Chapter 1

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A/N- Typical me. Starting another story when I got a million other unfinished ones... but oh well. That's what being a writer is all about. I'm in love with High School AU's so I decided to start my own! Yay! This is gonna feature other B-Way characters in it along with my Newsies. So... spread the word SHOW CHOIR TROUBLE IS HERE!

P.S If y'all haven't read High School Musical(s) by jackrinefluff then go READ IT! She's the one who is gonna help me write this! So sorry if this closely resembles some characteristics of her story, it's not my intention to copy!



High School sucked. It really, really did. And Enjolras was bold enough to tell anyone who asked. Sure, West Side High was a fairly large school with the states highest ranking baseball team in home runs. Sure, it's football team won state every year; that's all the school ever really accomplished. Since all funding went to sports there left little to no money for the music programs, and it also didn't help that no one wanted to be in show choir, or marching band, or orchestra or anything 'uncool' like that. Well, that is no one except thoes few brave souls.

Enjolras no had to admit he was one of them.

Dancing and singing had never really been his sorta thing, he'd always been more interested in playing baseball with his friends. Or watching old war movies with his girlfriend curled at his side. In fact, he wouldn't even be in this situation if it weren't for his girl.

"No way."

"Oh come on Enjolras!" She had said all her sass and spit fire personality being shoved down his throat. "You've got real talent, I've heard you!"

Why oh why did she hold so much power over him? It was all because of his weak lonely soul. That's why he was now stuck with show tunes blasting in his ear.

Better shape up!

Oh kill him now.

'Cause I need a man!

No, no, no. What was happening?

An my heart is set on you!

This was miserable. But on the plus side he got to listen to Katherine sing and watch her dance... and wow was she was a good dancer.

"You better sing louder boy, or you'll drown yourself with silence!"

Enjolras snapped out of his trance and looked up to at their teacher, Miss Medda was the bubbliest person Enjolras had ever met and made him want to puke every time he saw her outfit. Which so happened to be a bright pink shirt with neon green boots. She gave a whole new meaning to color.

"Sorry Miss." Enjolras stuttered trying to match Katherine's feet as she tried to teach him the dance steps. He was a lousy dancer, he really was. The only reason Medda had even let Enjolras in was because he had sung a few lines of Grenade to her and she had fallen instantly in love.

"Don't be sorry! Sing louder, your voice is sweeter than a hot fudge Sunday!" Medda called laughing at Enjolras's face as he accidentally stepped on Katherine's toes.

"Ah! Sorry babe."

Katherine glared at him and Spot Colon paused the music as Katherine leaned on her knees to catch her breath.

"Well... that could have been a lot worse." She said wipping sweat from her forehead.

"Look, I'm not cut out for this type of stuff." Enjolras admitted. "I think I'm just gonna stick with baseball-"

"Don't you say another word!" Medda said walking up to him sassily. "The arts are for everyone! Now don't you dare give up, you've been here for less than ten minutes! Okay Spotty, let's start from the top." Medda said turning away from the small group of kids.

"5, 6, and 7, 8."

Enjolras did his best for Katherine's sake, theater was her life and he would respect that. Even if it meant his own personal torture.


"Geesh, who was that guy?" Elphaba asked Spot after class had ended and everyone had left.

"Who? Dah blondie?" He asked craning to look up at the green girl from his cursed 5 foot state.

"Yea, I've seen him around school but I didn't know he was into show choir." She said taking off her jazz shoes.

Spot glowered at the floor. "Well he shouldn't, he don't got the talent for it." He said and Elphaba didn't miss the edge to his voice. Spot tended to get anxious when guys were around, since he was small he took it upon himself to be extra harsh to people who posed threats. And since Spot had been the only boy in show choir since Freshman year, he didn't like the sudden change.

"He doesn't have the talent for it." Elphaba corrected.

"What eves Grenie." Spot said with the wave of his hand.

Elphaba laughed at her nick name and gathered up her stuff before waving goodbye to Spot who always stayed an extra two hours after school practicing his pirouette's. She'd always envied his dedication to dancing. Elphaba just did it because she couldn't do anything else, and besides... what better people to hang out with then the people who excepted her for who she was? And not... not the green freak everyone else saw her as.

"Hey Ephaba! Hold up!" Sandy Olsson called to the green girl as she stepped outside the set of double doors.

"Oh, hey Sandy." Elphaba said to the girl. Her hair was curly in its usual wild way and her black skinny jeans glinted in the sun as she jogged up to her. Her Pink Ladies jacket was slung across her shoulder and she popped a piece of gum right in Elphabas face as she matched her stride.

"Bonnie wanted me to ask you if she needed to bring anything tomarrow for the poster in Mr Valjean's class." Sandy said.

"Um... no I already have it done." Elphaba admitted.

"What? But we just got the assignment today." She said her eyes widening.

"I did it durning lunch."

Just then a 1970's car rolled to a stop in front of the school and reeved its engines impatiently.

"Come on Sandy lets get goin'!" A voice called from inside the red car.

"Gotta scram love, see ya tomarrow." Sandy said waving goodbye.

Elphaba waved back unenthusiastically and turned down the side walk heading for her home, Nessa would already be home by now considering her father took the liberty to take her little girl home after school everyday. Apparently he assumed Elphaba needed the exercise because he never bothered to give her a ride.

You'd think that after four years of Elphaba being in High School he'd never remember he had a second daughter that couldn't drive.

Guess not.

Elphaba turned her head as she heard a car approaching her, the car slowed down to match her speed.

"Hey Jellybean, can I give ya a ride home?"

Elphaba rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless, Jack Kelly, being as irresistible as always. She'd known him since preschool and he'd always been a flirt. They'd always been acquaintances through out their school years, Jack was in that group if friends that said 'if you hang out with the losers, then your a looser' but he'd never really followed that rule and as far as Elphaba knew Jack was still the most popular guy in school.

"I thought you didn't want to be seen hanging around me." Elphaba teased as his car continued to creep along side her. Jack gave her a crooked smile and his blue eyes shimmered in the sun, it was easy to see why every girl in the school had a crush on him.

He was hot.

"Oh your right... guess I'se should jus' go then." Jack said sarcastically.

"Yea good idea."

"Come on Elph." Jack insisted stopping the car. Elphaba gave in and jogged around to the other side and slid into the nice car. She could hardly believe she was riding in the same car as Jack Kelly, much less having a friendly relationship with him.

It had all started half way through last year when a group of Freshman had started throwing celery at Elphaba in the cafeteria and making fun of her skin. Jack had put an end to it and announced to the whole school that if anyone wanted to make fun of her skin then they would have to go through him. After that they'd become fast friends and Elphaba had helped him pass English that year which he greatly appreciated.

"So how's life." Jack inquired putting the car back into drive. "I haven't talked to you in a while."

Elphaba shrugged. "Pretty good, I can't really complain. What about you? Don't you have baseball practice after school?"

"Not today, the marching band needed a field and the football team wouldn't let them use their's." Jack said shrugging as he ran an absentminded hand through his black hair.

"Oh, well that was nice of you guys." Elphaba said.

Jack shrugged. "Actually it was my idea, since I'm Captain I call the shots... and well, da boys weren't to happy about that."

Elphaba amired him for that, gosh he could be so selfless sometimes. She often wondered why she ever heard any bad rumors about him.

"But dat's enough chit chat." Jack said grinning at her. "Let's get to the real juicy stuff."

"Oh no, not again." Elphaba said with a groan. Every time she was with him he took the liberty to ask her about her deepest secrets, and most of it had to do with guys.

"Who's your man these days? Ah come on Elph, I gotta know." Jack said with a laugh.

"No! I don't... I haven't got anyone..." Elphaba said. It was true, and Jack should of known this .

"Sure you do, everyone's got someone, it don't gotta be a boyfriend I jus' wanna know who ya got a eyes for."

"And why would you need to know?" Elphaba challenged.

"So I know what I got ta compete with." Jack said cheekily. Elphaba rolled her eyes at his teasing, she folded her arms refusing to speak. "Come on Jellybean, you know I ain't gonna let you outta this car until you tell me."


"Okay fine." He said. "I'll just guess who it is."

"You are not-"

"Is it Marius? 'Cause I know how ya like smart guys. Oh! Or maybe that rich fellow who's in our math class..."


"Yes! That guy."

"No. Not that guy, neither of them."

"Okay fine, I can go all day sweetheart." Jack said grinning. Elphaba slumped in her seat knowing that if she did tell him who she liked he would never let her hear the end of it. "How about Race? Or that Aaron Burr guy? I think I saw you talking to him the other day."

"Ugh, Jack." Elphaba groaned hating it so much.

"No! No! No! Wait, I'se got it." Jack said taking his hands off the steering wheel briefly to celebrate. "That new rich kid that jus' moved here from California... er what's his name... Fiyero? Is that is name?"

Elphabas cheeks darkened a full two shades greener at the sound of the boys name. Out of all the boys at West Side Jack had to mention that one?

"So that is his name." Jack said smirking at the way she now resembled a cucumber.

"N-n-o I don't know- well actually it is- but- I mean- how would I know?" She stuttered so badly she would never recover.

Jack laughed. "Ooooh, interesting choice. Though I'm not so sure I approve." Jack admitted.

Elphaba frowned. "Why not? What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing, I jus'... think there's better guys out there then a guy named Fiyero." Jack said shrugging.

"Oh," Elphaba said slightly crestfallen.

"Don't take it the wrong way doll face, I jus' don't wanna see ya get hurt. That's all." Jack said looking over at her his New York accent making her feel better.

"No your right." Elphaba said not wanting to feel sad right now. "He's probably gay anyway."

Jack laughed. "Yea no kidding, like who wears a sparkly red jacket with matching skinny jeans on the first day?"

Elphaba laughed and looked over at him deciding she wanted to change the subject. "So what about you? Got any girl in your sights?"

"Ah, ya know me. I don't got girlfriends." Jack said. "Just dates."

"Yes I do know that... so who's been your recent victim then?" She asked curiously.

Jack shrugged. "I dunno... I took Cosette out on a few dates a while ago. 'Course that was before I knew she already had a boyfriend... but anyway, I also took Roxie out yesterday and... wow that was amazing." Jack said smirking at the memory. "Totally doing that again if she'll let me..."

Elphaba rolled her eyes knowing Jack would kiss any and every girl if the opportunity arose. But she didn't really mind that he was like that. That was Jack Kelly.

"So... nobody special?" She asked curiously knowing him well enough that there was defiantly more to the picture.

Jack sighed. "To be honest... yes. Ugh, why do all the good ones gotta be taken already?" He asked sounding annoyed.

"I know." Elphaba said thinking about how Fiyero had recently stated dating the school plastic: Galinda Uppland.

"Well, guess it's jus' us then." Jack said smiling yet Elphaba could spot he was still thinking about someone... someone special.

"Guess so."

Honestly, Elphaba was cool with that.

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