Episode 7: rescue

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Meanwhile, back at the lab

John was busy using the hairdryer to quickly thaw out one male Auruem, even though the process took a bit long. Valerie helped in by placing electrodes on the frozen male Aureum, just to be sure to monitor any heartbeat.

"Ugh! It's taking too long! Just how long must I use the hairdryer to revive this guy?" Asked John.

"Have you tried using the hairdryer at the center of his chest? It can thaw out the heart, thus causing it to beat to filter the blood. You could also try thawing out the brain, that way, it'll help revive him" Valerie suggested.

"Sounds like a good idea, even though I tried to thaw the arms first" he said.

So he pointed the hairdryer at the center of the chest, and as Valerie had suggested, used it to try and heat the center area to thaw the heart. Then he moved the hairdryer to the head and heat it to thaw the brain, but he was careful enough not to give the male Aureum some burns.

"Anything?" He asked.

"Hmm... there's some brain activity at the frontal lobe, but the blood vessels seem frozen still. Try to use the hairdryer to thaw the blood vessels, it might as well jumpstart the heart" Valerie suggested.

Christine watched as John used the hairdryer to thaw the arms and the torso, and then the male Aureum finally gasps for air before breathing heavily.

"We've got a live one!" John said with glee.

However, Christine couldn't help but wonder about Nurib. She is worried about him, since he's been gone for an hour and hasn't been back. She tells her teammates that she is going to go look for Nurib, and they told her to be safe. Without further ado, she left the lab and activated her flashlight. She noticed footprints where Nurib was walking, and followed them down the dark hall. She walked into the part of the facility called the bio wing, where every creature created by scientists were put into stasis. At each sight of the creatures in the pods as she walked by makes her feel uneasy, as if one of the creatures would've broke free from its pod and attack her. She came across a door at the end and entered it, and there, she sees a dimly lit room with numerous orbs (No bigger than bowling balls) made of some kind of sticky gel like substance. Then she recognized that these were blub, and she learned that the chamber she's in was used to test the blub. Besides that, she also saw a large pile of blub in front of the pedestal that has the keycard, in which the pile of blub looked like a giant blue raspberry.

"Hello? Is anybody here?" She asked.

"Over... here..." the voice groaned.

The voice sounded like Nurib, and it was coming from the large pile of blub.

"I'm coming over!" She said.

"Be careful! Don't step on the red glowing line, it'll activate the turrets and these will shoot blub at you!" The voice warned.

She carefully stepped over the red glowing line, before walking towards the large pile of blub. She walked around it until she saw half of Nuribs face, and it means that he was encased in blub.

"Nurib? Is that you?" She asked.

"Yes... It's me... and I'm covered in blub" Nurib replied.

"Hold on, I'll try and peel these off" she said.

"What? No! Don't you touch it, it'll stick to you the moment you put your hands on" he warned.

Christine paused, not sure what to do since she can't have her hands stuck if she tried to peel the blub off him.

"Just get John and Valerie, because I know the fact that blub dries up from hot temperatures. If John were to use that hairdryer, it'll cause the blub to dry up to the point that I can break free on my own" explained Nurib.

Christine bends down and plant a kiss on his cheek, causing him to blush. Afterwards, she walked away without stepping on the red glowing line near the entrance to get the others. After twenty minutes, she arrived with the two teammates.

"Dude, sick! It looks like a giant blue raspberry!" Said John.

"We all better be careful not to step on that red glowing line, it's what triggers the turrets that shoots orbs of blub" Christine warned.

"So that's what these gross looking orbs are, blub?" Questioned John.

"Yes, but also, did you bring the hairdryer?" She asked.

John nodded and pulled out the hairdryer, while Valerie stepped over the red glowing line to get a closer look at the pile of blub. She walked around and saw half of Nuribs face, showing her that he had an unfortunate situation with being encased in blub. Then John and Christine stepped over the red glowing line, and walked towards Nurib.

"Nurib, why is your armored space suit is laying at the entrance?" Asked John.

"I only did that to brave through the blub in order to get that keycard, it's more of a challenge if not a test for me" replied Nurib.

John couldn't help but to snicker at the Aureums predicament, before using the hairdryer. The heat from the hairdryer causes the blub to shrivel and crack, and after John used the hairdryer all over the blub, Nurib grits his teeth as he used what strength he had left to break free from the hardened yet brittle blub. Valerie looked away, avoid looking at his underwear.

"Nice underwear, but please put on your armored space suit. You're making the girls blush with you flashing your undies" said John.

Nurib blushed from embarrassment as he looked down at his underwear, before walking towards the entrance while stepping over the red glowing line to avoid repeating the same mistake. Then he started to put on his armored space suit piece by piece, after that, he put on his helmet.

"There, are you all happy?" He said sarcastically.

"At least you are warm in that, even when your feet are bare" Christine complimented.

"Thanks" he replied.

John took the keycard from the pedestal and examines it, and it was for the outside.

"I'll take this, just in case if we walked into the part of the facility that leads outside" he said.

"That is fine, it'll be useful just in case" said Valerie.

After freeing Nurib, the whole team exit out of the chamber and traveled back to the lab to continue thawing out the frozen Aureum, in which one of the Aureum should be getting dressed by now.

Authors note: how was the part where Nurib is freed? What does the team see as soon as they arrived at the lab?

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