Ink Finds Out Part 3

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"Error! Come out, we want answers!" Ink yelled. He wanted to get Error's attention, which didn't seem to work. He opened a portal to multiple AUs and saw Error standing on a branch with a small skeleton on his shoulders while Error had one hand on the tree. He walked through the portal and signaled everyone to be quiet so he could hear what they were saying.

"ErRoR?" Perl asked quietly."YeAh?" Error asked."WhEn WiLl YoU tEaCh Me To UsE mY sTrInGs?" She asked."WeLl, YoU hAvE tO wAiT uNtIl ThE sTrInGs StArT tO cOmE oUt. ThAt'S wHeN wE'lL sTaRt." Error replied."OkAy." Pearl said before looking back at the stars."Error?" Dream asked. Error turned around and the two saw Dream walking out of the bushes. Perl hugged Error and Error glared at Dream as he came closer until he was almost underneath the branch."Is that child yours?" He asked. Error stopped glaring and Perl started to glitch a little faster."No." He replied. Ink walked out and glared at Error, making him glare back and causing Perl to flinch at his glare."Then who's is it?" Ink asked."BiG bRoThEr, WhAt'S gOiNg On?" Perl asked.

"You have a sister?!" Dream asked loudly. Perl put her earmuffs on and Error nodded."NoW jUsT lEaVe Us AlOnE." Error said before climbing down the tree and walking towards the edge of the island. Perl noticed that they were staring in shock and took her earmuffs off."ErRoR, wHy ArE tHeY sTaRiNg?" She asked. Error turned and glared at them."I dOn'T kNoW." He replied."How?! She's-" Dream cut himself off when he realized what he was about to say."It'S fInE. I gEt YeLlEd At FoR bEiNg A gLiTcH aLl ThE tImE, sO i'M uSeD tO qUeStIoNs ThAt ArE sOmEwHaT rElAtEd To RaCiSm." Error said.

"Wait, being called a filthy glitch is racist?" Ink asked."YeAh. I'm SuRe YoU aLrEaDy KnOw ThAt." Error replied."Oh." Ink looked down and Error stood up."Where do you think you're going?!" Carrot yelled. He followed Ink earlier, wanting to beat the living daylights out of Error. He didn't notice Perl until he accidentally punched her and she fell to the ground."Oh my god!" Carrot said. He tried to reach for her and apologize, but Error grabbed both arms and put a smile on his face."I'm SoRrY, bUt My SiStEr Is OfF lImItS. hAvE a GoOd DaY." Error then threw Carrot against a tree and Perl rushed to hug him.

"WhAt HaPpEnEd?" She asked, not knowing what had hit her."DoN't WoRrY aBoUt It. Go AhEaD aNd Go ThRoUgH tHe PoRtAl, I'lL bE tHeRe In A bIt." Error replied. He made a small portal to the Anti-Void and Perl ran through."AlRiGhT. cOmE wItH mE." Error said as he dragged Carrot by his legs."What the hell?!" He yelled."YoU hUrT mY sIsTeR. +#@+ €@|\||\|•+ b3 f•r9|\/3|\|!!" (That cannot be forgiven!!) Error yelled. He wrapped him in strings and threw him through another portal. To Horrortale.

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