Chapter 6 - Outside

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"Welcome to the great outdoors kids!" Max announced two days later. Everyone was out in Central Park. The puppies Esmeralda, Harrison and Cupcake stared at their surroundings with wonder and curiosity written in their eyes. Sparky looked bored. A butterfly landed on his ear but he merely flicked his tail in response. Andromeda stayed close to Gidget.

"We can go explore?!" Cupcake exclaimed, her whole body shaking in excitement. A smile spread across Max's face as her father nodded his head. Yipping with joy, the young pup raced off, soon followed by Esmeralda and Harrison. "Stay close and don't get into trouble!" Chloe called out to them. The tabby sighed quietly.

"Don't worry Rhonda, they're doing okay," Pops reassured Chloe. The tabby huffed when she heard her nickname that made no sense to her. Gidget snickered as she watched her friend roll her eyes. Andromeda still stood by her side, shaking slightly as she looked around. Gidget sighed softly and mumbled, "I don't think the plan is working."

"Be patient, it will," Max overheard Gidget's comment. Standing beside his brother, Duke remarked, "I'm surprised you're so calm about letting your kids go off into the world like that."

"I have Mel and Buddy watching them," Max claimed. Raising an eyebrow, Snowball joined in with the conversation, "Is that the best idea Tiny Dog?"

"They'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"


"How sure?" Chloe questioned. Turning to look his wife in the eye, Max lowered his head a little bit as he admitted, "Okay, so I might have my doubts..." Chloe raced off after her daughter and the other two puppies. Biting his lip, Duke asked, "Where's Sparky?"

"Up here..." a voice called from the branches of a nearby oak tree. Everyone tipped their heads back to see an orange tabby kitten high up. He was almost to the top but was too frightened to continue. Sweetpea whistled in amazement while Leonard murmured, "How the heck did he get up there without us noticing?" Pepe fainted beside the poodle. "Hi there!" Norman cried, waving to Sparky. Sighing, Ozone approached the tree as he muttered, "I got him."

"Thank goodness Rhonda didn't see that," Pops commented. Patting Max on the shoulder, Snowball noted, "At least you're not the worst dad in the world."

"Shut up," Max grumbled.

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