Welcome to Burlesque

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Zelda's POV

My eyes opened to find filters of light glinting through the window. Groggily, I sat up and looked around. I smiled brightly, seeing that what happened yesterday wasn't just a dream. I hopped out of bed, grabbed some clothes, then walked into the restroom.

The warm shower massaged all my stressed muscles. I haven't felt so relaxed in what seems like forever. Warm, soothing streams ran through my hair and down my body as I sighed. I can't explain it, but I know something was going to happen today.
I turned the shower off and wrapped myself in a fluffy white towel that was folded on a small silver rack outside the tub. I quickly dried off and slipped on a pair of black leggings, a deep purple tank top, and a denim jacket. Grabbing a pair of short heels, I walked out of the bathroom and looked at the newspaper I picked up yesterday, browsing the jobs available in the fine arts section.

Many advertisements caught my eye as I scanned through the paper. There were so many places to audition for, and they were all so hard to choose from. I stood up with the newspaper in my hand, motivated to try out for as much as I could. Today was going to be a busy day.

~ Time Skip ~

It still amazed me how large the city was, not to mention how confusing it is to navigate through. Streets spiraled around ginormous buildings in all directions like a massive spider web. No thanks to the many people I asked for directions, I eventually made it to my first dancing audition.

No luck.

Feeling more determined, I walked my way to a backup singing try out.

No luck.

Time after time, I was rejected. No dancing, no singing, no acting...


The late night sky clouded the brilliant blue it once was with an inky black, covering Castle Town in shadow. As the darkness shrouded over everything, my stomach growled, interrupting my discouraged feelings. I looked around for a place to grab a bite when a red and purple neon sign and a beautiful woman standing on the fire escape stairs caught my eye.

She was wearing an outfit that left very little to the imagination and just finished lacing up her knee high black stiletto boots when she looked down at me. I thought it was impossible to look more stunning, but her gorgeously designed face proved me horribly wrong. Her intoxicating amber eyes seemed to hypnotize me, and her firy orange hair was intoxicating. I've never seen anything like it.

The sudden appearance of a tall man with short white hair got me out of my trance as he ushered her inside the building. This place had me intrigued. I looked up at the bright sign and read Burlesque Lounge. I walked down the stone stairs, curiosity itching beneath my skin.

As I walked through a wooden door, I heard a very tango-like melody. I looked to my right and saw a stage with many women posing and dancing to the beat. Their sparkling intricately crafted outfits caught the dim lighting at amazing angles, glinting like millions of stars in a galaxy.

"We may not have windows, but we definitely have the best view on the Twilight Strip."

I turned around to see a handsome man with short blonde hair and twinkling maroon eyes. He smirked at me and held out his hand. "20 rupees."

"What is this place? A strip club?", I asked, taking another glance at the performers.

"Strip club?!", he asked, obviously offended, "My dear, I should wash your mouth out with Jegar-Meister!" I smiled apologetically while he continued, "The only pole woman you'll find up there is Cia the shot girl."

I turned back to the slow and rhythmic movements of the stunning performers when the man sighed, "Babycakes, I've got a club to fill here. What'll it be?" His impatient hand beckoned for me to hand him rupees.

Hesitantly, I reached into my wallet and grabbed a single red rupee. Pursing my lips, I closed my eyes and handed the money to the man, who eagerly snatched it from my hands.

"Please, enjoy," he smirked as he held his hand out at the scenery. I walked to an open seat at the bar just as the music picked up. I turned to look at the dancers and I was immediately caught in a trance.

A tall, stunning woman with silver hair pulled back into a small bun, leaving out a long strand that hung just to the outer edge of her right arm. Her low voice sounded as if it was sent by the Goddesses, sending beautiful melodies ringing through the air. She gracefully strut around the stage, her flowing movements catching every bit of my attention.

The dancers with her were just as amazing, seductively swaying to the tango-like beat. Every move they made was intoxicating, and it left me breathless.

Sadly, their performance was over much too soon. I applauded madly, awestruck with the stunning precision in their movements. My trance was broken as I felt something tapping on my shoulder.

I turned around only to come face to face with the fiercest blue eyes I'd ever seen. They were rimmed with a dark black eyeliner, adding a mysterious touch to his godlike features.

"Hey, can I get you a drink?", he asked with a smooth, husky voice. I chuckled at his question, knowing I had absolutely no money left with me.

"Only if you're buying," I answered with a slight sigh.

"Welcome to Castle Town," he smiled as he placed a glass of ale in front of me.

"Thank you," I replied, returning his slight grin.

"Where you from?"


"Kakariko," He said with a slight bow, "We're practically related."

"I thought you looked familiar," I giggled.

A fast paced rhythm played throughout the lounge and I looked at the stage to see new dancers showing off new complicated movements and costumes. I smiled, watching every sparkle, every move, every step. I turned back to the bartender, who was now cleaning out a beer glass.

"Who does a girl have to flirt with to get from here," I asked pointing at the bar then up to the stage, "to up there?" He chuckled at my question and cocked an eyebrow, resting his arms and leaning across the bar towards me.

"You? Flirting?"

"Says the one wearing more eyeliner than me?", I smirked, my sassy comment catching him off guard.

He laughed lightly once more before directing, "Go through that door back there to the right. Ask for Impa. She's your guy; flirt away." I smiled and got up, taking one last sip of my drink before walking away.

"Hey, Ordon!", I heard him call out. I turned around to see the bartender leaning across the bar holding a small slip of paper. "Use my name." I took the card from him and scanned it. I looked back up at his glinting sapphire eyes and smiled.

"Thanks, Link."

I put his card in my wallet and followed his directions to the door leading backstage. Seeing it was open, I walked up the spiraling black stairs and inside the hot, bustling room. There were people rushing in all directions, ordering and taking commands.

"Volga, the sink is busted... again!", the girl I saw outside earlier shouted, glaring at a man with grey hair slightly peeking out from beneath a deep red fedora.

"Not calling a plumber, Midna," he sighed as he marched over to the silver haired woman that sang earlier. "Impa, we have to pay th-", he said, cut off by the woman from earlier.

"Volga, how many times do I have to tell you? No business during business hours," she commanded.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? You won't talk to me before the show. You won't talk to me after the the show. It's like you're avoiding me!"

She glared up at him saying, "Well, I didn't divorce you to spend more time with you." He sighed in frustration and waved a piece of paper in her face.

"This isn't going away! I may not be Mr. Impa anymore, but I still own half this place!" She snickered and flashed him a sly smile.

"Mr. Impa?", she asked through her laughter, "That is so hot." Volga groaned once again.

"Impa, Ganondorf Dragmire is coming here tonight."

"So what?"

"So, he's here to give you an offer."

"Look, I'm not selling to anyone, no matter what anyone says. Nothing you try to do will change that. Now, don't you have something else to worry about?" With that, he sighed, grumbling under his breath as he pushed past me. Seeing that they were finished arguing, I walked over to Impa, who was now fixing her makeup at a giant vanity like the other dancers had.

I walked behind her and leaned down slightly behind her asking, "Um, excuse me? Are you Impa?"

Without breaking her concentration on her face, she asked, "And you are in my mirror because?"

I leaned back, feeling my face flush a bright pink. "Oh... sorry. Uh, I'm friends with Link, and I'm looking for a job."

"Ok, and where have you danced?"

"A-at home, mostly. But I-I can move!", I stuttered. She chuckled like I was a little kid making a fool of themselves.

"Alright. Just give your name and number to Ghirahim over there and we'll let you know when we're having our next audition."

"Ok, but it's just... I've never seen anything like this and I would love to work here, a-"

"Ghirahim!", she shouted, cutting me off, "Honey, where the Hell is Cia?!"

I heard a slightly muffled voice from behind me sigh, "I don't know. She's late again."

"Oh, I'm never late... ever," I interjected.

The man I could only assume was Ghirahim came up behind me and took a hair clip out of his mouth and said, "Look, darling, we're trying to put on a show here. Now, if you could just do us all a favor and leave your name and number with your friend, Link, downstairs, and we will give you a call when a spot opens up." With that, he led me back over to the stairs and walked back to Impa's side.

"Impa!", a voice called out, "I lost a contact on the stage!" A girl with short blue hair and navy blue fishnets with a tiny indigo dress ran past me and to the front of Impa and Ghirahim.

"Alright, if you fall off the stage, keep your legs extended and your boobs up," Impa winked.

"Remember, you're a goddess!", Ghirahim added as he bent down to help Impa with her shoes, earning a slight giggle from the girl.

"Thank you, Ghirahim!", she said sweetly as she skipped off.

"Thank you Ghirahim!", Impa mocked with the same sugar-sweet tone and laughed before screaming, "Ow!"

"What? The foot?", asked a concerned Ghirahim.

"Yeah the foot, the back, th-"

"The hips, the breasts, the face," Ghirahim continued, gesturing to what he said. Impa laughed, giving him a gentle push. I turned around to head back downstairs, but my plans were stopped by a girl with short snow white hair crashing into me.

"Oh, Goddesses! Cia!", Impa shouted, sarcastic happiness oozing from her words. "You know, Ghirahim and I were just talking about you, and he said,"

Impa looked over at Ghirahim who continued, "I said, it's so sad that Cia couldn't join us for the first number, but it would be so great if she joined us for the next one."

"Paws and claws," Cia said as she shrugged off her black jacket, "took longer than I thought."

"Yeah, and so will finding a new job when I fire your late ass," Impa threatened.

"Whatever," the diva scoffed. I stared at her through the mirror as I leaned against the black railing of the stairs.

"You," she barked looking at me through her reflection, "bring me a martini, extra dry, three olives." The stunning red head I saw outside gently grasped my shoulders from behind and smirked at the she-devil sitting in front of us.

"She doesn't work here, Cia," she sighed, letting go of my shoulders and strutting over to a vacant vanity on the other side of the room.

"Well, then she's not busy," Cia growled after her. She glared daggers at me as she asked, "Didn't your momma ever tell you that it's not polite to stare?"

That did it.

I mustered up the most awestruck voice I could and stuttered, "I-I'm sorry. You're just so damn beautiful... I-"

"Well in that case, screw your momma and stare away," she commanded with a slight shimmy.

My eyes widened in fake shock as I gasped, "It's just... no one would ever know..." Cia slammed her makeup bag down on the counter top in front of her mirror and turned to look at me, her icy stare pissing me off even more.

"Know what?"

"That you're a dude," I answered snarkily, smirking to myself as I walked down the stairs and back to the bar. I heard all the performers giggling at my comeback, knowing that she needs to be put in her place.

I walked back downstairs to see Link scolding a short blue haired girl with a bright blue skin tight leotard, who obviously didn't have a care in the world of what he had to say. Looking to the side of her, I saw an empty round tray used for serving the customers.

I slipped it into my hands and began walking around the lounge, collecting empty glasses and taking orders. Link looked at me curiously and asked, "Ordon, what do you think you're doing?"

"Please, one night," I begged, "If I'm not at least twenty times better than boobs for brains over there, you don't have to pay me." He glanced at the supposed to be waitress sucking some man's face beside the bar before looking back at me.



Heeyyy my Strangers! Chapter two of Show me how you Burlesque is out, and it's a long one this time. Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed chapter two, and I will talk to you lovely people in chapter three. I love you all!

♡ - Em

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