Chapter 47 - Flight

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"Don't worry, I got you," Tiberius reassured Gidget as he held her protectively in his talons. The fluffy white Pomeranian breathed a huge sigh of relief, though she was worried that her husband was flying while injured gravely. His wings were spread wide open so he could soar on the wind. It carried them towards the vehicle that had their youngest daughter trapped inside. It wasn't long at all until they were hovering right above the black Ford pickup truck.

"What's the plan?" Tiberius asked, glancing down at Gidget. Meeting his gaze, Gidget answered, "Drop me on top of the vehicle, I'll take care of the rest." Seeing the worried look that had come over the old hawk's face, she reached up and gave him a loving kiss. After a little bit, she pulled apart so she could speak, "Stay close in case of trouble." Nuzzling the fluffy white Pomeranian, Tiberius whispered, "You be careful, okay?"

"You too," Gidget replied. Looking back down at the black Ford pickup truck below them, she closed her eyes briefly. Taking a deep breath, she reopened them. "I'm ready," she whispered quietly, determination streaming through her blood.

The next thing Gidget knew, she was falling towards the vehicle carrying her daughter. Gulping, she braced from impact...

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