Chapter 45 - Landing

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Tumbling head over heels down the dark garbage chute, Gidget was starting to believe that this was a terrible idea. She was bumping into sharp corners as she descended through pitch black darkness. It was so dark that she couldn't see a single thing in front of her face. And it felt like the chute was continuing on for infinity and beyond.

After what felt like centuries of endless falling and screaming in terror, Gidget finally saw a light up ahead. A moment later, she fell out of the chute. Luckily, she was no longer inside the mansion and her fall was cushioned by something softly. Glancing down, she pinned her ears against her head with guilt when she saw what she had landed on.

"I think ya broke something..." Tiberius mumbled, laying flat on his stomach. Gidget had landed right on his back. Hopping off, she nuzzled his face as she apologized, "Sorry about that. But we needed to get out of there." Purring softly as he nuzzled her in return, the old hawk replied, "It's okay. Just don't do that again after I've been shot in the chest." Looking around, he added, "Where's Andromeda?"

Just then, there was the familiar sound of a truck engine starting.

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