×Chapter Twelve ×

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  Cole's POV
"Sh*t!" I cursed, the door wouldn't budge, I cut my hand as I tried to unlock the door with my knife. I powers were weak against the door, I started to cough. Swallowing the saliva that wanted to escape my lips. I took a deep breath, my lips started to quiver... Kai...

I pray to god that he's ok... This doesn't make sense though... Why would Chen want Kai?... I grabbed my knife, and threw it across the room. Sinking to the floor, I could feel a lump in my throat. I shut my eyes, biting my lip so hard, I can not cry. I stood up and walked to grab the knife.

I am Cole Brookstone, and I do not cry. Only because I am not weak, nor will I ever be. Crying is for the weak, I am not weak. I am the master of Earth, and being the mast of Earth is strong, never weak. He has no damn weakness.

I told myself, as I tried to unlock the door, it slides down, I screamed.

"Screw it!" I yelled, I took a deep breath and threw my knife across the room once again.

"Earth!" I yelled, an Earth ball hit the door, causing a huge dust ball. I coughed and covered my eyes, waiting to hear the door fall. It never did, I slowly opened my eyes, to see the door still standing, only glowing green.

"Dammit!" I yelled, I threw a punch at the wall. Taking shaky deep breaths, I sank to the floor, feeling my heart pound, I wiped my eyes, feeling tears come... I shut my eyes... Don't let Fear take you away...

  I heard something glow, I slowly opened my eyes, seeing myself turn green. I immediately stood up, scared.

  My whole body turned into a ghost, I swallowed. Studying myself, I looked up at the door. I ran to it, shutting my eyes, in case I was wrong.

I wasn't, I went through the door, I smiled in victory. I did it! Take that Yang! You stupid old ghost man!

"AHHHHHHH!" I heard someone scream, my heart felt as if it was gonna break... That scream was no ordinary scream... It was...

Took my forever but I finally updated!!!! 😂😂😂😭😭😭

Please forgive me guys, I have like writers block on every story. I hate having that... 😭😂🙄

More will be published later on today, tomorrow, or whenever my sucky writer self can! 😂😭

Please vote and comment! Thanks guys! I love u!!!! ❤️❤️❤️😂
~Nae Nae

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