7: Who's The Pale Guy?

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Who's The Pale Guy?

No One's POV

"First Place!" Guy yelled in triumphant as he arrived in front of Izumo and Kotetsu with a practically dead Kakashi on his back.

Izumo sweatdropped as Kotetsu jaw dropped.

Lee then came running towards them, screaming. He stopped where Guy was "Second Place!"

"Why are they even racing?" Izumo asked Kotetsu.

"Beats me." Kotetsu sighed.

Everyone came and sweatdropped as Umiko laughed.


Kakashi eventually woke up from the hospital. Tsunade and Shizune came in as he tried to get up, the blanket covering half his face slid down a little. But he groaned and fell down. Naruto and Umiko got the same idea, smirking.

They both slid behind the bed but almost fell and got back in their normal positions. Sakura glared at them with a tick mark.

Sakura then went with Tsunade and Shizune to discuss stuff.

"Tsunade-sama, then at least remove Naruto-kun and Umiko-chan from the mission." Shizune requested.

"What will you do if Naruto and Umiko hears this?" The Gondaime asked.

Shizune was taken back and looked up. Umiko and Naruto were there, crossed arm and smiling determined.

"Let's get some more teammates, dattebayo!"


They both jumped down on the railing "Later." And jumped away, determination in their eyes.


As Naruto was thinking who to pick for their new teammate he passed Shino.

"It'd been a long time, Naruto." He stepped back from the tree he was leaning on.

Naruto looked at him "Who're you?"

Umiko jaw dropped "You really don't remember who he is?"

Kiba then dropped down and looked towards Shino "You're early, Shino!"

He looked towards Naruto. The blonde gasped "K-Kiba?!"

Kiba jumped down and smelled both of them "It definitely is you're scent, Naruto, Umiko!"

Naruto sweatdropped "So that's how you recognize people?"

"I do that!" Umiko raised her hand.

Shino started to sulk since Naruto recognized him and not him.

They then heard a gasp and turn around. Umiko knew who is was and grinned "I'll be right back!"

She disappeared and appeared in front of Hinata, grinning widely.

"Hinata-chan!" She whispered loudly.

Hinata gasped "U-Umiko...?"

Naruto then peeked his head from the corner "What's up, Hinata?"

She gasped and fainted.


Naruto and Umiko met up with Shikamaru and Choji. As they were talking, Umiko felt a presence. 

She whipped around holding three kunais "Who's there?!"

Shikamaru tackled Naruto to the ground as Choji pulled back a fist.

The kunais hit the white tiger and Choji's fist met up with its face.

Paint splattered on the ground, as another came.

Choji crushed it.

Umiko squinted her eyes at the person sitting on the roof. One thought came to her mind.

'Who's the Pale Guy?'


The knucklehead and blind ninja met up with Sakura "This is where we're supposed to meet right?" Naruto asked.

"Yup." Sakura replied.

"There's no one here. Did Baa-chan really send a new teammate?" Naruto asked and looked around.

"Maybe they're invisible..." Umiko appeared from places to places.

Footsteps were then heard from behind. They looked around and Umiko gasped.

She pointed at him "It's you! That pale white guy!"

He faked a smile "Hello."

Another person then came "I'll be acting as Kakashi-san's replacement for this te-"

He stopped when he saw Naruto glaring menacingly at him.

Sakura looked at them back and forth.

They introduced each other.

"Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto had a ticked mark.

"Haruno Sakura." Sakura said with a tick mark also.

"Mikami Umiko!" The said girl said cheerfully.

He rose a eyebrow "Mikam-?"

She appeared in front of his face with a angry face "If you dare try to experiment me, I swear I'll rape you in your fucking sleep."

Sai had a face as he waved his hand "Hai, hai..."

"My name is Sai." He introduced.

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