Chapter 51 - Explosion

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Watching as flames devoured the wreck of the black Ford pickup truck, Gidget crumbled to the ground. She sobbed her heart out, her face soaked in tears. His own heart broken, Tiberius bowed his head in grief. Laying down beside Gidget, he pulled her close to his chest in an embrace. Shaking, the fluffy white Pomeranian cried and cried, wishing she could've done something to prevent this.

Just then, a silver Ford Mustang pulled up behind the two grieving parents. As Gabe shut off his car, the other pets hopped out of either the passenger seat or the back. Among the first out, Esmeralda and Harrison rushed over to their mother and father, Chloe right behind them with Sparky on her heels. "Where's Andromeda?" the kitten asked, glancing up at his mom. Seeing how devastated Gidget looked, tears brimmed in Chloe's green eyes as she padded over and draped her striped tail over her friend's shoulders. Gidget cried harder. Meanwhile, everyone else bowed their heads in sadness. Not a single eye was dry. Even Gabe had tears streaming down his face, his heart going out for the small family.

Just then, a raspy screech caught Gidget's attention. Looking up, she had to squint her tear filled eyes to get a better look at a strange figure high above their heads. Shock and happiness spread across the fluffy white Pomeranian's face as she cried, "Andromeda!"

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