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Jimin POV

"Wait, Jungkook?!" I shouted out loud in shock and Namjoon let go off me, moving away slightly of my way and making me finally be able to see the face of the person I less wanted to see.

It's really him... I mumbled under my breath in a angry tone.

"Why the hell is he here?! Why out of all people it had be him?!" I yelled inside my mind. "Wait, does this mean I'm going to have to work in the same place as him and see him everyday if I get accepted in this agency?! Please, someone tell me that I'm wrong!" I realized the situation I was putting myself in and then I felt on my knees.

"Well, that wasn't the reaction I was expecting from him..." Namjoon muttered, but still audible enough to everyone hear. I just ignored it and they kept glaring at the person that continued sinking in despair right in front of them. "Namjoon, who's this guy?" The other asked him, while I kept immersing myself in my own thoughts and anger.

"I hate this!" I punched the floor with my hand clenched in a fist and frowned, without caring if they were still there, being able to watch everything I was doing. "I hate this so much! I h-hate him so much! I-I...!" I kept cursing him inside my head, until I finally realized... "Wait, why do I hate him...?" I wondered and started remembering the motives I had.

"...I used to hate him only because I was naively involved with V and he had a awful relationship with Jungkook... But now I guess I don't have any reason to feel this hate and anger towards Jungkook..."

"He wants to get in the show business, but he doesn't take it seriously neither show enthusiasm or true interest in doing that. He's probably just here by second intentions." The taller told to the other that kept with a serious expression. "Really? Wait, let me talk with him then." He said and walked next to me, stretching his hand in my direction after, to help me get up. "Hey, let me help you." He said nicely and I took his hand hesitantly.

Hey, maybe he's actually a good guy... I think I shouldn't have have judged him so reckless...Yeah, maybe I...


...Was totally right about him before!

When I realized, it was already too late and I had already been kicked out of the building and left outside all alone... "Dammit...!" I shouted and punched the floor in full rage and glanced over the guy I had a huge desire to kill. "Don't come back. We don't want people like you, just give up and go home." He said harshly and closed the door right in front of me.

Got to hell, Jungkook! I hate you so much! Oh, let's see if I'm going home without what I want! Let's see who's going to give up first! Just get ready, because you and everyone else is going to see me more often from now on! Just wait!

Namjoon POV

"Seriously, that kid is so rude! He came here almost demanding people to get him in the show business and make him a star! Yes, we are always ready help people to achieve their dreams, but not irresponsible and idiot kiddos like him! He better go and never come back, because I don't want to see his face ever again!" I said upset, while I kept walking side by side with Jungkook.

"Don't worry, he will eventually give up. He looked kinda like an "eccentric person", but he didn't seem the kind of person who has any type of determination or that keeps trying without feeling a single bit of desire to just give up. You will see that he won't hear about him ever again." He said with his usual serious look and formal posture.

"Yeah, you must be right." I agreed with him, now finally being able to calm myself down and cheer up my mood. "I should just stop thinking about him and forget him. It won't bring me any good, if I keep doing that." I said to myself. "Well, now I need to get back to work. See you later." I told him goodbye to Jungkook and got inside the room I worked everyday in it.

However, I guess we were both wrong...


Three hours after the inconvenient visit from that annoying guy, all occupied with lot of work, I had all my work almost finished, so I could have the break I wanted to so much. "Finally a break!" I said cheerfully, while I stretched my arms in the middle of the air and walked by the hallway full of windows at my left.

"Should I get something to eat?" I wondered and started looking outside the windows without even realizing. "Maybe I could get something in the bakery nearby... Or maybe I could- Wait..." I suddenly interrupted my thoughts as I got my attention caught by...

What the hell?!

...The guy from before there sitting on the floor, right in front to the building, receiving weird looks from everyone that passed by!

"It's really him...? Am I seeing it right...?" I asked myself, rubbing my eyes and looking outside again, to be sure if I wasn't crazy or anything like that. "It's really him... He's really there... " I mumbled under my breath and I messed my hair in frustration. "He hasn't been there all this time, right...? Yeah, right, that would be just too absurd to happen..." I convinced myself me and decided to not believe in that "so ridiculous idea", but the whispers and conversations around me started making me doubt of myself...

"Damn, that guy is still there!" A woman, in the same hallway as me, told the other next to her, while they kept both staring through the window. "I know, right?! He's been there for hours! I wonder why he's there, he must have a really good and important reason to stay there sitting for so long!"

"Oh, whatever, he won't stay there for much longer" I said inside my mind. "He may be really desperate and idiot, but everyone has his limits, even crazy people like him! Now it's all just a matter of time for him to give and for me to find myself finally free from him." I thought and, so, I decided to just ignore that guy and have a snack, to then get back to work.

Jimin POV

"So... Recapitulating everything... How did I end up in this situation?!" I asked myself as I found myself sitting in the cold floor of the street, right in front of that luxurious building.

"I was trying to get in that agency to then enter the show business, I unfortunately found out that Jungkook works in that agency too, then everything went somehow wrong and I was kicked out from the building..." I started remembering that happend before getting there. "...And now I'm here, waiting for something to happen, actually without any good plan to change my situation or to convince them to let me in..." I realized my actual situation and sighed, before burst in rage.

"I'm such a idiot!" I shouted out loud and ruffled my hair in anger, calling more and more the attention of the people there passing. But that moment I decided to just ignore all of that, as I had my mind focused in other things...

I stood up as my legs were starting to feel really numb and took a deep breath, before looking with a sad expression to the construction build right in front of me. "Should just I give up and try another agency...? It seems the most easy thing to do..." I started feeling all depressed, but somehow, right away, I managed to get all my energy back.

"No, no! I can't think in give up, this agency has to be my passport to be a star! I can't go to a agency smaller than V's or my plan won't work! It has to be this agency! This is the only one agency that it's at the same level than V's and that can compete against his for the first place in the rank! So, I'm going to stay here and wait for Namjoon to get out and convince him to let me get in!" I shouted out loud and lifted my fist with confidence in the middle of the air. "I won't think in giving up again! I'm going to do whatever it takes to make this happen!"

Well, I think these are going to be some long days...

Namjoon POV

"Finally, I'm done with everything and I can go to home!" I thought with a simple but true smile sculpted in me. "But first, let's see if he's still there~" I started growing a provoking grin in my face and looked outside the window, to the same stop he was before the last time I saw him. "I knew it~" I smirked when, as I was already expecting, I saw that he wasn't anymore there at entrance.

"Well, it's almost 10 pm anyway, not even the most patient person would wait there for so long." I thought after looking to my wrist clock to see the hours. "But I'm still surprised, he actually managed to wait for a few good hours~" I looked outside with a small provoking grin. "Well, at least, he finally gave up. Thank god, I won't ever need to hear about him or see him ever again... Wait... What the hell?!" I suddenly shouted out loud when I realized that the last person I wanted to see was right in front of me...

"Good evening~" The guy said while peeking by window with a malicious and scary glare and grin. "What?! You?! What are you doing here?!" I asked him, even if I already the answer. "Wait, This is the second floor! How the hell did you even get there?!" I yelled at him through the glass of the window. "Determination!" He shouted from the other side of the window. "This kid is crazy... I need to get far away from him... And quickly..." I thought kinda scared of that weirdo.

"By the way, can you help me...? I don't know exactly how to get down again... Hum...? What are you doing...? Why are you walking away...? No, wait, Namjoon!" He started yelling my name, as I started running away from him and ignoring him.

"It's too risky to leave by the main door now... I think it's better and way less risky if I go home by the exit door at the back of the building..." So I decided to do that and headed to my destination, then opening hesitantly the door and walking outside slowly. "Ok, he's not here..." I whispered and took a deep breath in relief, while I kept hiding behind the wall next to me and looking to the street.

"Hi, Namjoon~" I heard someone talking behind me in a weird way. "Please no..." I muttered and turned around to face who I didn't want to see full of leafs and grass. "What the hell happened to him...?" I wondered with a serious expression and my lips making a straight line, until I realized the situation I was in that moment...

"Ah, can't you stop chasing me and annoying me?! Don't you have better things to do?!" I yelled at him. "You already know that I'm really desperat- I mean, determined!" He even corrected himself and I only continued looking at him with a blank expression. "You aren't even sure anymore..." I muttered, already impatient with everything that was happening.

"Anyway..." He got back to his malicious and weird grin that gives me many shivers every time. "I guess you already know what I want~" He said creepily and I gulped nervously. "I want... Ah, wait!" Before he could even start saying something else, I started running away and entered the closer taxi to me.

"Please, hear me, Namjoon! I only want you to give me a chance! I promise you won't regret it!" He tried to get inside the car I was in, but I quickly commanded the driver to get me out of there and start driving. "Ok, I think I'm finally free from the crazy kid..." I sighed in relief and looked outside the window. But then...

I guess I will never be free from him...

...I saw him running in the distance, at the same speed than the car, and looking with a scary expression. "What the fuck?! Are you fucking out of your mind?! Are you seriously trying to run at the same speed as a car?!" I yelled at him, after putting my head outside the window, and then, unfortunately, he somehow managed to catch up with the car...

"I... Need... This..." He said between the heavy panting and gave the most desperate look I ever seen, that made me shiver in, somehow, fear. Right away, almost as an irrational impulse, I commanded the driver to drive faster, to make the other not be able to follow us and to be left behind.

"Namjoon!" Was the last thing he said before disappearing in the distance, as were going too fast for him, and then the silence took over the car and the street. "Dammit..." I brought my hands to my face, to try to calm myself down, but still failing miserably...

What did I ge myself into...?


New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry, but soon I'm going to stop to update this story for a while to work and be fully focused in another fanfic that I pretend to publish in the future. :/ I hope you don't mind... ;-;

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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