Chapter 31 - Loss

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"Did you find them?" Dr. Ulrich Reed asked when he and his partner Michael Piston met up again in the lobby of his mansion. Putting his gun back in his holster, the younger man shook his head as he tried to regain his breath. The veterinarian sighed heavily as he grumbled, "I guess we better pack up this auction."

"Hopefully all those buyers come back next week. We were so close to three hundred million on that bird," Michael replied. He was looking forward on getting his hands on that large sum of cash. The two friends headed back towards the auction room. Chairs were knocked over and paper was all over the place, either on the ground or still fluttering around in the air. But there was one thing that caught their attention more.

The empty cage in the center of the room.

"Do you know if that bird could potentially attack humans?" Michael asked, his voice cracking a little. He and Ulrich slowly turned their heads to face each other. Seeing the worried and frightened expression his friend was wearing, Michael pulled out his pistol again. Startled, Ulrich exclaimed, "You shoot that bird, we lose three hundred million dollars!"

"And if I don't, we could lose our lives! Sorry Ulrich but you can make more of them. I'm pretty sure of that," Michael retorted as he pulled out some extra bullets. Loading up his gun, he went off on the hunt.

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