Chapter 2

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Can anybody find me?
Can anybody-
Can anybody-
Can anybody find me?
Somebody to... love!

Enjolras watched as Katherine closed her eyes, the sweet melody escaped her lips and filled the room with a powerful sound. He was completely content to just stand there and listen to her sing for the rest of his life.

But all good things had to come to an end.

"Very, very, nice Katherine well done." Medda clapped. "As for everyone's else, you have to learn the choreography! No more of this laziness! Just a because Katherine has a nice voice dosent mean she can pick up all your guy's slack!" Medda scolded the other six people in the room.

Enjolras groaned, Katherine knew how much he hated dancing but he wasn't in the mood to get yelled at by Katherine so he kept his mouth shut. It had been her idea to bring him on board after all, but what could he say? She'd caught him singing in his shower when she'd snuck into his room the other night (almost giving him a heart attack) and demanded that if he didn't join show choir then she would tell everyone at school he wore the French flag for his underwear.

And he was not gonna let that secrete get out.

"Alright, your all done for the day." Medda said getting up out of her chair.

Enjolras knew why she was in such a bad mood. The school had cut their funding again, and since there wasn't anything to make the Grounding Melodies of West Side High good, nobody wanted to join.

Well... there was that and every body shunned the musically talented kids like the plague. Katherine had told Enjolras that she couldn't even count how many times she'd been called a nerd, or a looser, for being in show choir. Heck, she'd told him the only reason she was even coming to school anymore was because of that class, it kept her sane, and pulled her away from the stress back at home...

"We have to get more people in here." Katherine said quickly rounding on Enjolras suddenly.

He took a terrified step backwards and almost crushed Spot who was working on his left splits. Katherine always tended to get him anxious when she got in her moods. And right now she was in one of them. Spot gave Enjolras a dirty look as the blonde boy skirted away from the terrifying tiny one.

"Wait what?" Enjolras asked confused.

"In here, the Grounding Melodies are going to shrivel up and die if we don't have more people join." Katherine said crossing her arms over her purple shirt.

"Yea right, like that's gonna happen." Enjolras said sarcastically pulling off his red jacket and slinging it across his shoulders.

"Well why not? I got you to join." Katherine said backing him up against the mirror across the wall. She had always been good at making Enjolras nervous, and when Enjolras got nervous she could get him to do what ever she wanted.

"Yea... but that's just because your my girlfriend..." Enjolras said swallowing as Katherine narrowed her eyes at him.

"Baseball." She said shortly.

"What?" Enjolras said blankly surprised by her sudden change in direction.

"I want you to talk your little baseball buddies into joining GM." She said a glint of a challenge in her eye.

"Yea right Kath... they'd rather die then have to sing and dance." Enjolras said knowing his boys better than anyone. Sure, they weren't the meanest of the school, and the certainly didn't make fun of people in music (Enjolras was in a relationship with one duh) but they sure as hell wouldn't want to join.

"They will." Katherine said confidently.

"Oh yea? And what makes you so sure?" Enjolras challenged back bravely.

Katherine grinned. "'Cause I'm gonna make them want to join."

He wasn't sure how she was going o manage that, but he sure wanted to find out.


"Bye, bye, Kelly."

Jack grinned at the hand that flashed him a wave before disappearing, he leaned his head back against the broom closet wall they had been useing and smiled at the scent Roxie had left behind in his hair. She was good, of corse she was good she was Roxie Heart, but Jack still felt oddly unsatisfied as he contemplated getting up off the floor.

He was getting desperate, he knew that.

But it was difficult when the one he really wanted already had someone else.

Oh well, life sucked. No sence to cry about it now, he would just distract himself with another girl later. Letting as many fall into his trap until he got bored again.

No, he wasn't proud of it either.

"Jackie! Where ya been?" Race asked slapping Jacks back as he finally arrived 30 minutes late to practice.

"I was busy." Jack said knowing that Race would understand. It was kind of a code word him and the boys had, they'd been doing it ever since Sophomore year.

"Oooooh I see." Race said smirking as he shouldered his bat. "Well if it makes you feel any better, Enjolras was late too. Except he wasn't with a girl." Race said leaning in like he was going to tell Jack a secret.

"Then where da hell was he?" Jack asked positive there no excuse was good enough.

"You'll never believe it." Race said looking over to where Enjolras was warming up his arms. "He joined the show choir."

Jack shorted so hard he a most choked on his own spit. "What? Ya gotta be kiddin' me."

"Believe it Jack, saw him coming out of A hall with Plumber and the rest of thoes kids myself." Race said.

Jacks face softened a bit, and for some reason he decide he wasn't gonna give Enjolras complete hell. He wasn't sure why... well actually he was, but he wasn't about to admit that.

"Well then," Jack said. "Guess we're jus' gonna have ta have a little chat with him then."

"Let me tell him what fo'!" Race said excitedly. Jack shook his head knowing Race would tease him to no end.

"Nah Race, were better than the Football team. We ain't gonna make fun of him for bein' a nerd." Jack said grinning to himself. Although he would love to tease him about it Jack would never being himself down to that level. There were some things you were allowed to tease about, and some you just weren't.

Race and Jack walked up to Enjolras ducking as he almost missed there heads with the bat by about two inches.

"Ah, sorry guys didn't see ya there." Enjolras apologized setting the bat down. "Hey Jack ya finally made it!" He noticed.

"So did you." Jack said grabbing the bat and twisting it in his hands.

"What do you mean?" Enjolras asked peeling off his gloves and whipping sweat from his forehead.

"Nothin' I just wanted ta congratulate you on joining show choir." Jack said trying his hardest not to be sarcastic.

Enjolras rolled his eyes. "Oh, I see." He said scoffing. "Your mad because I'm in show choir now."

"Not at all." Jack said raising his hands defensively. "I'm actually impressed ya goin' through with it. What made ya do it? Did Miss Medda pin ya down an blast show tunes in your ears until you agreed?" Jack asked.

"I'se can actually see her doin' that." Race said with a chuckle.

"No," Enjolras said. "It was my Katherine's idea actually."

"Oh," Jack said suddenly thrown off his guard, and it wasn't the fact that Katherine had convinced him to join (that was no surprise, she could persuade Jack to take off his pants with just one glance... which he would totally do if she wanted...) Anyway, that wasn't what had thrown him off, it had been the way he said 'my Katherine' like he owned her or something.

"She wants you to join." Enjolras said missing Jacks entire throw down in his head.

Jack blinked. "Wait... me? She wants me to join?" Jack added not sure if he felt confused or flattered.

"Yea, well no, not just you. The whole team, we need more people to join badly and she wanted me to ask the team to join." Enjolras said.

"Hell to the no." Race said spitting on the ground. "I ain't singin', and I ain't dancin', that's for girls."

"Try telling Spot Colon that. He would rip you to shreds." Enjolras said his icy blue eyes narrowing at Race.

"Look Enj we ain't interested." Race snapped back.

"Okay, Enjolras." Jack said coming closer to him. "If ya want us ta join they ya gonna have ta come up with a pretty damn good reason why."

To be honest Jack wouldn't mind being in show choir (he would never tell anyone this) but he actually enjoyed singing and dancing, he'd been doing it ever since his mom died. It was the only thing Jack could find to relief his stress from the world.

But no one would ever know that.

"Oh Katherine will. I promise."

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