Pandora box pt.1

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Pandora box. Everyone has his own box inside them. A box closed, sealed and hidden from everyone. A box which we are all born with it and the content is unknown to everyone.

A myth says that the pandora box contain all the evil of the world. So, in this case, it would be all the evil inside a person. But, of course, that's only a myth, not a certain truth. Even because we almost don't know anything about that special box inside everyone...

But one things is for sure: that box can be opened. And there it will always come the day when his content would be revealed to everyone. Some people sooner, some people later. And others sadly way too sooner...

Jimin POV

And this is me. Park Jimin. A young guy with a normal life, that lives independently and works in multiple part-time job, to get his own money and to try to live all by himself. A pretty normal life, right? Well, I guess...

"Give me a lap dance." The guy commanded with his harsh and husky voice, but still loud enough to be heard perfectly in that place with noisy and painfully loud music. I looked away and closed my eyes shut, as that old and hurtful routine started.

How could girls and people the same sex as me do this so easily and without feeling so dirty...? Yeah, guys doing this was already something normal to see in this town and also easy to find in so many places around this neighborhood. Like in here...


...And it's getting even more popular to exist guys strippers nowadays, because girls are starting to get more and more perverse this days and looking for these things for some strange reason... It's all thanks to the internet and other things that I don't even want to know and that I'm too afraid to ask... (N/A: *Cof cof* Wattpad e.e' XD *Cof cof*)


...But like... Seriously! I never can get used to this, even after how much time I've been here and seen others doing it! And when I curiously ask them about how they do this without feeling uneasy or bad with themselves, they all say that they just got used to it and that it already feels natural for them! But how?! How do they get used to it?! How does that feel natural?! Damn, my innocence is going away everyday I work here... Why did I had to accept this job...?

"Hey, sir!" I heard someone yelling right on my side, snapping from my thoughts. "Give us four Long Island Iced Teas!" He told me and I started quickly preparing their drinks, thanking him inside my mind for distracting me for that view that I had almost everyday while I was working there, but that I kept trying to ignore hopelessly.

Yeah, one of my part-time jobs is in a strip club... This one of the few places that were open all day - surprisingly, because normal strip clubs are only open at night - where I could gain a good part of the money that I was desperately needing every month, so I thought "why not?". And, at first, they even asked me if I wanted to be stripper too, but I refused it and decided to be just a bartender, as it still had a good salary. But it's still really tiring physically and mainly psychotically...

"Jimin, sorry I was late, I had something urgent to do. But you can leave your shift now that I'm here." A girl said as she started quickly dressing her uniform and getting behind the balcony, to take me place.

"Ah, it's okay." I responded warmly and smiled at her, giving my famous eye smile, and making her blush slightly. "Aish, I still don't know how someone so sweet ended up working here." She said playfully and I only chuckled quietly in response. "Well, bye, Jimin!" She said cheerfully, waving her hand quickly and happily, and I waved my hand back and finally started to walk away.

After finally leaving the bar and going to a quieter room, I checked the hours in the closest clock to me hanging in a wall. "Hum... It's already 7.10 pm..." I thought and kept walking slowly, until I realized... "It's already 7.10 pm!" I shouted out loud and started running and changing my clothes at the same time. "If I don't hurry, I won't make on time to my next part-time job and I will arrive really late!"

I passed by the changing room and entered to the lockers room, which everyone had access to. I started opening my locker quickly, as I needed to hurry up to arrive at time to my next destination, but then I suddenly got my attention caught by the girls next to me's conversation...

"From now on, V is my bias, my ultimate, my only one for me and no one will take his place in my heart!" One of the girls shouted. "V? Are you talking about that guy that got more popular recently and whose singles started being sold a lot ultimately?" The other asked.

"No way!" The third girl said. "Weren't you all into Jungkook and fangirling about him before?!" She asked and I started feeling a deep rage when I heard that creature's name. Yeah, I hated Jungkook. But we will get there later.

"Ah, yeah, but I changed my mind. I only care about V now! He's way cuter and a much better singer than Jungkook!" She started praising him, making all my rage disappear right away. "Seriously, did you already see him?! My heart can't take so much perfection in only one person!" She kept saying all Tae's qualities and showing her admiration towards him (and having fangirl attacks), making me unconsciously nod my head smugly and feel proud of V.

"But why do you keep saying that V is better? You can't say that Jungkook sings worse than V, we never even heard him singing before!" The second argumented.

Ah, of course he sings way worse than V! We don't even need to hear him singing to know that! He's just an actor with a pretty face! That's all! I thought as I started putting my uniform in the locket.

"I don't care! I'm into V now! And! And! And look at this!" She gave a dramatic pause, before pulling two poster from her backpack. "I bought his third single first golden edition bonus and got two Kim Taehyung life size posters!"



"And I also bought a life size pillow of him, but of course, I wouldn't be bringing it in my backpack to work. That would be too embarrassing!" She chuckled. "And it didn't fit in there anyway." She looked away embarrassed.

"I won't even say anything about the pillow..." One rolled her eyes. "...But you seriously bought two of his CDs?" She asked after, crossing her arms next her chest in disapproval. "One wasn't just enough~" The first one just responded while laughing.

"No way..." I started mumbling under my breath. "I also bought two CDs but..." I bit my lower lip. "...It didn't come with any of those posters..." I felt in my knees and wrapped myself in a ball of depression. "Why?! I even waited outside the store the whole night, in the day before the sale, just to be the first one to buy it!"

"You know, you didn't need to wait all night to buy, these things don't get so easily sold out here." She told me, but I just ignored it. "V-V's poster..." I reached my hand desperately, almost begging her to give me hers. But as I knew that she wouldn't give me hers posters, I just gave up and brought my legs closer to my chest, to hug them and hide my face in my knees after.

"Jimin, do you still have the receipt that they gave you when you bought the CD?" The older one there asked me. "Y-yeah, why?" I asked her with my head still lowered.

"Well, it's just that you can show it to the store and say that they forgot to give them. Maybe then they will give you the posters that you want so much..." She told me and, right away, I looked up to her with a huge smile, as a ray of light was now illuminating me in that depressing atmosphere that I've been caught stuck before.

"But it's not like they will give you just like that. They may not get convinced by that and think that you're lying to have another poster." She said logically. "And it's not like a nice and so sweet boy like you will start a fight with the people in the store just to have the poster, right, Ji-?"


I closed the locker's door with all my strength and started running to the exit, without caring or thinking about anything else. I just wanted those damn perfect and precious posters. And I would do everything to have them!

"Damn, I never saw someone running so fast... And for a motive like this..." The woman said kinda shocked. "And I thought he was a calm and matured person..." The other said admired too.

"Yeah, I know right? And I never expected him to be the type of person that is interested in idols... And in male idols..." She said and then the three changed glares and smirked...

"I guess we just found a rare fanboy~"


I started riding my bicycle, I guess in a kinda absurd speed, as people kept giving me weird looks. I almost hit a tree, a car, a object that I didn't manage to identify, and person, who yelled "Watch out, jamless guy!", making me want so much to stop and walked towards him, to beat the crap out of him. Kidding, I wouldn't do that. Even because I knew that, in the end, I would only ask politely him to not call me that and maybe even cry in front of him... Yeah... Sadly, that was totally what would happen...

Ah forget it, Jimin! Just focus in what it's important!

I climbed the stairs on my bike, without even knowing how, and jumped off that high bridge, almost faceplanting on floor. But I didn't care. I only needed to kept my mind on the V's posters and in nothing else. And that was what, kinda surprisingly (even for me), I did all the way to the store...


Before I could even notice, I had already entered in the store in high speed, still on my bike, and almost hit and killed the owner of the store...

"I... DIDN'T... GET... V'S... POSTER..." I said still panting heavily and trying to catch my breath. "W-we d-don't have t-those posters a-anymore, but we can g-give you t-the store's ones, i-if you w-want...!" He told me, stuttering a lot, and I accept right away, leaving the store after with the posters in my arms.

"I can't believe that I have V's life size posters!" I thought cheerfully, as I wasn't expecting the owner to give them to me, because I didn't have any proof that I didn't get one and that I wasn't lying. "I'm so happy!" I said to myself while I hugged the posters tightly.

"Well, now I have to go to work. Let me see the hours..." I looked to the clock on my wrist. "Oh..." Was everything I said before starting panicking again... "It's 7.45 pm! Oh no, my boss is going to kill me! I need to hurry up!" I got on my bike again and started paddling quickly...


"Jimin... You shouldn't push yourself so much... Yeah, of course, we want you to come at time, but... The distance from your other part-time job and to here takes to a normal person 40 minutes to travel! You didn't have to do it in 15 minutes! I don't even know how you even managed to do that!" My boss's wife said, while she gave me a bottle with water.

"Neither... I..." I said faintly, as I all my strength taken away and I was almost dead. "You can't work like this! Just rest today!" She told me and started helping to get up, but I refused her help. "No... I need to work... Or I won't be able to pay my rent..." I said as I tried to get up for myself.

"But don't you have other part-times jobs too? Where do you live to need to pay so much? And why to you keep living in a place like that if you have to work like crazy to have money for it?" She asked, but I didn't answer and I only stayed quiet.

"Ok, I won't ask about that... But to stop going to middle school and tit work all day, there's obviously something wrong... You shouldn't push yourself so much, Jimin... You are even starting to get so skinny... Have you been eating properly...? You are destroying your beauty like that..."

"I'm okay, don't worry. I'm not forcing myself to do anything. I only do this because I want to." I told her with a small smile, as I started dressing my uniform. "If you say so, Jimin..." She sighed and walked away, to start working again.

I ended up changing my clothes and, when I was sure that she wasn't anywhere close to me, I lost my somehow forced smile and started frowning.

"Yeah, I'm okay..." I mumbled under my breath, almost like I was trying to convince myself of that. "...Because this is all I ever wished for..." I told myself, to try to remember the reasons that made me decide to do all this and to not regret my decision... However, even if I was doing this all by my free will, it was still really tiring... But what other choice do I have...?


"Yeah, I don't have any..." I sighed. "I guess I should just go to work now..." I thought and put that forced smile on my face again, to prepare myself to that boring routine again...


- Flashback -

"Jimin, you are always reading fairy tales!" My mom walked next me and hugged me from behind. "Of course! I just love them sooooooo much! And, mom, mom!" I grabbed her sleeve and started repetitively pulling it happily. "I want to be in the future a prince to protect my beautiful princess and stay by her side forever!"

"Really~? Because I think you fit better as a princess~" She said playfully. "Mom!" I pouted and she chuckled. "It's just that someone so silly and clumsy like you needs to have someone looking for him. And I want my Chimchim to be protected by his beloved one~" She pinched my cheeks. "At least, you are already beautiful and cute like a princess~"

"I want to be a prince!" I insisted, pouting even more. "That's a shame, you would be such a gorgeous princess~" She ruffled my hair. "No, you will see that I'm going to be the most handsome and with more jams prince that you will ever see!" I said and stuck my tongue out, making her chuckle again. "Ok, ok, we will see later who was right~"

- End of the flashback -

"Yeah, I guess she was right... I won't ever be a prince... If I can't even take care of myself, how am I supposed to protect someone...? And maybe not even a princess I can be... No one will ever want to protect me or stay by my side... I'm not even beautiful too... So, I guess I'm too far away from being a prince or a princess..." I thought and sighed, while I kept walking to my apartment.

But, honestly, it's not like I care anymore about that. Because, even if I can't be a prince or even a princess...

"Hey, the lights are on..." I realized as I looked up to my apartment window. "Don't tell me... He's here?!"

...At least...

I started running to my apartment, with a huge smile, and entered the elevator, pressing the button to my floor.

...I'm now...

I left the elevator and opened the door of my apartment, seeing after him right in front of me.

...with a prince.



First chapter. \(*-*)/ Damn, I wasn't expecting the first chapter to be so big... e.e' XD Or any of my chapter... e.e' XD Anyway... :P I won't start updating this fanfic right away, but if you really want the second chapter, I will try publish it next week. ^-^ But only the second chapter, ok? e.e XD

I hope you enjoyed. ^-^

Bye ~(*-*~)

- Danielar

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