Episode 9: help is on the way

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When morning comes, the team wakes up yawning. Nurib, having stayed up as the lookout, couldn't keep his eyes open.

"You've been staying up watching us haven't you, Nurib?" Asked Christine.

"Yes... but I'm so tired. I just want to make sure there's no monsters going to drag anyone into the darkness or kill us all" he replied.

"Oi! Sleeping beauty! Why not sleep while we explore this place?" John asked.

Nurib looked at him with dark circles underneath his eyes, before laying down and sleep.

"I'll take that as a yes" John said.

"Are we going to explore the ships first?" Valerie asked.

"I guess so, there might be something useful in there" he answered.

John and Valerie walked towards the orange colored ship, but Christine stayed with Nurib to keep him company. Inside the orange ship, there wasn't much due to its small stature. It consists of a cockpit, storage, and one room. There wasn't anything of interest, except for a stack of video tapes on the experiments the scientists have done. So John and Valerie had to take the video tapes, as evidence for the trial. After that, they return back to Christine and Nurib with the video tapes.

"What are those?" Christine asked.

"These are video tapes where the scientists were involved with these experiments, we're going to use them as evidence for when the scientists are put on trial" John answered.

"As in the Aureum scientists? Don't you think they regret about doing the experiments?" Valerie questioned.

"No, I meant human scientists who worked here" he replied.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake towards the point that it woke Nurib up. All three team members rushed towards the window to look outside, and they saw a giant spaceship has landed near the facility. It looked as though it was made from solid gold, and it was shaped like a dome. They don't know what the ship belongs to, until Nurib got up and looked through the window.

"What is that spaceship belongs to?" John asked.

"Seems to be the galleon class Aureum ship, model type: golden sunrise" Nurib answered.

"Then why is your people here??" Valerie questioned.

"I don't know, and I would like to find out" Nurib replied.

Everyone put their helmets on before leaving the storage building, then they walked towards the facility. John used the keycard to activate the airlock, and it slide open for the team to enter. As soon as they entered, the airlock immediately shuts itself. They walked down the halls to check up on Ithis in the lab, and in there, they can see that all of the Aureum scientists have been thawed out and put on clothes. However, on the ground, there was an Aureum man that was enveloped in blub (leaving the eyes, nose, and feet exposed).

"Who is that?" Nurib asked.

Ithis came to him and explained to him in Aureum language, and then he translates on what Ithis said to his team members.

"So, this Aureum man is a soldier named Auriga. He was one of the test subjects on genetic experimentation, and when you cured him by injecting the antidote, he was furious and insane to the point that he attempted to kill you?" Valerie said.

Ithis nodded, while Auriga angrily muffled due to the blub covering his mouth. Then Ithis told Nurib about how he was the one who contacted the squadron of Aureum soldiers to investigate the facility, since he regret his role of being forced to perform experiments in bio weaponry. Nurib understands this and translates to the team, in which they were relieved that they're getting help from Nuribs people.

"If there is any alien monsters, the soldiers will wipe them out" Valerie said.

"Exactly, since these monsters are basically hybrids of alien species and animals. Perhaps they'll have to take them in custody for the time being, due to being experiments" John replied.

"What will these soldiers do to Auriga?" Christine asked.

"They just have to put him in the mental ward until his mind is repaired, and then he will sue the people working here" Nurib explained.

"That's good, but I still don't get it. Why is this facility forcing the Aureum scientists to perform such nasty experiments?" She questioned.

"Well look no further, according to these files: this place was founded by this megacorp that sells weaponry on planets to ensure that the battles will keep going while they reap the profits" Valerie explained.

"That's so wrong! No, it's evil! They're basically forcing the Aureum scientists to perform experiments so that they will sell them to planets just to profit off the battles!" John exclaimed in an outraged tone.

Suddenly, one Aureum soldier kicked the door so hard that it made a dent on the wall, and few Aureum soldiers started to pour in the lab. They are armed with blasters that require two hands, and they surround everyone while pointing their weapons.

"<get down, now! Hands behind where I can see them!>" Ordered one Aureum soldier in his native language.

Everyone got down to their knees and placed their hands behind their backs, then each of the Aureum soldiers  checked them to see if there's any weaponry on them. Turns out, neither the team nor the scientists have anything harmful with them.

"<You, Ithis, you contacted us to investigate this facility to flush out any escaped experiments, right?>" Asked one Aureum soldier in his native language.

Ithis nodded before explaining to them on how he and the other Aureum scientists were forced to experiment on creating hybrids and mutating the test subjects, including their own people, just so the megacorp will sell them for any ongoing battles to make a profit. The leader of the squadron of Aureum soldiers was repulsed by this revelation, so Nurib took the stacks of video tapes containing videos of the experiments and handed to the squadron. It was hard to notice due to the visors on their helmets obscuring their faces, but the squadron were furious. Ithis told them that after curing Auriga, the Aureum soldier that was experimented on, he tried to reason with him that he can sue the human personnel and the megacorp. However, the cured Aureum soldier attempted to kill him, so Ara (the female Aureum scientist) used to tranquilizer gun to sedate him and took him to the chamber that shoots blub to keep him from harming anyone.

"<I feel bad for one of my comrades to have gone insane from hatred of being experimented on, but we shall escort you all to the golden sunrise ship to take you to safety>" the leader said.

"I don't know what he just said, but could you translate my question: what about my ship?" John asked.

Nurib nodded and translates John's question to the leader, the leader reassures that John's ship shall be in the golden sunrise hanger. Afterwards, the leader of the squadron orders his men to escort the team and the Aureum scientists to the ship, while the rest of the squad shall remain to investigate. And so, four of the Aureum soldiers escorted the team and the Aureum scientists out from the lab and headed for the exit, while the two carefully placed Auriga (Who was encased in blub) without the blub sticking to their gloves.

Authors note: next chapter is the fan art, I hope those who enjoyed this book will like the fan art made by my new friend.

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