×Chapter Eleven×

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Kai's POV
I could feel my heart pound. Chen was smirking, I wanted to scream, anything!

Just as long as someone heard me. I didn't care, Chen smiled.

"What are you going to do with me?" I asked, Chen chuckled.

"I'm going to make you pay~" Chen sang, my eyes widened.

"Chen? Chen? Did you have Kai?" A voice asked, Chen sighed.

"Yes. Yang, do you have Cole?" Chen asked, I gasped.


Oh god...

"Wh-What did you do to him?! Don't hurt him! Touch him, I'll kill you!" I warned, I tried to fight. My body was weak, Chen pinned my arms against the wall.

I let out a scream, my throat burn. It felt like it was on fire.

Yang laughed, Chen laughed.

"You think you could hurt a ghost?! Do you really think that?!" Yang yelled, I gasped.

"Bring him to my temple." Yang ordered, Chen scoffed.

"Why do you get to tell me what to do?" Chen asked, Yang shrugged.

"Only because I'm smarter than you. You were gonna take him to Chen's island. The ninja would've figured it out. But since I'm " dead" the ninja won't expect a thing." Yang looked at Chen as if he was an idiot.

Chen crossed his arms, lifted his head up.

"Fine." Chen snarled, Yang lifted his hand up.

I screamed, it felt like he was crushing my bones. He threw his hand down.

My body immediately dropped myself hard on the cold solid floor.

My stomach rumbled,  my throat felt full. I puked on the floor, coughing and gagging.

Yang walked up to me, he lifted my chin up, there was some vomit on the corner of my lip.

Yang studied my face, he shook his head in disappointed.

"Wonder what Skylar sees in you." Yang wondered, I made a disgusted face, I hate the after taste of vomit.

"You'll never get away with this." I snarled, I spit next to Yang. He stared at the fire vomit.

"Oh Kyle..." Yang grabbed my chin, I winced.

His nails were digging into my chin. He chuckled, I frowned.

Stay strong Kai...

Yang looked at me, studying me some more. He then chuckled once more and smiled.

"I've already got away with it..."
Sorry that I haven't been updating this! I've been soooooooo busy... 😭

Anyways... More will be published later on today or tomorrow or whenever I can.

Please vote and comment! Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

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