The beginning

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Jimin POV

Everything changed after that day. Since the day I got to know - by the worst way possible - that I've been all his time just being used by the guy I cared about the most and maybe even felt true love towards, it passed a week. I never went to that apartment again... I don't have reason for that anymore anyway... And currently I'm living...

"Good morning. I'm back." I got inside calmly, greeting them and walking towards them.

...Where I used to work every evening...

"Good morning, Jimin." My boss's wife said cheerfully, while the boss just kept staring at me with a severe look, without saying anything.

"Do you want to have a snack?" She asked and, before I could even seat next to them, the other next to her stood up and sat in the opposite side of the room, but still without stopping glaring at me intensively. I sighed after watching all those cold actions that he started doing every time I'm near him. That has been happening a lot lately...

"Ah, don't worry, he's only acting like that because he doesn't like the decisions you have been doing lately and thinks you are changing to those teenagers that only care about their appearance, because of your recent hair color change." She started saying after finishing eating and drinking.

"But, deep inside, he's actually really worried about you and cares about you. He's just too proud and stubborn to admit and show it, ending up by acting all sulky just like right now. So, please, don't get depressed over that." She told me with a sweet smile and I nodded back, still glancing quickly several times at him.

I ate quickly the first thing I found in front of me and stood up, walking next to the entrance door, to leave. "I'm leaving again, I will be back soon. Thanks for everything once again." I said goodbye and bowed respectively to both. But before I could even step a foot outside, my boss spoke, what was actually a surprise, as he has been ignoring me totally lately...

"Are you going to try to get a job again?" He asked still with his old serious face. "Yeah, why...?" I answered back hesitantly, as I didn't know what to expect from him. "Do you seriously think that a guy that didn't even finish his studies like you can actually get a job?" He said harshly, hurting my pride and my emotions. "Sweetheart!" The woman yelled at his husband.

"Y-Yeah! Y-you a-are going to see! J-Just wait!" I shouted out loud and left the building quickly, ignoring the cold stares, from my boss, and the scolding for touching such delicated subject, from the woman that takes care of me so well, to his husband.

Dammit! This is all your fault, V! You destroyed my future! I left school because of you and I can't even return to Busan now! This is all because of you! But you're going to pay it, I promise! And I already know how!

Taehyung POV

"Achoo!" I suddenly sneezed. "Hey, are you starting to get sick?" My manager asked, while she picked our drinks. "No, it's probably just someone talking about me. What could we expect from someone so popular like me anyway?" I started getting all cocky and full of myself intentionally, just to "remind" her of my obvious popularity.

"Probably it's just that guy, Jimin, talking bad things about you." She said frankly and walked towards me. "Hum~? Why did you even mention that guy's name? Are you starting to get interested in him~?" I asked her playfully and she shook her head.

"It's not like that, I couldn't care less about him. But, on the other hand, I think you should be worried about him." She said, after sitting next to me. "Really~? Why?" I asked after picking my drink for her hand and opening the can.

"He seemed really determined to have his revenge. What if he actually gets in the show business like he said he would?" She told me with a serious expression and I just laughed after with that possibility. "Don't worry, I know him really well..." I interrupted myself to drink, before continuing.

"...There's no way that guy is going to enter the show business."


Jimin POV

I finally reached my destination and stopped right in front of the entrance, to admire and get fascinated with the beauty and luxury of the building. I had finally reached V's rival agency's building!

"Wow..." I said involuntary and I kept staring for a while to that fancy and perfectly done construction with my eyes sparkling, until I finally decided to get inside.

I never was interested in the show business or in being someone famous before and even currently I still don't know a lot about that subject... But this is something I need to do! I need this note than anything! Because only like this I can have my chance to defeat V and have the revenge I wish so much for. So that's why I'm going to do it! Well... Or, at least, I'm going to try to do it...

"Please I need this! I really need to enter the show business!" I told to the girls, behind the balcony, that attend people at the entrance. "I beg you, just give me an opportunity and let me talk with someone here that can help me!" I kept insisting, ignoring totally the fact that they had already given their answer.

"But sir, you don't have any appointment with anyone, There's no way you will manage to talk with someone right now. Please, come later when you have an appointment." They repeated the reason why I couldn't talk with anyone again.

"B-But I wanted to do that today...! I can't waste any more time...! Isn't anyone here today...?!" I started getting more and more desperate. "Y-yeah, but..." They started saying hesitantly. "...Like we said before, no one will talk with you without the appointm-" They were going to repeat everything all over again, but I didn't let them finish them.

"B-B-B-but..." I stuttered nervously and talked even louder, starting to catch everyone's attention without even noticing. "I-I t-thought you c-could help me...!" Weren't you s-supposed to be a agency r-ready with artist-agents to h-help anyone who is determined and wants to b-become a star...?!" I asked, almost even sobbing, even if I already knew what they were going to respond back.

"Even if we let you meet any artist-agent, there's no certainty that you will end up being a star or even that someone will accept to talk with you..." They said one more time and sighed, as they already knew well that I wouldn't give up just like that. But suddenly their expression brightened when a man at the distance asked what was happening and walked towards us.

"Namjoon!" They called his name cheerfully and, when he finally stopped next to us, they started explaining my situation to him, while he kept listening attentively.

"Hum..." He made a serious expression, as he was thinking deeply in what to do about me. I gulped nervously, because it was really probable that he would kick me out of here if he wanted to. And then he finally spoke...

"Ok, I'm going to do an exception and talk with him." He told them and I started smiling widely. "Let's go." He said and I follow him to where he was going.


"So... Why...? Why did we come here...? Here of all other places...?" I asked hesitantly while he took a bit of his drink. "Hum? What does this place have wrong?" He asked clueless.

"Ah, nothing... It's just..." I started saying weakly... "I wasn't expecting you to bring me to a strip club!" I shouted, because I just couldn't believe he had brought me there, and because that loud music, that I was already really familiar with, had just started.

"I think you shouldn't and don't even have any right to complain about it. I had already planned to come here before your unexpected visit and everything. You're the one who decided to follow me and annoy me in my break. You can just leave, you know?" He lifted his eyebrow playfully, with a discreet but provoking smirk, and placed his drink back on the table.

"O-oh, you're right..." I lowered my head, as I had just remembered that I shouldn't complain, but actually feel grateful for having him taking with me. "Anyway... Why not a strip club? Didn't you ever go to one?" He asked, without feeling any shame or uneasiness with that kind of question.

"A-ah..." I started stuttering a lot, without being able to let any understandable word out, as I didn't want to tell him that I actually worked in one, even because he could think "wrong things" and don't believe in me when I tell that I was a bartender only...

And he must had noticed my nervousness, because he smirked, but, fortunately, he didn't ask anything more about that.

"Anyway, it's here where I found my sweet pink princess! That's why I love to come here and just hang out! I come to this same place many times to remember and relive all my special memories I had here with him." He said, kinda innocently, but with some malice in his voice.

"I think that's kinda wrong in this particular situation and place... Actually, a lot wrong... It almost feels like you're just a pervert that uses that as an excuse to come to this kind of places without seeming "so" pervert..." Of course I didn't say the last part and, after, I didn't ask anything more, as I didn't want to know any of those nasty details that he would give if I decided to make more questions.

"So, let's just get to the point." He put a serious, but still friendly, in his face and a more formal posture. "I already know what you want and let me tell you... You were really desperat-" "Determined." I "corrected" him right away.

"Y-yeah, determined..." He said awkwardly and I smiled innocently. "Anyway... What are you interested in? Which section are you looking for? Singing?" He asked. "Hum... Prefer to just listen to people doing it." I answered honestly.

"Dancing?" He proposed another alternative. "I like to dance, but I think you or anyone else would like to see it..." I said frankly and laughed nervously, while he kept looking at me with his lips making a straight line.

"Acting?" I could noticed him starting to get impatient. "I'm not interested in that. Mean people are just going to say that I don't aegyo if I try take the role of a cute character, so no." I told him right away, making him sigh.

"Well, do you have any talent or something special then?" He made one last question, almost giving up on me. "Jams." I told him with a - maybe ridiculously - really serious face and he kept glaring at me with a weird look.

"Jams?" He asked, as he wasn't sure that he had heard it right. "Yes, I have Jams." I repeated and we got in a awkward silence, even if we were still in that loud place.

And the silence continued...



...And it lasted a good while...

...Until he decided to speak...

"Are you kidding?!" He yelled and stood up angrily, to start walking, in a quick pace, out of that club, as he had enough of me. "I can't believe I lost my time having this worthless and useless discussion with you! I think I really shouldn't have accepted to meet and talk with you!" He shouted out loud and increased even more his speed after noticing me following him.

"N-no, please wait!" I begged him, but he ignored me totally and start almost running away from me. "No, not now that I know what are your true intentions." He said and, before we could even noticed, we were already back in the agency building and inside it. "True... Intentions...?" I asked him completely clueless about what he meant.

"Yeah, you only want to get in the show business to get closer to Jungkook. I know it! It's always like that! Fans with no talent are always doing all sorts of things just to try to win a special place next to him and have a chance with him!" He yelled and grabbed my arms, to start dragging me outside the building.

"Let me go! I'm not like that! I'm not fan of anything, anyone neither of that guy...!" I yelled back, but then I realized... "W-wait, you s-said Jungkook...? T-then that means...?!" I took a few moments before saying it out loud. "He works in this agency...?!" I asked truly shocked.

"Oh, don't lie and say that you didn't know! Everyone knows that he works in this agency! Now get out of here!" He kept dragging me and I hugged the next pillar to me, doing all my efforts to not let it go.

"No, I need to get in the show business!" I kept struggling against his grip. "The show business only accepts people with talent, not kids that doesn't even know what they're doing like you!" He kept yelling at me, until we heard someone one else's voice...

"What's happening?" The person behind us asked and we immediately look back to see who it was. I didn't manage to know who that guy was right away, because I had Namjoon between me and the other person, but then Namjoon said one of the last names I want to hear...



He's here...!


New chapter. \(*-*)/ I'm going to update this story every Monday. ^-^ I hope it's okay for you. ;-;

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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