Sometimes I get a Good Feeling

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Zelda's POV
I sat on the windowsill of the barn, staring out the at the clear, open sky. It was almost like it was calling me to spread my wings and fly. "Zelda?" My co-worker, Uli, asked, snapping me out of my daydream and reminding me my wings were broken. She giggled as I got my head out of the clouds.

"Zelda, sweety, you've been doing that on and off for hours now. Are you feeling ok?", she asked. I looked at her with a confident smirk before answering, "Uli, I'm leaving." She looked slightly shocked. "Leaving?" I nodded and smiled lightly.

"Yep. As soon as Fado gives me my check, I'm outta here." Before Uli could respond, Fado busted in. "Speak of the Devil," I muttered. "Fado, I need my check."

"Can't do that, Zellie. I'm busy." His response sent anger pulsing through my veins. "Fado, you said that last month! I need my money, Uli's got a kid to feed-"

"Look hon, it's just buisness. I wouldn't expect a woman to understand," he growled as he stomped over to the barn doors.

"Listen here, Fado!" I shouted as he slammed the door. That did it. I marched on over to the door on the side of the barn and inside the small produce shop. I yanked open the register and started taking rupees out and putting them in my wallet one by one.

"Zelda! What in the world are you-"

"I'm only taking what he owes me. Not a rupee more," I answered, cutting off her question.

"Zelda, if you take that money, he's going to go after you," she warned me, obviously worried.

"He's gotta catch me first." I smirked as I turned around and began reaching into my bag, pulling out two purple rupees and handing them to Uli with a small smile. She looked at me in shock as I put the money in her hands.

"Here. This should cover that bike for little Colin, who you are late picking up from school." I handed Uli her purse with a smile and said, "Go on. I've got it covered here for now."

"So you're really going?", Uli asked.

"I'm really going." Uli looked at me with a small smile and handed me back the rupees. Before I could protest, she shook her head.

"That bike can wait 'til Christmas. If you're really going, you need this more than I do." I shook my head as she nodded reassuringly. "It's alright. Take it." I smiled as I gave my dear friend a hug while she said, "Good luck out there, sweety. You have to promise to write to me and Colin and tell us about the big city, ok?"

"I promise," I answered as we let go of each other. She smiled and nodded, as a sign of good luck.

"Alright. Well, I'm going to go and pick up Colin. Mind locking up before you go?" I nodded before she smiled and walked out the door, wishing me luck one last time.

I looked around at the empty shop and ranch, smiling. I was finally getting out of here, and I was not looking back. I grabbed my keys and walked out of the side shop, slamming the door shut behind me.

Leaving the keys in a pot by the front door, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me into my house to grab a few necessities before heading out on my escape to Castle Town.

I dashed through the door and grabbed a small suitcase that lay atop of my square wardrobe. Unzipping the small luggage bag, I opened my wardrobe, grabbing a handful of undergarments, outfits, and a second pair of shoes. I took a moment to view my progress. It wasn't much, but it'll have to do...

Remembering what else I needed, I ran into the bathroom and grabbed a small supply of makeup and toiletries. I placed the items inside the suitcase and looked up at a picture on the wall above my bed. The picture was of me and my mother two weeks before she died. Smiling sadly, I wrapped The photo in a soft scarf and placed it gently inside the bag.

Grabbing my bag, I took one last look at my old, worn out home. I'm glad I won't be coming back here. With that last thought, I slammed the door shut and ran out to the edge of Ordon as fast as my feet could carry me.

I finally slowed down as the Ordon Bus Station came into view. A confident smile was plastered on my face as I walked inside, greeted by the smell of motor oil and old coffee. A small, scrawny man greeted me as I asked, "Uh, excuse me? How much is it to Castle Town?"

"Oh! Um... One way or round trip?", he questioned timidly. I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"You're kidding, right?" He chuckled as I reached into my pouch for twenty rupees. He exchanged the ticket for my money as I thanked him. I quickly boarded the bus and looked out the window. I definitely wouldn't miss this place.

The long ride seemed like it would never end, especially since it took hours to cross over Hyrule's vast countryside. Finally, the vehicle came to a stop at a station just inside Castle Town. As I got off, I looked around in awe. This place was amazing! Buildings towered above my head and seemed to touch the sky. There were so many people walking around, and thousands of cars as far as my eyes could see.

My mind was so overwhelmed that I couldn't even think properly. I needed to think rationally about my situation. If I was going to stay here in Castle Town, I needed somewhere to stay. With that, I was on the hunt for a hotel room I could stay at for the time being.

I grabbed a newspaper from a little machine and browsed for open rooms nearby. Luckily, there was an Inn a few blocks away, so I walked through the crowds as best I could to rent a room. As difficult as it was, I eventually navigated my way to a tall brick building that towered above me.

I walked inside and checked in quickly. The lady at the counter handed me the keys as I thanked her and traveled up to the eighth floor.

Two doors down a narrow hallway from the elevator, I opened the door to see a small room with a dull beige covering the walls. The sheets where a snowy white, making an awkward contrast between the colors. A large window looked out over the bustling city, and a black desk sat just in front of it. It's not much, but it'll do.

I started to unpack, reaching into my suitcase and grabbing the photograph of me and my mom. Placing it gently on the bedside table, I smiled smally. I finally did it, Mom. I made it to the city.

Looking at the money Fado owed me, I thought for a moment. I knew he'd be after it eventually. Where could I hide this? I scanned the room for some place that wouldn't be too obvious of I hiding place.


I walked to the bathroom, hoping I could find a spot in there. I scanned the quaint restroom, praying for a hiding place.

Still nothing.

Then, I got an idea. I folded the pouch to where little air was let in; I lifted the top part of the toilet and gently hid the bag, placing the very top of it. Satisfied with my hiding place, I put the lid back on, concealing the remains of the pouch.

Exhausted from today's excitement, I trudged back to the bed. I flopped onto the soft covers. I'd finish unpacking tomorrow. Once my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.


Heeyyy my Strangers! Since I am having MAJOR writers block on my story, Dark Link's Return, I decided to give you all another story based on one of my favorite musicals, Burlesque. Hopefully you all enjoy this while you wait on another chapter for my main story. I love you all! Stay Strange!

♡ - Em

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