5: Another Problem

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Another Problem

No One's POV

"The Kazekage has been kidnapped by the Akatsuki." Tsunade announced as Team 7 stood in front of her.

Umiko froze and stopped playing around. Tsunade saw this.

"Now, Umiko. I want you to calm do-"

Her body shook and she blew up "FUCK IT!"

And disappeared.

"Umi-!" Tsunade sighed as she saw Umiko disappear "I knew this would happen..."

"Baa-chan, what do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"It sounds exactly what it means, Naruto. 2 Akatsuki members came to Suna and kidnapped Gaara for the Ichibi. Now, I want you guys to get him back." Gondaime explained.


When Umiko got to Suna, she saw a something on the floor. Jumping over to it, she grabbed it and a saw a small cloth with a red cloud on it. She sniffed it.

She grinded her teeth and clenched her fist 'Akatsuki...! Don't worry Gaara! I'll come to save you!'

She dropped the cloth and ran towards the direction.


As Chiyo-baachan tried to kill Kakashi, Sakura curing Kankuro, and making the antidote, they all got ready to go.

As they were running, they bumped into Kisame Hoshigaki. Team Guy took care of him.

Naruto ran into Itachi. Kakashi, Sakura, and Chiyo-baachan were somewhere. Naruto got caught in a genjutsu. Sakura and Chiyo saved him. Kakashi took care of Itachi.

Naruto did Rasengan. Yuura, a jounin from Chiyo's village, somehow was there instead of Itachi. It was the same for Guy when he took out Kisame. Someone else took his place.

Chiyo explained what the jinchuurikis are.

"So, you mean..." Sakura looked at Naruto but didn't say anything as she saw his face.


She remembered Umiko's words "I am the twelve-tailed jinchuuriki. It was sealed inside me when I was born."

After all the trouble, Team Guy found the hideout of the base. They landed in the stream that was beside it and stared.

Later, Team 7 came.

After all the talking, all of them glared at the huge rock in front of them.

Guy tried to punch it but there was a barrier.

Neji found the other 4 seals and the chosen people who went there got in their positions as Sakura stood in front of the boulder, a fist pulled back.

"3!" They all tore it down.

"Sakura!" Kakashi leaped off the boulder. Sakura ran towards it with a battle cry.

She punched it with her intense strength.

It cracked as she leaped away.

The pieces fell to the water as they waited for all of it to be gone.

Kakashi made a hand sign for them to go and they leaped in. Too see a surprised sight.

Umiko was there, a eye closed in pain, cuts and soon-to-be bruises forming on her, blood dripping out from one side of her lip as she panted and faced her opponent.

Gaara was beside them, lifeless.

Her opponent stood across her, in the same state. And do you know which Akatsuki member was?


...Akasuna no Sasori.

She had managed to get him out of his puppet form and even though he was in pain, he smirked.

Umiko turned around and tried to smile "I've...been w-waiting for you..."

She turned back around and started to fall back.

"Umiko!" Naruto ran towards her and grabbed her, just in time as she hit the floor.

"It's over for her. But, it was fun fighting her." Sasori smirked.

Naruto glared at him "You bastard!"


Sakura and Chiyo were fighting Sasori.

Kakashi and Naruto blasted Deidara's other arm off.

Naruto got angry when Deidara turned into a clay clone. A red cloak of chakra formed around him.

Umiko woke up.

That's when the real fun began.

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