Pandora box pt.3

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Jimin POV

He didn't come back yesterday...

I sighed as I picked up my shitty and old phone that only could let me send short messages and call someone, and with a awfully slow speed and no connection to the internet or whatsoever... Well, I didn't have money to get another one, so I didn't have any other choice than stick with this one and try to not complaining about it, as at least I still had a phone...

I typed Tae's number with that ridiculously small buttons and waited for him to answer. And, as I was already expecting, it ended up in his voice mall...

*Sorry, but the number you called is not available right now. Please, leave your message after the signal* That lifeless and robotic girl voice said and I waited for that repetitive and annoying speech to be over, while I kept tapping nervously on the table by my side. *Beep* The signal was finally heard after those meaningless and empty words. I sighed.

"Tae, I'm really sorry... I didn't mean to make you angry or anything like that yesterday... And really shouldn't care about the opinion of those women, because they don't understand, they don't see what I see... Whatever they say, you will always be my number one... So don't worry... They will open their eyes sooner or later... And until there, I will be by your side... I will always be by your side..." I said everything that was going through my mind.

"Call me back later, if you get time and don't mind. But I can wait, don't worry. Just don't make me wait forever." I chuckled faintly. "Well... I guess I need to go now... Bye..." I finished and put my phone back in my pocket.

"I hope he listens to the message I left for him and that he gets his mood lighten up, at least a little bit, and gets to smile again... But I guess I will never know if any of that happened, as I won't be there to see him... And he's really busy anyway..." I took a deep and heavy breath and I walked inside the bakery (one of my many part-time jobs), stopping after behind the balcony, to get back to work. "If only I could go see him..." I gave a last sigh, until I remember...

"W-wait, he told me before that today they will give him a little break during the afternoon! And as I don't have any part-time job after this one, I can go see him at that hour!" I gained a open and unbreakable smile and started giggling like a idiot. "I can't wait!"


I walked to Tae's agency building, where I knew he still was by this hour, with a box full of cupcakes from the bakery I worked in and still with my uniform on. I've been wanting to give cupcakes especially made by me for a long time, so why not? And also this was the only way for me to pass the security and enter inside the building with no problems anyway...

I got close to the entrance of the building and saw many girls waiting there for Tae. I started hearing them having conversations like "I need to get his autograph!" and "I will finally see him in person!", and having mini fangirl attacks without even him being around.

Wow, Tae really has many fangirls now... I looked admired to all the fans that were here and with a small smile proud of him.

"Excuse me!" I started speaking with the security guards right at the entrance door. "I'm from delivery service and I came here to deliver Mr. Kim's order." I told them, and before they could even think about letting me go in or not, the fans behind me heard me and started going all crazy, because they were seeing an opportunity to enter too.

"Just go!" The security guards told me and push me slightly, for me get inside quickly and for them to block the entrance, to not let anyone else enter.

"Damn, fans are crazy!" I thought as I looked behind where all that loud fangirl screams coming from and to that crowd of people that kept trying to get in, but failing miserably. "Thank god I managed to get inside." I sighed relieved as I managed to pass the security and enter the main hallway, to walk after to Tae's private room.

And to think that before I was the only one waiting for him every day! He's really reaching his dream and being the famous idol he always wanted to be! I always knew he could do it, even when no one believe on him!

"Hihi, I bet he will be so happy with my surprise visit!" I chuckled already excited to see his expression after my appearance in front of him. But then I started hearing a familiar voice in the waiting room close to his private room... "He said They don't understand, they don't see what I see!" I walked closer to where that voice was coming from.

"And Whatever they say, you will always be my number one! Does that guy seriously think that I care with what he says or thinks?!" I pecked behind the wall and saw Tae talking with a girl...


"But come on, that boy is working all day just to try to live all by himself and to help you. He moved to this city, away from his family and his friends, just to take care of you. Aren't you being so harsh and mean with him?" The girl said after finishing smoking her cigarette.

"Hey, it's me we are talking about! Are you expecting someone that's been treated like a prince since a kid like me to have to do such annoying works like clean my rooms or cook? There's no way I would manage to live by my own here!" He answered back sincerely, as he sat next to her.

...What is he saying...?

"So you're saying that you only asked him to come with you to Seoul just to take care of you and get you a place to stay?" The other asked while she put the cigarette on ashtray. "I'm not saying that..." He said playfully and picked up the drink in front of him.

"But yeah that's the reason why I brought him with me. Since we were little kids, he has been helping with anything I need and doing everything I tell him to do without even get upset or complaining about it. If it wasn't for that..." He gave a quick pause to drink his beer. "...I would never tell him to come with me."

...I hate this...

"But it's not that I forced him or something like that. He's the one who wanted and agreed in coming with me when I asked him. He choose this by his own free will. So, it's normal that he does everything for me..." He brought his beer next to his mouth again and drank a little more, before continuing.

"...Since I don't want and hate to do anything else than work to be famous and he's desperate to show me that he can actually be useful."


"Then why don't you send him back home? You don't need him anymore, as you can take care of yourself now. He isn't even going to high school, right?" She told him and he smirked. "Ok, I will let him go back home to Busan..." He stood up and moved closer to her, making me frown even more. "If you take care of me from now on~" He played with his voice and sat on her lap.

"You say that, but I've been already doing that. You insist in coming to my house a lot and then I ended taking care of you." She said and crossed her arms next to her chest. "Of course~" He wrapped his arms around her neck. "Because someone like you is my type~"




I kept hearing the lockets of "a box* inside me getting open- No, actually being broken and shattered roughly and quickly without even my permission...

"And my parents were so desperate, that they were already considering to make me marry Jimin! They say "He's a really nice person, so you shouldn't care about his gender"! Are they kidding me?! As a boring and unattractive girl wasn't enough, it had to be a boy now?! Hell no, he can be gay for me or whatever, but I'm not gay and will never be! Not for anyone!"



That was it... That was the last locket...

I didn't managed to hold me back anymore and I threw at them the box that had brought for him, without really knowing what I was doing. The anger had taken over my mind... I couldn't think straight anymore...

But before it could hit him, he noticed the box going in direction and he dodged it right away, making the box and the cupcakes fall on floor. He then looked to where the box had came from and saw me there standing with my fists clenched.

"Jimin..." He whispered my name with a serious expression and stood up. "Jimin?! Is he the guy that came with you to Seoul?!" The girl looked surprised to him and then to me.

"So you have been only using me? Although I was everything you hated the most, you still asked me to come with you... Just because I'm could be useful to you?" I asked but he didn't answer me. Well, I didn't even need his answer, I already knew the truth...

"Huuh..." I hid my face with my hands. "Hey, are you seriously going to cry now? Stop, it won't do any good now and it's really annoying." He told me coldly, but I ignored. "Hu... Ha... Ha... Haha... Hahaha!" I started laughing.

The box is totally open now... And inside it's only...

"Hahahahahahah!" I kept laughing, gaining weird stares from Tae and the other girl, but I didn't care about. I didn't care about anything anymore. Only after I while, I stopped laughing and gave them a distorted and malicious grin.

...Malice, anger, hate, resentment, desire for revenge...

"YOU WERE EVERYTHING FOR ME! YOU WERE EVERYTHING I NEEDED! BUT IT SEEMS THAT EVERYTHING WAS A STUPID PLAN FOR YOU TO JUST USE ME!" I said with a full of hate voice and started creating a crazy murderer atmosphere around me.

"I'm going to have my revenge and I will make you regret everything!" I threatened him and he looked at me indifferently, but then he started creating slowly a cocky grin in his face. "Seriously? You? You of all people?!" He gave a quiet laugh and snapped his fingers, making the security run quickly towards me and grabbing my arms. "What?! Let me go!" I screamed, as I tried to struggle against them and free from their grip, but failing miserably.

"You can't even touch me, so how do you intend to have your revenge?" He asked with his hateful grin growing more and more every second. "Well, I guess you still don't know, but it's okay. Just don't take too much time to find the answer and to do your thing. It's just that I will keep getting more and more famous, so I recommend you to hurry or you will never be able to reach me. The world I keep entering in doesn't have a place for a useless and worthless boy like you." He told me and sat again next to the girl.

"And by the way, I won't ever return to that apartment again, so you will have to enter in the show business to ever manage to lay a finger on me. But don't stress yourself out so much and just give up, ok? It's impossible for you to reach me, you won't ever be on the same level as me." He finished and flashed me a rude, snapping his fingers, making the security guards drag me out of the building.

I hate him so much! He's going to regret this! I'm going to have my revenge! You will see, Tae! I will do everything I need to, just to make you regret everything, even if it's the last thing I'm going to do!


"Mister, everything is done. Your hair looks so different with his new color! Orange really suits you." (N/A: I love Jimin with orange hair the most *Q*) The girl said putting all her utensils back in their place and giving me permission to stand up. I looked to the mirror and touched my hair.

"It's almost like I'm a totally different person..." I looked to my reflex and analyzed how I looked with the new clothes and my painted hair. It was such a different sensation... But a good sensation...

"Here is the payment. You can stay with the change." I gave her the money and walked away, without giving her have a chance to say something against it. After getting outside, I took a deep and calm breath after and smiled widely full of confidence.

I'm going to change and to get rid off my boring old myself! I'm going to have my revenge, you will see! So, just wait, V! Everything is still just starting!


New chapter. \(*-*)/ School is starting today. ;-; I don't want to go to school. ;-; I'm not mentally ready to go. ;-; I hate to go school so much. ;-;

I hope you enjoyed. ;-;

Bye ~(T-T~)

- Danielar

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