Another FGod Outburst

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WARNING: Cringe, swearing, a little racism, and suicide! Do not read if you're sensitive to these things!

"Either stop destroying, or we'll take you out." Ink said as he glared. Error chuckled and smiled, but it was a sad smile.

"Go AhEaD. yOu KnOw WhAt HaPpEnEd? My wOrLd WaS aLwAyS gReAt! SuRe, YoU gOt ThE oCcAsIoNaL rAcIsT bItCh, BuT eVeRyThInG wAs AmAzInG! gUeSs WhAt HaPpEnEd NeXt? YoU cReAtEd ToO mAnY aU's AnD i WaS pUlLeD iNtO yOuR pRoBlEm BeCaUsE yOu DoN't KnOw ThE dEfInItIoN oF 'sElF cOnTrOl'!! AnD aS sOoN aS yOu SaW mE, yOu ReAlIzEd I wAs DiFfErEnT. sO, yOu WeNt ArOuNd, SpReAdInG lIeS aBoUt Me NoT hAvInG a SoUl AnD aSsUmEd ThAt I lOvEd To DeStRoY sImPlY bEcAuSe I wAs DiFfErEnT!! wHaT hApPeNeD nExT? i GoT bEaTeN fOr SoMeThInG i CaN't CoNtRoL aNd DiDn'T bOtHeR tO lIsTeN wHeN i OfFeReD a TrUcE!!! i GoT bLaMeD fOr YoUr MeSs, AnD nOw YoU cAlL yOuRsElVeS jUdGeS?! i'D sAy ThAt'S a GoOd JoKe, BuT iT's NoT eVeN fUnNy. I wOnDeR, hOw CoUlD sOmEoNe ThAt Is SuPpOsEd To Be A gOoD gUy Be So DaMn RaCiSt? YoU'rE lEsS oF a RaCiSt BiTcH aNd MoRe Of A rAcIsT rEtArD. nOt To MeNtIoN tHaT yOu CoMpLaIn AbOuT hOw I wOuLd 'NeVeR uNdErStAnD bEcAuSe I'm EvIl', AnD yEt YoU'rE tHe OnE wHo StArTeD aLl ThIs!!!! YoU'rE lItTeRaLy SoUlLeSs!!!!! DoN't TrY tO lIe, I hAvE iT aLl FiGuReD oUt. WeLl, AlMoSt EvErYtHiNg. HoW cAn SoMeOnE bE sO dAmN sTuPiD?!?! i'M tRaPpEd HeRe BeCaUsE oF yOu AnD yOu SaY i'M tHe BaD gUy?!?! I cAn'T dEaL wItH tHiS sTuPiDiTy AnYmOrE. dO iT. i FuCkInG dArE yOu, BuT lEt Me TeLl YoU sOmEtHiNg, I'vE tRiEd SuIcIdE bEfOrE aNd It DiDn'T wOrK. wHiCh LeAdS tO mY sEcOnD pOiNt, YoU sAy ThAt YoU rEmEmBeR tHe ReSeTs, AnD yEt YoU nEvEr NoTiCeD tHaT tHiS hAs HaPpEnEd AlReAdY." Error finished.

"That's not true!" Ink yelled."iT iS. yOu SiMpLy ReFuSe To AcCePt ThE tRuTh BeCaUsE yOu ThInK tHaT yOu'Re An OuTcOdE. wElL gUeSs WhAt? YoU'rE nOt! AlSo, If BeInG rAcIsT aNd IgNoRaNt MeAnS bEiNg A gOoD gUy, ThEn I'm PrOuD tO bE oN tHe DaRk SiDe." Error replied.

Everyone was surprised by this."We're not racist!" Ink yelled."HoW mAnY tImEs HaVe YoU cAlLeD mE a FiLtHy GlItCh?" Error asked, not expecting an answer.


"I kNoW yOu'Re AlL pRoUd Of YoUrSeLvEs, So No NeEd To HoPe ThAt YoU aRe." Error said before making a portal to Outertale. Before anyone could say anything, he started to run towards the edge."Wait! We can figure this out!" Classic yelled. Error turned to him and glared."We HaD pLeNtY oF tImE tO fIgUrE tHiS oUt. ToO mUcH tImE, iF yOu AsK mE. lAtEr, StAr SlUtS." Error said before jumping.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro