×Chapter Seven×

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Kai's POV
I tried sleeping that night, but every time I shut my eyes I start to feel nauseous. Cole wasn't back from the bathroom yet, which really made me worry...

I decided to sit up, my stomach growled, I looked around. I'm hungry, I got out of bed.

I grabbed Cole's bag, he told me there was fruit in the big pocket if I was hungry. I grabbed a banana and sat back on my bed and ate it.

Cole came back, he sighed.

"S-Sorry I got lost." Cole admitted, even though it's dark I could see him blushing.

Cole took a seat next to my bed, he grabbed his phone as it buzzed. He rolled his eyes, and threw his phone on his bag.

"Did you have an argument with your dad?" I asked, Cole sarcastically laughed.

"Oh yeah." Cole said, he pouted. Why does his dad always treat him like this?... Cole is such a great person, he deserves a better dad...

I grabbed Cole's hand, he looked up at me.

"What happened?" I asked, Cole frowned.

"My dad called and asked if I wanted to hang with him. When I told him why I couldn't he got mad, he thought I was lying." Cole explained, I patted his back.

"I'm sure you'll figure things out." I spoke, Cole only shrugged.

  "What's wrong?" Cole asked, I took a deep breath.

"I feel sick." I admitted, Cole grabbed me a trash can. I stared at it, groaning I took it.

"You're going to need that." Cole said, as I took my last bite of the banana.

Cole's scar started to glow a light green, my eyes widened.

"Cold, what's wrong with your scar?" I asked, Cole's eyes widened.

He got up and went to go check in the mirror. He started at it, completely confused.

"I... Don't know." Cole admitted, he fell to his knees.

"Cole?" I asked, I sat up straight. Cole wrapped his arms around his stomach. He took shallow breaths, he shut his eyes.

I got out of bed, I ran towards him. Cole shook his head, he started to cough.

As he covered his mouth, he continued to cough. Once he removed his hand...

There was blood dripping out of his hand...

But the problem wasn't that he had a bad cough... The problem was...

Cole's blood....

It wasn't red...

It was green....
Dun dun dun!!! 😂😂😂

Here's the update!


More will be published later on today or tomorrow! Please vote and comment! Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

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