The All-Hearing Eye

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[I wonder if the man did it on purpose or not]

We all should have learned that kidnapping people and taking some of their organs was an ugly red flag. It was a deadly consequence that was going to face me in like a jack-in-a-box. I didn't care. I shouldn't care. That was my mistake. My carelessness, my apathy for others, strangers, that is.

I was running out of money and out of time to pay off my debts. I needed-no, HAD to get a quick cash for my family that were hungry, sad, and cold. They deserved more than this low lifestyle. Money bites. Money godes. It led to a shady job which I thought was just helping deliver donor's organs to people who needed it for their transplant. It was one of the only jobs that would give you a ridiculously high salary. If money grew, family happiness would too. Or at least their life's quality. My family weren't skeptical of my job. However, as I kept working this job, I reliazed that I was selling these organs to the black market.

I was working overtime a few times and I noticed that some cars didn't have a red-cross kind of vibe to it. I asked My boss about it. You know what my boss said? He said, "It's none of my concern and that I should focus on my work instead of being paranoid."

I know there's ways of telling your employees what not to stick your nose in, but his way was so horrible! He's so shady, he made his shadow disappear! So of course I take matters into my own hands and followed the last truck using my friend's car since they were on vacation and on the richer side of life. What I found out was those hooligans were giving healthy organs to the black market!

People could get arrested and even killed if caught here but being (unconsciously) involved is just as horrendous. I just wanted money for a beautiful family. Why does big salaries come from evil jobs?

The next day, I went back because I still needed the money but I planned to look for better jobs. Told my family that the job was too stressful, which it was, and I needed a better job that I felt was good for me. They understood of course and just saved most of the money I was making to the safe.

As I was walking in, I couldn't help but feel anxious and guilty. I tried to act like everything about this job was normal, but as you guessed it, my boss and "employees" were noticing that I might have been nosy on that night. He was going to put me through a test.

"Now that you what's REALLY going on, what are you going to do now?" My boss said, piercing my mind.

I knew if I reported them, I would be sleeping with the fishes. I had no choice.

"What? It's just my job. Nothing new about this."

"Mmmm...ok then. I'm going to let you leave early today. What do you say to that?"

"I say that's a generous offer. Thank you and bid you farewell."
I courseyed like a lady and left to go home.

I guess they were waiting for me to call the cops or something. I saw a car or two that seemed unfamiliar to me around the neighborhood. I couldn't really sleep that night.

My boss probably suspected that I was a government spy because each day I came in, he would give me dirty looks. I started to wonder if I was going to get murder at some point. I decided not to look past this hateful, fiery building.

But after a few months of them stalking and invading my privacy, the suspicion weared down or at least the likelyness of me reporting to cops and such.

I found a new job that I worked part-time which is now full time.


"Thank you!"

"What's the job?"

"A journalist. I always wanted to be one."

"That's great. Continue the story."

My boss assigned me one last task to do before they let me go.

"So he fired you?"

"No, he wanted to replace me so I could quit."

"Alright then. Continue."

It was supposed to be an easy task. There was a deaf man tied up to see or hear nothing. The workers and I discussed which role we were taking to surgically and painlessly remove his kidney. Once we agreed to our roles, we untied the man. He was so old and fragile. Yet, I said whatever to his face a lot. I could tell that somehow he could hear me. Hear everyone. It was so eerie and just uncomfortable. He was giving a long stare. As if he'd seen everything I've done. Everything I'm guilty of saying. Everything I know just sucked through his eye and into his mind. I almost wanted to tell them not to untie him. I even jumped a little when they did. They made fun of me for it. That's when the old man stood up so smoothly. It's like he never had any back problems or weak bones. It was too abnormal. A possessed old man if you ask me. He smiled so sweetly that I could feel my neck was snapped and knife was in my head. He is going to kill me. He's going to kill us. We're all going to die. I was shaking. I felt so cold. I didn't want to feel this way. I wanted this feeling away. Please take it. I don't want it. I just wanted to go home. I wanted things to be normal.

"Calm down. You're safe now."

".....You're right. I'm sorry about that. I just needed to catch my breath."

"Take your time."

So my intuition was rich as gold. When one of the workers tried to inject a sleeping serum in his right arm. He squeezed her neck off until her head fell off. The last thing I see before going downstairs-

"Downstairs? There was a second floor?"

"Yes. There was also a basement that had a secret tunnel just in case the FBI figure out their hiding place for illegally taking people's organs."

"Did you decide to go there?"

"It was the place he probably didn't know that was part of the building."

"Ok, go on."

The old man fought tons of other muscular workers. Which he killed all at once while staring at me. I looked away and ran to the basement with a worker. We covered the latch with a rug and slowly closed it. When we dropped down to the tunnel, I couldn't stop thinking about the old man's stares. I grew a headache from it and PTSD. My worker is just trying to push me through it and run along with her. I felt reassured and continued running. I sort of sprinted faster than her so it wasn't long when I stopped feeling that reassuring voice. I knew she was dead but I didn't know where he was since it was so dark. I was panicking again. I wanted to move but my legs wouldn't. I was freaking out more because it almost seemed like I wasn't in control of my body anymore but at the same time I was. I didn't know how to react. All I knew that I had to stop breathing so hard. My legs suddenly ran to near the exit but stopped right at there. I don't know how this happened, but I could start to hear the old man casually walking to me. Until his footsteps ended, he was right behind me. I could feel his smelly breath on my shoulder. I was just trying to hold my tears and try to accept what was going to happen to me.

He turned me around and I just had my eyes shut. He told me to open my eyes. I felt eventhough he said it so nicely, I knew it was a demand with punishments if not obeyed. I opened my eyes to see the man so close to my face. He had no ears, but light blue eyes. His face filled with horror and the blood just made it worse. He pushed on the floor and grabbed his knife. I was scared to do anything. I turned away from him and closed my eyes tightly, waiting for him to strike. The wind of the blade pierced through a side of my cheek and he picked it up. I was so confused and scared. I turned to look at him. He said, "Get up and get out of here."

Like any sane person would do is do exactly that. I never saw him again.

"Thank you for your time, Ms.Toagie. This story will futher help our investigation."

"No need to thank. I felt obligated to. I'm also guessing I'm taking jail time, right?"

"Yes, but only for a few months. Your integrity shortened your time by a lot."


After a few days in jail, I've gotten accustomed to the criminal faces. They don't scare me ever since my last day at that shady job. I'm just relieved that I'm alive. As I writing this in my diary, I hear a knock on the door. It's a cop of course.

"There's someone who came to visit you. Come on."

I assumed it was my mother but once I pick up the phone and look the...
The old man is here. Smiling at me. I look at the cop and he is just waiting for me to get this over with. I hold the phone to my ear.


The phone slipped off of my hand.

Thank you for reading~!
-jasables :3

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