×Chapter Eight×

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Cole's POV
  As I coughed up green blood, Kai and I both stared at it in confusion.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked, I shrugged.

To be honest... I don't even know if I'm OK myself...

"Should I get the nurse?" Kai asked, I shook my head.

I stood up, and helped Kai back to bed.

"Stay here, I forgot I have to make an important call. It'll take long, but I promise I'll come right back." I explained, Kai stared at me.

"Are you sure?" Kai asked, I nodded.

"I'm sure." I said, Kai nodded and crawled into bed.

I stayed until Kai fell asleep. As soon as he did, I ran out the room.

As I ran through the hall I pulled my shirt off, and jeans. Tripping over my own foot.

Under my clothes, I had my ninja GI on. I was outside now, I got in  my car.

I started the engine, as I did I could hear Sensei Yang's voice in my head...

"Come and fine me..."

I shut my eyes as I drove off. Sensei Yang has something to do with my scar and me coughing up green blood...

But how?... Why?...

Where would he be?... I know he won't be a The Haunted Temple...

Then where would he be?... I looked up from the car, staring up at the sky...


My eyes widened, there was a car driving right in front of me. I screamed, and tried to drive to the right. As I did, the tire wheels could take this craziness.

The car flipped over, as it did I could feel the window break.

The car rolled down a hill, I tried getting in control with the wheel again, but the wheel was stuck.

So I tried getting out but it was useless. There was a tree right in front of the car, I shut my eyes and tried to cover my face.

With a long crash, my seat belt snapped off, causing me to fly out of the broken window. I screamed, and I ended up on the floor.

I could feel my arm bleed, green blood. I coughed, as I did glass came out of my mouth.

I could feel something hot in my throat, I opened my mouth,  gagging for ten minutes, green blood finally came out.

I groaned in disgust, I needed to get up...

I tried getting up, but my arm was broken. The more I tried to get up, the more my arm stung.

I screamed in pain, glass was stabbing my stomach. I had to pull it out, I slowly tried to pull it out... But as soon as I did, it hurt like hell.

I screamed, and screamed, I gave up. Breathing heavily, my heart felt heavy...

I felt light headed, I'm losing lots of blood... My eyes felt heavy, I couldn't pass out...

I tried to look for my phone, it fell out of my pocket.

I saw it next to me, just a few yards away, I tried to reach it. But when I moved  my arm, it stung again.

Causing me to scream, my eyes felt heavy...

I slowly shut my eyes... Passing out...

Without calling anyone for help...
Welp... Cole died, just kidding...

I updated!!!



More will be published later on today or tomorrow! Please vote and comment! Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

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