35 ~ Reality's Echo

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What the hell's going on? Can someone tell me, please?!

   Everything is switching over and over again. Warping. Red glitches filling my vision and the air around me. It felt like the atoms constructed of me were pulling each other apart again and again. Just to repair and mend themselves before doing the same thing again.

   Why I'm switching faster than the channels on TV?!

   I clutch and lower my masked face, squishing my eyes shut as if it would fix anything. It felt like one moment I was emotional numb while the other millisecond was filled with unbelievable grief, sadness and frustration.

   I'm black then I'm white. No. Something isn't right.

   Nothing is real is it? This world... it's all apart of my imagination, isn't it?

   Am I stuck in some place before hell? Are they still finding a worse fate for me because of all I've done?

   I wouldn't be surprised.

   My enemy's invisible, I don't know how to fight.

   Or is this questioning the thing that isn't true to begin with?

   I lower my hands, though they continue to tremble, twitch and glitch.

   I don't know what to believe anymore.

   The trembling fear is more than I can take.

   My eyes widen with realization.

   Is this what's it's like to go mad?

   When I'm up against—

   Darkness was grabbing a hold of me. Creeping up my legs, surrounding my torso, making its way up to choke me. I reach my arm out in desperation, though nothing but black was around.

   —the echo in the mirror.

   And then I'm pulled down, down, down, down. Deeper and darker. I couldn't move. Couldn't struggle. Couldn't scream.

   I was trapped.

   And there was no one to save me.

. . .

Featuring Infinite.

Inspired by my lack of wanting to go to sleep 😑 and the song Echo.

Whelp. Imma head to bed now.

I don't even know what I'm doing.


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