Chapter 6 Checkered

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     Marinette's POV:

      As Marinette got ready for work, she sensed something was wrong about the whole thing. She arrived on time. She went straight to the kitchen and started on the floors.

    She mopped then set out the sign that read "Caution: wet floor."  She did not know that the walls in the dining area had been repainted recently. No one had told her this which is probably why she was clueless about it.

    Marinette took orders as usual, but as she was about to walk back to the kitchen she started to fall. She braced herself for impact as she slip around, and tried to grab ahold of the wall nearest her. This did not go over so well because she ended up with a funny mark on her hand.

    Yes, that is right she got a checkered pattern on the right palm.

     Marinette glanced at her hand when she heard Adrien gasp.

        "I uh, better go wash this off," She remarked. She spoke so softly he almost did not hear her.

     Adrien's  POV:

         Adrien saw the smear mark, left on the wall by Marinette's hand print. He thought I hope she does not get in trouble for this. He figured it was a simple mistake that could have happened to anyone, right?  Besides, how was she to know it was a fresh coat of paint.  It  was not like there were any signs up to warn her about it.

      He almost did not notice himself.  Why if it were not for the smell and the smudge mark on Marinette's hand he would have thought the paint job to have been an old one. The colors did blend in well with whatever was already there. He was sure of it.

       Marinette's POV:

          Marinette washed the paint off her hands. She sighed the entire time. She saw her boss enter the kitchen with a furious look in his eyes and an even angerier facial expression. She thought oh no, now I have done it.  She frowned.

         "Marinette, could you explain to me why the checkered pattern is so messed up above table six today?"  The boss asked more calmly than she would expected since he looked so angry.

        "Sorry, it is just I almost fell, and did not see the fresh paint, sir," Marinette explained. She was not sure how to judge his reaction to her explanation.  

        "I see," This was all he said. He scratched his chin, then spoke up again, "Well, see to it the next time you almost tumble that you grab ahold of a chair or ask assistance from the Agreste boy, we can not have our employees ruining the walls surfaces you know."  

       Marinette heard him walk off and felt the disappointment from his words. She knew it. She was right he did not trust her.   Ugh, she thought what can I do now to prove it was an accident.

      She smiled as she thought of just the thing.

        Other customers POV:

        The other customers whispers came to a complete stop as Marinette re-entered the dining room part of the restaurant.   They all thought that the waitress was a rather pecuilar thing indeed.

       None of them saw her grab the wall, but they did overhear the boss remaind her for it.  They all felt as if they could agree with him.  Some even thought it foolish that the manager should let her continue to work here with how clumsy she was anyway. It has to be bad for business they thought among themselves.   

     Others though the boss was a bit hard on her since he did not have any "Caution Wet Paint" signs up. 

     Still the majority of them might have looked down on her overall clumsiness, but did not dare say as much so as not to hurt her feelings. Besides, most of them thought she made up for it by her kindness to others, and willingness to admit to it if she felt she had made a mistake.

       At least she was not vain, and always going on about her looks to everyone. Let alone the sort to flirt with every last customer.  

       They agreed rather they liked her or not that she was more compent for the job than most people are these days.


     Narrator's  POV:   

      The narrator felt sorry for the girl who went out of her  way to do the best she could and wished she could do more to help her.  Then, again who was she kidding, she is the author to the story for crying out loud.  It can not be that difficult to include some amazing moments for the young lady now could it. 

       She smiled as she thought of just the thing that might come in handy.  Yes, indeed that is a splendid idea. She kept all bright ideas to herself so as not to ruin the plot or spoil it.

      Marinette's  POV:

       After work that day, Marinette searched for the paint to match the area she had ruined. Sure it was an accident, but that does not mean she could not fix it.  She found the exact paint. She smiled and got to work. However, she scowled in horror once it was up. The area was worse than when she fixed it. 

      "Ah, what do I do now?" She asked no one.

      She took a closer look and laughed. Now, she knew it was a designer style pattern done with a special border stencil. She searched. She found it. She painted over the mistake with solid white paint. 

     She waited over an hour. Satisfied it was dry, she tapped the stencil to the wall. Next, she used the paint to make the checkered pattern as before, and smiled as she examined it. There that is so much better she thought. She slowly removed the stencil, cleaned it off, then stored it where it belonged.  

     Marinette headed home tired, but grateful that the wall is no worse for wear since she took care of the issue. She hopped her boss would be pleased.  

     She arrived home safe and relaxed.  She wondered if Adrien ever had any such struggles at his work place. Then, again perhaps he did not since he was the boss of his company.

      Adrien's POV:
          Adrien grinned as he thought about her.  He knew she was bound and determined to repair the damage to the wall. He hopped she did not get hurt or in to much trouble because of it. He supposed he would find out soon enough. For now, he better just pay attention to what his employees were up too. He was in charge of them after all.

        He sighed a bit as he checked the progress on the upcoming budget report one employee worked on for the past few weeks. He felt it was better than he expected.  

  "Wow, great job there, Harold,"  He said.

Find out more in Chapter 7

  bye, bye little owlets!

-Summer out!


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