×Chapter Ten×

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Kai's POV
As I flushed the toilet, I watched my vomit get flushed. I slowly walked to me bed, clutching my stomach.

There was a loud bang coming from behind me. I gasped and turned around.

  No one, I swallowed...

"H-Hello?" I called, complete silence.

"C-Cole! This isn't funny!" I yelled, there was tap on my shoulder.

I turned as I did I felt another tap. I turned again, as I did...

Chen was standing right in front of me...

I gasped, backing away. Chen smiled, he looked around.

"Why are you at the hospital Kai?" Chen asked, I didn't answer.

I tried to turn but Chen grabbed my arm. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go.

"L-Let go of me!" I yelled, I punched Chen's nose. He immediately let go, holding on to his nose as if it might fall off any second.

I ran towards the door, opened it wide and ran like hell.

I could hear Chen's feet against the floor, he was stomping.

"Kai... Where are you?..." Chen asked, I could hear my heart pounding.

I ran to the elevator, as the elevator went up. I grabbed my phone, hoping Nya would answer.

She didn't, her phone went to voicemail, I tried calling again, voicemail. I tried to call a third time, voicemail. A fourth time, voicemail.

I tired calling her at least fifteen times, they all went straight to voicemail.

I punched the elevator wall, Damnit! The elevator doors opened, Chen was already standing right in front of me,waiting.

"Found you!" Chen yelled cheerfully. I screamed, throwing fire balls at him.

As I did, my stomach dropped, there was a lump in my throat...

I fell to my knees, gagging and coughing.

I finally threw up, I helplessly sat there puking up...


I stared at my vomit, fire?... Chen grabbed my arms, I tried to fight back but all of that vomiting took my energy that I had left away.

I felt dizzy, my vision was blurry, my throat burned... Literally.

Chen tightened his grip on my shoulders. I screamed, he leaned his lips in. Next to my ear, I could feel his hot breath on my ear...

He whispered to me...

"You're mine now."
Oh no! Kai is now kidnapped... 😐

Sorry that I forgot to update today...



More will be published later on today or tomorrow! Please vote and comment! Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

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