Pandora box pt.2

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Jimin POV

"Tae!" I shouted his name, as I stepped quickly inside the apartment. "Don't yell my name so loudly, idiot! The neighborhood may hear you and then they will find out that I'm here! I don't want any more attention and problems for today!"

"OMG, he's here! I'm so happy! I can't believe that this happening!" I started having a little attack of happiness inside my mind.

Kim Taehyung and I are childhood friends. We met while we were still little kids and, because of my family and her relationship with his family, I made many visits to him and I ended up by growing up and being friends with him. I know everything about him, all thanks to that. And that's how I know what makes him happy, when no one doesn't know... That's why no one can substitute me and take my place next to Tae... That's why I try to believe that I'm important to him...

"Do you want anything to eat, Tae? I can make you something, if you want." I asked him with a bright smile. "Why would I want to eat now? It's almost midnight, I already had dinner." He said kinda coldly, while he put his things inside his backpack. "Oh yeah... You're right... " I ended up by giving up from the idea of making dinner, even if I still didn't have eaten anything yet.

"Do you have beer or anything like that?" He asked as he opened the refrigerator and looked inside it. "You know I don't drink anything with alcohol..." I told him weakly. "But you know I always want to drink something with alcohol, mainly beer, when I'm here." He said harshly and I gulped nervously.

"I-it's just that you don't come home that often and ultimately, when I try to call you, it always ends up in your voicemail... And as you never tell me when you're coming, I-I..." I started saying shyly while I kept nervously playing with the hem of my shirt...

...I tried to start to give up on having this painful hope and love... Was what was running in my mind, but I didn't tell him...

However, he gave me after a death glare, making me regret right away what I had said. "So you are saying that it's my fault?" He asked angrily. "N-No, it's n-not like t-that..." I stuttered and lowered my head, as I didn't want to see his angry expression.

"I'm busy, you know? I already have many important things to worry about and to do, so how am I supposed to have time for something less important like call you when I'm coming?!" He said really upset and I only whispered a "Yeah, I guess I shouldn't have asked for something so selfish...".

He's always angry and in a mood bad when he comes home... In summary, he's like that every rare times I see him and talk with him... And to think he was so nice back then, when we were kids and also when moved to this city together... It almost like we are talking about two different persons... So much changed without noticing...

"N-no, he's only like that because he still hates to have his actions and life controlled and he has his superiors always giving him orders all day! So, he comes homes all stressed out and that's why he's always in a bad mood when he's around me! Yeah, that must be it!" I said to myself and shook my head to take out those depressing thoughts that I hated so much to have.

"T-Tae, I'm going to the supermarket nearby. Do you want something?" I asked him, but he totally ignored me and didn't respond me. I sighed and started leaving my apartment.

I don't know why I keep feeling so down with every little thing... I shouldn't feel like this.. I should feel the happiest person in the world right now! Even because...

...I'm the one who put myself I'm this situation...

- Flashback -

Tae is from a family that owns a huge and really important korean inn chain, which main branch is in Busan, and he is the only son of that branch's owners. So, his parents wanted him to marry one of the local girls and to inherit the inn for them. However, Tae hated the future that his parents had reserved for him and he never accept it...

"Hell no! There's no way I'm going to do that! I want to live like I want and to have a way more fun life! If you want someone to take care of the inn, get someone else!" He yelled at his parents.

They are fighting again...

"What did we already tell you?!" His father raised his tone of voice and yelled even louder and angrier at him. "And what did I already tell you?! I want to work on the korean music industry and win life with it, with my dream job! I won't abdicate of my dream just because of you or mom!" I noticed him clenching his teeth...

"Tae..." I whispered his name, behind the wall, where I was hiding without them knowing, while I kept listening to their argument.

"You keep with that non-sense?! Just give up from that stupid dream! It won't get you anywhere!" His dad said already really pissed off. "I said no! You can't decide my future for me! Just leave me alone, old man!" He insisted and gave a rude "tsk" to him. "Ah, you little...!" (N/A: Why the hell did I think in Homer Simpson when I wrote this sentence...? e.e' XD) He clenched his fists and was about to punch Tae when, before he could even put a finger on him, Tae's mom stopped him.

"Sweetheart, don't do that... There's no need to use violence... Maybe later he will open his eyes and see that we are right..." She said calmly and gave a small smile to Tae, to show that she wasn't mad at him or anything, although we could see her disappointment in her eyes. "Ok, I won't do it..." He calmed himself down and sighed. He then gave a last cold glare to Tae and finally left the room with his wife.

It has been always like this... They start fighting whenever they talk about the future and then they never reach to an agreement... But one thing that his parents didn't know, was that Tae already had made up his mind... He had already decided to move to Seoul to become what he always wanted: a famous singer. And it was just a matter a time for him to start putting that plan in action...

"Jimin..." I heard him whispering my name and I gulped nervously, as he had just found out that I've been hiding there all this time. "Were you listening...?" He asked me and I started stuttering a lot, without being able to say anything. "It's okay..." He flashed a small smile that didn't last too long. "And by the way, I wanted to ask you something..." He walked towards, shortening the distance between us and making me feel even more nervous, as he looked really serious.

"W-what...?" I asked him and a awkward silence surround us for a while, until he started talking. "Do you want to come with me to Seoul...?" He asked hesitantly, as he was afraid of my answer, and I won right away a idiot and silly smile on my face. I chuckled and finally gave him my obvious answer...

"Of course!"

- End of the flashback -

That's how I ended up in my current situation. I moved to Seoul with Tae and he has been trying to achieve his dream since then. And that's why I don't care with how much I struggle every day. He's been working hard, so I'm going to the same for him. I'll help him in everything I can and to put my problems and concerns in second all the time. And that's the only thing I need to be happy... I only need to see him happy... And make him happy...

I entered my apartment with everything I had just bought and noticed Tae with a backpack on his back and putting on his shoes, right at the entrance. "A-ah, Tae. Are you leaving...?" I asked him with a little sadness present in my voice. "Yeah, I only came here to pick up a change of clothes." He stood up, when he was already ready, and started leaving the apartment.

"W-wait, why don't you stay a little more...?" I hugged his arm and I felt him lightly pushing me off and struggling against my embrace, making me feel deep sadness inside me. "Why would I stay here for any longer?" He hit my arm and started walking away from me. "I-I..." I started saying nervously. "You what?" He stopped in the middle of the hallway, but still without turning around to face me, and waited for me to say something. "Ok, it's now or never!" I thought and grinned slightly, as I knew how to blackmail him to make him stay.

"I bought your favorite ice cream!" (N/A: I love ice cream *Q*) I shouted out loud, making him froze in the middle of the hallway. "That one with a cute shape of a lion~" I lifted the bag with the ice cream in the middle of the air, making turn around slowly, to look at me with his eyes sparkling with happiness. "Hihihi, you aren't going anywhere~" I said inside my mind.


"You know? I'm sooooooo famous now, so I can't just enter a place like a supermarket. It's already too difficult to walk in the streets and not get spotted by fangirls (and fanboys), even if I'm really well disguised." He got a taste of his favourite ice cream, before continuing to talk. "And I need to keep my image and my cool, so I can't just ask someone to just go to buy ice cream for me too." He told me.

"And to buy a lion-shaped one that it's for kids...~" I said playfully and he gave me a death glare. "Nothing, nothing." I chuckled and lifted my hands in surrender. "Hmph." He turned his head to the side upset, but his beautiful and cute box-shaped smile appeared right away as he gave another lick on the ice cream. "At least, he's in a good mood and smiling now." I thought and smiled involuntarily too. "And I managed to make stay too~" I smirked, but discreetly, to not let him notice.

"Ah, Tae! A girl that works with me in a part-time job and that used to love Jungkook said that she now prefers you over him!" I told him, knowing that he would get really happy knowing that. And, as I was already expecting, I was right.

"W-what?! Really?!" He looked surprised at me and I nodded with a quiet smile. "Yes! I got another one of that stupid idiot's fans!" He started jumping cheerfully, but still carefully to not let the ice cream fall in the floor, and then he stopped and smugly smirked. "I guess I'm not that far away from taking his title of "best guy" from him~" He said full of himself but right away he distracted himself with the ice cream that he loved so much. I smile to that cute side that I rarely had of him.

*We are back with today's famous guest.* We had left the TV on in some channel and it was now passing a random show. *And who is today guest? Is no one else but who everyone had been waiting anxiously all this time! Yes, he's the number one guy, the person that owns the title "top guy" of the entertainment world...* We suddenly got our attention caught on the program that was passing in the TV and I gulped nervously, as I knew what was for coming.

*Jeon Jungkook!* The girl in the TV said and I muttered an "Oh no...", as everything that I most feared was going to happen all over again... And it took less than a second to that start...

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Tae screamed while we could hear cheers from the other side of the TV and fans screaming Jungkook name, crying, making a scene and don't even what anymore. *Well, as expected, you have lots of fans and you are really popular!*

"No, don't listen to her! They are probably all fake fans that were paid to be there and to act like that!" I told to Tae, to see if he would calm down, but the TV wasn't helping...

The girl started after praising Jungkook and, before I could even notice, I was already hopelessly distort her sentences to look like they were discreet critiques, just to not let them hurt Tae...

*Your smile is so bright, Jungkook~* She said and I started to try to get excuses to tell him that what she was saying was actually a flaw that he had. "She means that his ridiculous bunny teeth are so big that reflect even the smallest ray of light around him and burns everyone's eyes."

*Your hair is so shiny~* "She means that he wasn't been washing his hair lately and that now it is sweaty, dirty and greasy, that it looks all shiny!"

*Your posture is so straight and formal, although you are so young~ And you are so tall too~* "S-she means... I don't know..." I gave up on what I was doing hopelessly and without any good coming from it.

*Ah, and we done a questionnaire to women in their early twenties with the question "By who would you want to be held?" . Let's show now the results!* The results were shown in the TV screen...

Jungkook was in first place...


...And Tae was in seventh...

*As expected, you were chosen as the number one! How do you feel by accomplishing so much admiration from everyone?*

After looking to the TV with the results, I looked to Tae that just stared full of rage to Jungkook. "T-Tae..." I reached my hand towards him, to try to calm him down, but, before I could even touch him, he stood up and started walking away. "No, Tae, wait!"

"Don't worry about it, Tae! Women in their twenties are all shotacons and pedophiles! You shouldn't care about their opinion! They just go after the youngest ones to feel themselves more young too! You will see that when Jungkook gets older and reaches your age, he will lose his charm and forgotten by everyone! Then you won't have any obstacle in your way and you will be the best "top guy" that people ever seen!"

"Then you are saying that even if he's younger than me, he's still better than me?! That I will only be the "top guy" if he loses all his qualities with the years passing and not by me surpassing him?!" He stopped for a few seconds to look coldly. "That's not it..." Was everything I managed to say...

"Then what is it?!" He yelled at me and, before I could even (try to) answer back, he left the apartment and slammed the door behind him...

He just left...

*Ah, Jungkook. And what kind of woman do you consider as your ideal one? Your fans have been dying to know~*

...And it was all because of him...

*"Woman...? Well, I guess my type is a person nice outside, strong inside, silly, but mainly true with themself."*

...All because of Jungkook...

*Well, thanks for the sincere answer and for coming here today. It was a pleasure to have you here!* The girl said and he thanked back, flashing after that stupid and fake smile of his to the camera.




New chapter. \(*-*)/ Sorry everyone, but I won't update this story every two days like my first one. ;-; And I still don't have a update schedule too, sorry. :/ But I promise to update at least one time every week (maybe every monday) and to update longer chapters, ok? ^-^ So, please, don't get mad at me. ;-; I just really want to play Danganronpa Another Episode that I got at Christmas. ;-; XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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