Episode 3: landing

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Everyone but Nurib got to their stations (Valerie is in charge of navigation, Christine is in charge of the ships controls, and John is in charge of steering the ship), to prepare for the descent. Nurib doesn't have station, for he doesn't know how to do the ships controls. He sat down on the bench and watched as his team does the prep on the ship, but he felt his stomach gurgle as he hasn't eaten anything after hypersleep. He got up and looked around outside the control room, searching for food and water to drink. In one of the cabinets, he took out a bottle of water and a bag of dehydrated cherries. He opened up the bag and poured half of the water into it, so the cherries can rehydrate. After that, he watched as the cherries rehydrate before his glowing golden eyes, and then he starts eating them as soon as they finished rehydrated. He took a sip of water to flush the cherries down his throat, in which it felt cool and refreshing.

Then Valerie came, and she spotted him eating the cherries.

"Hey! Are those my cherries!?" She pointed out.

"There... yours?" He questioned.

"You should've asked first before eating! I would've shared those with you, but it's too late!" She scolded.

"But there's half a bag, I'll give you those" he said, feeling bad about not knowing the cherries belong to Valerie.

He then gives the bag to Valerie, but she snatched it from his hand.

"Next time, ask!" She exclaimed.

Then the ship starts to descend into the atmosphere of Kepler 5b, Nurib looked out the window and saw that the sky on the planet has an orange tint and the ship went past the cloud bank. When he looked down, he watched as the surface get bigger and bigger as the ship gets closer. Sooner or later, the ship lands on the rocky surface.

In the ship, everyone stood at the entrance of the ship. Each of them grabbed a weapon from the rack (Valerie and Christine picked up laser rifles, Nurib picked up a pistol that shoots plasma orbs, and John picked up a blue colored pistol) as a means of preparing in case if monsters attacked them, since it is a likely situation.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Asked John.

"We are!" Answered Christine.

"Good, there might be some ruins of a colony or an abandoned mining facility. Chances are, that it's crawling with monsters out for our blood. Be careful and stay vigilant, so who knows what the location holds or what dangers it may pose. Just keep your weapons close to you, that's all I'm saying" John warned.

"One question: what type of pistol you're holding?" Asked Nurib.

"Good question, this is my blub gun. It allows me to shoot sticky orb shaped globs of gel like substance called blub, so it'll immobilize monsters or enemies" John answered.

Beneath his helmet, Nuribs eyes widen from shock to the point that his eyes glowed brightly to the point that his teammates can see his eyes. After all, blub is one of the weaknesses of the Aureum that even with their enhanced strength, they can't break free from the sticky gel like substance.

"What's wrong, Nurib?" Valerie asked.

"Blub... gun...? You're not going to use that on me, are you!?" Nurib accused.

"What- No! I'm not going to use it on you, I swear! Besides, I only used it on monsters that will attack us" said John in a nervous tone.

"Ok, but I'm watching you. I don't know what goes on with you humans, but I cannot trust anyone besides my kind" said Nurib.

Without further ado, John pressed the big button that opens the ship so everyone can leave. As the team walked down the steps to outside, they stood on the rocky ground. Nurib felt how lumpy the soil is beneath his bare feet, it felt warm but cold at the same time. Then he opened up his gauntlet to scan the area, in which it sends a notice to him.

"Ok, I scanned the area. The results are: 29% oxygen, and 46% methane, and 31% nitrogen. I suggest you all not to remove your helmets, for the air is not exactly breathable" explained Nurib.

"Your feet are bare! They would've freeze!" John pointed out.

"But the soil felt lukewarm from what I felt, so it's safe for me to walk around without footwear! Also, it's a thing for us Aureum!" He argued.

"Stop it you two! You sounded like quarreling children, so why don't you drop the subject and focus on the mission!?" Valerie scolded.

Nurib and John stopped arguing, before walking away. Nurib was grumbling under his breath, but Christine comforts him while Valerie did the same thing for John. Afterwards, John walked towards Nurib with intent to apologize.

"Nurib, I'm sorry if I wrongly pointed out that it's too cold for you to walk barefoot" John apologized.

"Apology accepted, also, I scanned for the temperatures and it says that it's sixty degrees out. Meaning, it's warm" Nurib answered.

"Ok, we need to locate where the signal is coming from. Something tells me that it's nearby, so we have to trek through" said John.

Then the team followed the signal from the radar that Valerie was carrying, since it comes in handy when it comes to tracking things. They walked into the valley, from which it's a winding path with creeks filled with running water. When they arrived at the center of the valley, the signal grow stronger the closer they get. Nurib searched the area, with smaller rocks crunching beneath his bare feet with each step he take.

"This must be where the signal is coming from, but it's nothing but valley" Valerie said in a confused tone.

"Its got to be underground, beneath our feet" said Christine.

Then Nurib looked at a curious rock stuck on the wall, but when he come closer to examine it, it lifted up and a robotic eye come out of the hole. It looked around before seeing him and the team, in which it scans him and others. Then it retreats back into the hole and the wall next to it opens up like a door, presumably it's actually an airlock disguised as the rock wall.

"Shall we enter?" Asked Christine.

"Yes, we can" answered Nurib, and then he gestures John and Valerie to come with.

Authors note: how was the argument between Nurib and John? What lies beyond the entrance of the base?

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