What's under the Mask?

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       I always felt like my parents wore masks. It was like their faces never matched them. I wondered if they would ever take off their masks because I wanted to know the REAL them, the honest truth. Somehow, I felt that I didn't want to know because I would find something that was more horrid light that would pull me to space and into a black hole. I was afraid and I felt it crawling in my head and controlling me to resist and stop before I get myself into something that I can never go back. I just...wanted to know that whatever was under the mask was warm and real. Something I will be able to rely on, to look forward to, to be my comfort zone, to feel reassured that everything was going to be okay as long as the true face was divulged. That's when my curiosity told me so many days and so many nights to take of their masks. I know I could not just tell them because I asked them year after year and the same undeniable reply, "No." Sadly, they would never tell me why. I just had to accept it and be okay with it. That is just plain ignorance! I need to know! I want to know! I am your child for the love of jams! 

One night, I got up wanting to use the bathroom. I looked at my clock next to me. It was 12:35am. I  jumped out of bed and put on my bunny slippers and walked out of my room. I started to his voices, my parent's voices. I slowly walked towards the sound of their voice. I find myself at outside of their room with only the door in my way. I put my ear on the door to listen what they were saying, but I couldn't hear actual words or at least English. It sounded like some ancient language that you see evil ancient villains speak in the movies. I couldn't be patient any longer and opened the door. I finally saw them without the mask, was it worth? Was it worth to know that I also had a mask?

I woke up screaming and my parents ran to my bed to comfort me.

" What happened?!" My mother cried.

"I just had this crazy realistic dream...no...nightmare."

"It's okay. It was all just a dream." My Dad said.

"Yeah, just a dream. I should go back to sleep now. Thanks for being great parents like you are."

"Anything for you, my dear! We'll be at the living room if you need us!"

My parents walked out of my room very slowly. Too slow for my taste.

I checked if they were outside of my room. All clear.

I looked into the mirror and touched the edges of my face and felt something thin and smooth, like a sticker. I pulled it and it peel off my "face". I look at myself to see-

                                                                               The End

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