Chapter 20 - Circles

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"There's got to be a way inside," Max murmured as the small group continued following Duke around the mansion. They had already circumnavigated it three times. Every time they got back out front where they had started, they would see more cars have pulled into the parking lot. They also had to make sure that they weren't spotted by any humans.

Gulping as they neared the front yard for a fourth round, Gidget mumbled, "How much longer are we going to be walking around in circles?" Looking over at the fluffy white Pomeranian, Snowball piped up, "Ya know, I was just about to ask the same thing. Any reply to our question Fat Dog?" All eyes turned towards Duke. Sitting down, the giant mutt sighed long and hard. Hanging his head, he admitted, "I'm not sure if there is a way inside." The adults groaned in unison, irritated they had walked in circles for nothing.

"Hey, how bout that window?" Sparky asked, his head tipped back. Following his gaze, Gidget saw the window he was talking about. Located on the second floor, it was slightly opened. Max, proud of his son, patted the orange tabby kitten on the head. Scratching his forehead in confusion, Snowball murmured, "How the heck are we supposed to get up there?"

"Andromeda is a hawk. She can fly up there, find a way to open those basement doors we found in the back and let us in," Duke proposed. Biting her lip, Gidget explained, "Yeah, there's a problem with that plan. Andromeda can't fly." Both Duke and Snowball's jaws dropped almost all the way to the ground. His head still tipped back, Sparky suddenly asked, "How about climbing?"

"What do you mean- Andromeda!" Gidget yelped when she turned around to find her youngest daughter climbing some vines that had began growing on the wall. The small hawk continued her ascent while everyone else watched. Terror building up inside her, Gidget quickly climbed up after her child. Both mother and daughter soon reached the window safely. "Don't scare me like that ever again," Gidget whispered, nuzzling Andromeda.

"Find the basement doors and unlock them please! We'll be waiting there for you!" Max called up to Gidget. Then he and the others left. Sighing, Gidget and Andromeda padded down the hallways quietly.

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