Side story: Ithis and the monster

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Meanwhile, back at the lab

Ithis was busy using the hairdryer to thaw the female Aureum who was a part of his science team, he blushed for a bit that she among others weren't wearing clothes since they woke up from hypersleep before being frozen in ice. He went to the stack of clothes, and pulled out undergarments (a bra and panties). Then he walked back and carefully slip the undergarments on the female Aureum to cover her, before resuming.

"<Don't worry, it won't take long for you and others to thaw out. Then we'll have to leave this place, so the clean up crew can deal with the creations that we were forced to experiment>" he said to her in his native language (note: the <> symbols are translation of the Aureum language).

He moved the hairdryer up at the forehead to thaw out the brain, then down where the heart is. It took at least seventeen minutes until the female Aureum gasps for air, showing him that she is revived. He watched as her eyes moved from one side to the other beneath her eyelids, as if she was trying to look around.

"<Where... am... i...?>" She asked in a weak voice.

"<We're in one of the labs of this facility, we were frozen for some time because of one of our experiments have damaged our pods in order to wake us up from hypersleep. In case if you have forgotten: my name is Ithis, and I was thawed out by a team of three humans and one member of our race, Nurib>" he answered.

"<My name is Ara>" she said.

"<Yes, you were named after the constellation of where our home colony is located>" he said.

Ara stiffly sat up, feeling that the joints of her arms and legs are still frozen. She started coughing and shivering from the cold, but Ithis grabbed a blanket and covered her in order to keep her warm. He then tells her that as soon as her arms and legs thawed out, she might as well put some clothes on to keep herself warm. Suddenly, there was a loud sound coming from outside, so he had to leave the lab to investigate.

"<It better not be one of our experiments>" he said to himself as he followed the sound into the Bio wing.

The sound stopped, and it was dead silent. The only thing he can hear is his breathing and the sound of his bare feet as he walked on the metal floor. His gold colored glowing eyes give some light within the darkness, but at one of the pods that lined the hallway of the Bio wing started to glow blue. His body tenses up since he and the other Aureum scientists once worked at the bio weapon part of the facility, so there's no doubt that there's a mutated monster coming out of the pod upon awakening. Steam come out from the cracks of the pod, and it's lid slid open. Then a humanoid creature with horns, canine snout, pale green skin, and a tail collapsed onto the floor.

Ithis took a couple of steps further, and due to the lighting from the pod, he can see that the mutated monster has a thick gold colored mane and it has few tubes attached to its arms and legs. However, the gold colored mane gives him a clue that this monster was once an Aureum. The monster slowly opened its eyes, they glow in the same gold color as an Aureum, and it was breathing heavily.

"<What have we done?>" He said to himself.

The monster raised its head up, and it's eyes became bloodshot the moment it saw him. It growled in anger as it slowly crawled towards him, causing him to take few steps back. He moved his arm while his eyes stared at the monster, trying to feel some weapon that can be used for self defense. When he was cornered at the wall, he thought that this is the end for him because the monster would kill him by eating him or tear him to shreds. Fortunately, he noticed that the monster stopped when the tubes that was attached to it was tugging on it, causing it some pain. This was his chance to escape, but he noticed a syringe on the table that contained an unknown substance. He picked it up, and then stabbed the monster in the neck before injecting the unknown substance.

"<This will put an end to your misery>" he said in a sorrowful tone, as he felt guilty of being one of those who experimented on his own kind.

Much to his surprise, the monster slowly transformed into a normal Aureum man (If not naked). He blushed at the sight, but he realized that the unknown substance that he had injected the monster may have been the cure for mutation. He found a scanner on the table and picked it up, then he bent down and lifted the unconscious Aureum man's arm to scan the bar code that was tattooed. When he scanned the bar code, the results appeared on screen:

Name: Auriga.

Race: Aureum.

Rank: soldier.

Status: unconscious.

Additional info: subject was tested in the Bio wing for genetic experimentation, subject experienced painful transformation. Personnel had to put subject in hypersleep, due to going feral and killed one personnel. Experiment was a failure.

Ithis was shaken at this revelation, and wondered if this man would wake up and attempt to kill him. Nevertheless, he placed the scanner down before pulling one of the tubes. This caused the unconscious Aureum soldier to grunt in pain, as the tubes that was attached to him popped out of him one by one. Ithis looked at the tubes, and saw that they were leaking blue fluids (presumably enzymes to keep the subject from starvation and dehydration).

"<Now, let's get you some clothes>" said Ithis.

He started walking, but the Aureum Soldier grabbed him by the ankle. He glanced behind him, and saw that Auriga has regained consciousness and glared at him with bloodshot eyes.

"<You did this to me>" Auriga muttered.

"<Look, me and the scientists were forced with genetic experiments to create bio weapons. One of us maybe responsible for your mutation, but I didn't do this to you!>" Ithis said as he tried to reassure him.

"<You can do better than this, you can't fool me again!>" Auriga growled and he jerked Ithis by the foot, causing the Aureum scientist to fall on the ground.

Ithis tried to crawl away, but the Aureum soldier crawled on top of him.

"<Have you gone insane!?>" Ithis asked in a panicked tone.

"<Yeah, I have gone crazy. It was you scientists who done this to me! You put me in hypersleep after I mutated, and I struggled to maintain sanity. As it turns out, I eventually went crazy as I left stewing in my anger for you all!" Auriga angrily yelled.

"<I'm sorry! I cured you from your mutation, so why don't you let me go? I can get you some clothes, and we can wait for when help comes. Then you can press charges on the personnel who worked here as well as the ones who run this place, so spare me and the others!" Ithis begged.

The Aureum soldiers expression softened for a moment, before remembering all the trauma the facility put him through.

"<Why should I spare you? You put me through a painful transformation, so you might as well feel the same pain as I felt>" Auriga said in a calm tone, before raising his fist with intent on smashing Ithis on the head.

Ithis flinched and closed his eyes, but he heard the Aureum soldier grunting pain before groaning. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ara standing behind Auriga while armed with a tranquilizer gun. Then the Aureum soldier leaned to the right and fell on the floor, thus freeing Ithis.

"<Thank you, Ara. You saved me>" Ithis said.

"<At least I put some clothes on and found this tranquilizer gun, but when I saw that naked man yelling at you, I knew I had to save you>" Ara explained with a smile.

"<So, what are we going to do with him?>" He asked.

"<I know that he's an Aureum like you and I, and I know just the thing to keep him from harming others>" she replied with a sly smirk.

Authors note: what do you think of the side story? This has to be the longest chapter I had done in a long time, and I haven't done a side story in a long time too.

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