What and Who Do You Believe?

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I don't know what I did wrong as a mother of two. I gave them everything they could ever dream of and now after paying my respects, they should do me a favor. I can fulfill their hopes and dreams if they just believe in God. They always try to change the subject when I ask them if they have time for God. I killed their father to avoid falling into a dark path he once took. I did it in front of children to show them that I loved them so much, I will protect them from demons like their Dad. Now I think I was too late because I have just seen them in that demonic church. It's time to do what God told me to do if this happened.

Mother's Children Point of View

I don't understand why she believes in that religion! Whatever the religion is, it's bad news. She tells us if we join, we will be cleansed and get everything we want as long as we make the deal with "God". She calls "Him" God, but is it the god that is full of pureness and goodness or the just a imposter that's actually Satan in disguise? Our father never did anything wrong or at least, around us. There was that one time where he had red stains on his shirt, but told us it was ketchup. We were very little so, we wouldn't remember if there was big red stains or really "ketchup". After seeing our her face from murdering our father, we would never believe she was our "mother". She's just a woman we know and live with unfortunately. She's the demon that might have married an angel or devil. Or maybe both. We're not sure to believe what she said about him or believe what we saw in our own eyes. We decided to go to a Christian church without her knowing. She says that it's truly hiding it's demonic side at the bottom of their church. Maybe she's right or wrong. As we sang songs, learn new things from the Bible, ate breakfast, and prayed to him. It was just any normal Christain church so, she was wrong. We left the church with a smile, but it dropped after seeing her.

Mother's Point of View

I can't believe they went to the church even when I told them not to! I know that it seems I'm the bad guy, but I know the church is sketchy and has something deadly beneath it. I'm not even sure if the people in the church know themselves. There must be someone in the church who is behind this though. I just feel it in my bones and the voices in my head tell me so too.

"Did you drink or eat anything there?" I said.

"We ate a buffet of food for breakfast. And it was ddddeeeeliiiiccciioous!"

"Oh no..." I thought.

"Get in the car." I said as I pointed to my car.

They ran quickly to my car without hesitation. I'm glad we were at the same page of the situation.

I get in the driver seat of my car which is a Honda. I drove them to a wild forest and parked the car to the side of the grassy entrance to the forest. There was a steep grassy hill that then became a flat plain filled with trees and other forest animals hiding in every corner.

"Get out of the car."



They get out of the car and asked, "You're not going to neglect us here, are you?"


I turned the car keys to the off switch to turn off the car. The car stopped its rough purrs and I closed the (car) doors. I locked the car by using my car keys.

"What are we doing here? You're not going to kill us, are you?"

"Haha! Of course not! Here. Take this bathing suits. You're going for a swim."

I gave them their bathing suits and they started complaining.

"Really?!", my (16-year old) baby girl whined,"A bikini?! I hate bikinis!"

"But you would look so cute in it. Besides, no one is here to see."


She put on the black bikini sprinkled with gold glitter.

My (12-year old) baby boy complained, "I'm too old for Spongebob Squarepants!"

"There's no age limit to stop wearing spongebob merch. You're 22-year old cousin still watches that show and I don't hear him complaining."

"Ugh! Whatever!"

We walked down the steep hill and through the grass that tickled our ankles. Then I led them to the lake.

"Here we are. Swim."

They looked at each other and then the water. I think they were making sure that the water wasn't parasite-infested or had an alligators, crocodiles, piranhas, and other dangerous animals.

They both nodded and went in for a swim. They were having fun and splashing at each other and laughing. Even though I wasn't close to them anymore, at least they had each other.
It's so beautiful....

I gasped when started to see the lake becoming red and they were starting to notice too.

"Sandra, are you on your period?"

"Uhhh...I didn't know until now..."

She swam away to get back in the grassy plain.

He was still swimming, but the lake was still getting more and more red.
This is bad...The Mirror Lake has spoken.

"Why is the water still red? Did you do something to the water? And if you did, this isn't funny!" He said.

"I haven't done anything!" I said.

The lake eventually turned completely dark red to black.

"Sandra! I don't know what's going on in this lake, but it was definitely not your period!"

"I checked if had my period and I don't! Something's up with this water."

If The Mirror Lake is red, there is potential darkness. If it is dark red, evil is starting to open the doors to these people. If it is black, there are demons and evil spirits in the lake. My children are possessed!

I'm not telling you where I got this information and the voices definitely didn't tell me this information!

My son ran out of the lake and I told them get back to the car. As they were slowly walking together and weren't alert, I hit both of them on the head with rocks. They collasped on the ground and passed out. I drag their bodies to the lake. I pushed their faces in the water.


Then I saw both of my children were trying to push themselves out of the water, but I pushed them down harder. After a few seconds, they stopped fighting to get air. I stopped pushing them and slowly was going to touch the side of their neck to check their pulse.

In a split second, they grabbed my wrist and threw me over the edge of the lake. I did a backflip and landed on my feet. I look at my kids to see their eyes covered in black and had this black dust around them. Then, they teleported. I looked around and it seemed that the voices in my head knew where they were. The second they teleported behind me, I elbow punched their stomachs. I took out my salt and sprinkled around me. Then I took this knife blessed by a priest. It seemed it is still hot from being made today that it felt like it was burning my hand.

"What are you going to do now?" I said.


They both pushed me out of my salt circle by throwing a large tree branch at me.

I fell into the water and swam up for air. The first thing I see is them. They quickly teleported into the lake to grab my feet and drag me down deeper into the lake. I try to kick them off, but they had a good grip on my feet. I bended my knees and moved my head towards them and stabbed them with my knife. They were bleeding, but also the places I stab them were burning them. They teleported out of the lake and I swam quickly out of lake. I saw my demonic children laying down on the ground trying to heal their wounds. I walked towards them and say, "I'm sorry."

I thrust the knife towards my son's  stomach, but then I froze the second when the knife was one inch away to his stomach. My son made a evil smile and laughed maniacally. I saw his teeth looked like shark's teeth, but worse. For the first time, I felt mortified and invulnerable. As he slowly made a fist, I slowly was being crushed. I felt so much pain as my body was becoming into the form of crumpled paper. All my bones were crushed, blood and organs gushed out. I died after that and the voices told me they knew it was going to happen and that they will be one of the best kids in the world. I frowned when they said that.
When you look at the mirror, what do you see?
When you read this story, who seems to be the antagonist or protagonist? Or is it none of them? Whatever question is on your mind for this story, you're going have to answer it yourself and make your own way of what was going on.
I hoped you liked the story!

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