Chapter 7 - Butterfly

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While everyone watched Ozone make his way up the tree to rescue Sparky, Gidget turned her attention towards her youngest daughter Andromeda. The small hawk had walked away just a few steps before freezing in her tracks. Her blue eyes were watching the butterfly that had landed on Sparky's ear earlier. It was now on a yellow flower. Smiling softly, Gidget padded over to her daughter.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Gidget whispered, laying down beside Andromeda, who quietly nodded her head in reply. Licking her daughter's white feathers, the fluffy white Pomeranian wagged her tail a little. The two sat there in silence, watching the winged insect, for awhile. After some minutes had gone by, Gidget heard footsteps coming towards them.

Turning to peer over her shoulder, Gidget smiled softly when she saw Tiberius coming over. "Ozone's still trying to get up that tree. I have no clue how Sparky even got that high in the first place," the old hawk reported, gesturing towards the oak tree where everyone else was gathered around at the bottom. Laughing quietly at that, Gidget looked around. She grew worried when she saw that Chloe wasn't back with the puppies yet. Biting her lip, she asked quietly, "Shouldn't they have come back by now?"

"Yeah, I was beginning to wonder about that too," Tiberius responded, knowing instantly who Gidget was talking about. Nuzzling her cheek reassuringly, he added on, "I'll go find them." Placing a kiss on her head as well as their youngest daughter's, he turned to leave. However, Gidget jumped up to her feet. Looking over at Andromeda who was still watching the butterfly, she spoke softly, "Sweetie, we'll be right back. Can you go over to your uncles please?" Andromeda did what she was told without question.

"Gidget, you don't have to-" Tiberius began to speak. Gidget quickly placed a paw over his mouth as she interrupted, "I'm coming along too and you know you can't stop me." Without another word, the fluffy white Pomeranian trotted off in the direction their two pups had gone. Purring softly, Tiberius followed her.

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