argue. Duke and Snowball took up the rear while Gidget and Andromeda stayed in the middle.

Though it was hard to see anything, Gidget could see her daughter Andromeda due to her white feathers. She could tell the small hawk was shivering from both the cold and from fear. Giving her head a small lick of reassurance, the fluffy white Pomeranian whispered softly, "It's okay, Mommy's right here to protect you." Her daughter didn't make a sound. Instead, she pressed her body against Gidget's fur. Gidget smiled softly.

"Hey, I think we arrived," Snowball declared, pointing beyond Max at a mansion that stood before them.

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