×Chapter Six×

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Cole's POV
  As I ran to get the nurse, my stomach started to growl....

Oh no, not again...

I fell to my knees, clutching my stomach. The nurse came running towards me.

"You poor dead, let me help you!" The nurse said, I shook my head.

"You need to help Kai, he's... Gah!" My stomach wouldn't stop hurting, I clutched my stomach.

"What's wrong with him?" Someone asked, a doctor came to me.

Three doctors came to help me up. I screamed, my stomach hurt.

"It's OK we're going to help you." A doctor said, I shook my head.

"Not me, Kai!" I yelled, a doctor had no choice but to carry me bridal style towards a room.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, the doctor gave me a shot, I gasped.

I was starting to see blurriness. I couldn't see right, I heard the nurse.

"Sensei Yang wants Cole to stay in here." The way she talked, it sounded like she wasn't human...

"Be careful with him, he fights like his mother." She snarled, my eyes widened.... My mom?...

"Yes, ma'am." The doctor said, the nurse walked out of the room, and started walking towards Kai's room.

My breathing was shallow, my throat burned, my vision was blurry. My stomach hurt like hell.

As my stomach rumbled, I tried to sit up. But the doctors slammed their hand on my stomach, pushing me down.

I screamed, my stomach rumbled once more, I kicked one of the doctor's face, and ran out of the room.

I saw a trash can near by, I ran to it. Gagging, I could feel the vomit rising. I threw up, once I was done I ran towards the stairs.

"What happened?" The nurse asked, Nya sat up.

"He was fine until he said his stomach hurt and then this started." Nya explained, the nurse laughed. She continued to laugh and laugh. Her eyes were a blood red, fangs appeared, she just stood there.

I knew exactly what to do, I ran in the room.

"You silly ninjas! Kai is no more! No more! No more! No more! No m-ahhhh!"

The nurse stopped talking, there was a hole in her chest, her heart was gone.

Blood escaped her mouth, she then fell to the ground.

Behind her was a me,
with her heart in my hand...

Nya and the stared at me, freaked out. As soon as he saw the blood Kai vomited on his bed.

"Kai? You okay?" Nya asked, Kai shrugged.

"What the heck Cole!" Jay yelled, I sighed.

"Jay, shut up. Let me explain." I snarled, Jay shut up.

"Sensei Yang is here, I don't know how or why. That wasn't a real human, it was already dead." I said, they all nodded, still freaked out.

"Obviously someone has to stay here with Kai while we go home. Which that person is me." I said, Jay put his hands on his hips.

"Why do you get to stay?" Jay asked, I groaned.

"I'm the only one who can see them." I said, Zane nodded.

"It's true." Zane said, I took a breath.

"You guys need to get home." I said, they all nodded and went out the room.

Nya stood there, watching her brother try to sleep. She kissed his forehead and hugged me.

As she left I couldn't help but wonder....

How did she know my mother?...
More will be published later on today! Thanks! Bye! Please vote and comment!
~Nae Nae

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