A Little Cute And A Little Fluffy?

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(Alright!!! next Chappy here we Come!!!! Hope you all Like it!!! Oh and now for The moment you've sort Of been Waiting for!! ((Not my Pic)) Yep If you can see the pic you know 'who' I'm talking about;D )

Lilly's Pov

I shot up in a cold sweat, and bile filling my throat. I bolted out of my room and hurled into the nice cool toilet bowl. My head spun with the flushing water, let's just say that my stomach was not in the mood to hold my insides in. UGH!!! I hate being sick!! After rinsing my mouth I stumbled back to my room and under my now cool covers. It was 12 so mom wasn't at home, not that she could really do anything other then make her nice, warm, forgiving vegetable stew.

I texted the library and Tiana telling them what was wrong, before snuggling further under my covers. I saw my phone light up and buzz on my night stand.  I groaned and snatched it up. It was from Teddi: Hey L.T!! Want to hang?!

LT: Not today.

T: What? Why? What's wrong?!!

LT: I'm sick.

T: Oh ya poor thing!! don't worry I'm coming over right now!

LT: Don't! I don't want you sick too!!

T: Oh pish posh!! I don't get sick.

LT: Yeah, right.

T: No for reals I haven't been sick since I was five!! Now what room r ya in?!

I sighed: Top floor, Room 616, key is in the bottom right door jam.

T: Sweet see ya in 20!!

I threw my phone back on my night stand and blacked out.


I woke up to an earthquake!!! No wait not an earthquake, I decided as soon as I saw blue and purple hair centimeters from my face. I saw Teddi's sun-kissed skin and hazel eyes smiling back at my. I glared back at her, which she ignored and sat up on the edge on my bed. She started to talk to me still unfazed, I started to search for my glasses and found them in Teddi's hand.

Teddi was twirling my glasses and talking, not a care in the world. I sighed and crossed my arms, let's see how long it takes her. Surprisingly enough it took her a few minuets before she stopped and looked confused. I could just see the gears in her brain moving. She twirled my glasses two more times before stopping and looking at them. Wait for it. . .3. . .2 . . She glanced at me and smiled shyly.

I smirked as she slowly handed me the glasses, chuckling I put them on *green*. "Sorry L.T. I kind of forgot I had them."

"It's okay Teddi. How long have I been asleep?"

"Well It's seven right now, so when ever ya fell asleep," She shrugged her shoulders, " Oh we tried to wake ya up but ya made it clear really fast that ya wanted ta sleep. So we left ya alone." She smiled, "Well yer mom left an hour ago, she was really nice and made some wicked stew!! Way good!! Hey are ya hungry?!"

Before I could answer my stomach growled in rebellion, basically shouting for food! We both laughed, "I'll take that as a yes!!" Teddi helped me to the kitchen and heated up a bowl for me, as she sat on the counter with a PB and J. 

"Oh My Gosh!!" I shot my head up startled by the big words on my screen, " We should totally have a movie night!!" She leaped off the counter before glancing at me sheepishly, "Er I mean if yer up ta it, we could."

 I smiled feeling a little better, "Sure I think I could handle a movie night!"

Teddi grinned and ran away only to come back a few seconds later, "Which ones?!?!" She plopped a bunch on the counter. I looked them over as she put my bowl in the sink; hmm there was action, comedy, horror! Uh no. Let's see. . . what is this?! Romance?! And the mushy teary kind too, uh so not in the mood. I finally found two that were go betweens: The Avengers: Action plus Comedy and Princess Bride: Romance, Comedy and Action. Perfect!

(I Don't own these Movies!! If I did. . . Well that would just be Cool!!)

Teddi snatched them up and ran to put Princess Bride in first, I sat down on the couch and wrapped myself in the blankets that were scattered on the cushions. Teddi bounced next to me as the movie started, I laughed at her excitement.

Through out the movie me and Teddi Cooed at the handsome Westly and the beautiful Buttercup, we cheered during the sword fights and laughed at the witty jokes! But just as I thought we only made it to the beginning of the Avengers before our movie night turned into a sleepover.


I was sick for the next few days, on Saturday Mikey cam over and gave me crackers and Jelly-beans, to as he said,"To help ya feel better soon!!" He was such a cutey. It was now Monday, and I had to go to work. I came home at six, I took a quick shower and crashed on the couch my hair still dripping wet. I didn't care I was too tired to care. I saw a blue light flashing and moaned as I saw I had a text message.

M: Hey Little T!! Do ya think it's time for K.B to meet my bros!!? I think yes, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't being dumb again.

I frowned at the text, he wasn't dumb he was silly and a bit of a goof but he wasn't dumb: You're not dumb Mikey, It's just hard for others to understand your awesomeness;) And As for meetings the only way to know is to ask them?! 

M:Group message???

LT: Yep!!

*Texting time*  (Just as a Reminder ((not that You smarties need any but. . .)) LT is Lilly. L is Leo. M is Mikey and so on and so Forth. Got It?! Okay sorry back to the Chappy!!)  

M: Hey Bro's!?!?

L: what is it Mikey?

M:Well me and L.T have a new friend. . .

My phone was soon bombarded by a text from Don, who was usually very calm.

D: NO MIKEY!!! No more strays!!! You KNOW what happened last time!!! I don't care what it is!!! It better not be here already!!! You know what splinter said!!

R: Yeah Mikey, I had ta clean the entir' freakin lair!! TWICE!!

L: We all had to Raph!!

I thought It was time to stop it before it got out of had: Whoo! Guys chill! This isn't about an animal, and besides what Mikey did can't have been that bad, be nice!

D: Oh no Lilly! It wasn't bad, it was TERRIBLE!! All my experiments gone :'(

Wow Donnie was a fast texter!

L: Wait a minuet what do you two mean by not an animal? Do you mean another person?!

M: Yeah!!! It's this way cool chick named Teddi, she's way awesome!!!

R: Ya mean the one ya day dream about. /:)

LT: Awww! Really, that's cute!!

M: Um maybe. Anyways could she come over?!!! Please!!!

L:I don't know Mikey. . .

M: Please she already knows I'm a turtle and-----

L,D,R: WHAT?!?!!!

LT: Umm It was an accident and totally not his fault!!! If it wasn't for the purple dragons, she wouldn't have known. . . . yet.

L: What?!!

D: Purple Dragons?!!

M: Yeah we fought them off and Teddi kind of saw me.

L: What the shell Mikey!! When was this?

M: When me and Lilly were painting her board! Teddi came and helped out until we were attacked.

D: Mikey why didn't you tell us?

L: Shell Mikey.

R: R ya okay? 

I blushed as his text came out of the group message, he was worried about me?! Maybe he did care?! I stuffed my girly side down and texted the group back: Everything Is fine guys! We held them off and Mikey's hood came off during the fight.

M: Yeah and she was totally cool with it!! Teddi was really excited and happy when she saw that I was a turtle!

R: If ya like her so much, maybe ya should date her first >;)

M: We already went on a date.



 I left the group message and pounded on the keyboard: TEDDI!!!! WHAT THE SHELL!?!?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!! I thought we were friends?!

T: WHAT? WHAT? What did I do?

LT: Mikey, You, Date?! Ringing any bells!!

T: I thought I told ya?

LT: I wouldn't be upset if you did!

T: Wait date? Did Mikey say it was a date?!!!

I smirked, I could practically see her squealing through the text: Yes he did, now spill it.

T: Oh right, well It was super cute!! Well we bumped into each other and went to the skate park, we joked around and had fun. After that we had a pizza picnic on my roof, and when we were done he gave me a hug and a sunflower! My favorite flower!! XD I didn't think he'd remember that. . .  :D

I smiled: Aww how cute!! Okay I forgive you, but unfortunately I'm going to have to keep a secret from you >;)

T: Ahh Man!!

LT: Eh don't worry it's just for a few minuets. (I knew Mikey was going to tell her as soon as his brothers said yes)

T: Oh okay! I can wait a few minuets!

Grinning I went back to the group text: Okay I'm back!!

R: Oh ya left?

LT: Ouch Raph, that really hurt *Eye Roll*

L: We decided that she could come over on Friday.

LT: Weird day but okay.

D: From what we've heard, I think everything should be fine, got to go, Night!


R: Great now we have ta deal with hyper Mikey all week.

Don, Mikey and Raph left the text message.

Leo sent me a private message:I hope I did alright? Why was Mikey asking? He usually wouldn't. . .

LT: You know believe it or not but Mikey was actually nervous.

L: Sorry but I don't believe it, Mikey and Nervous don't go in the same sentence. Why would he be nervous?

LT: Oh come on Leo! It's because he really likes Teddi, and he wants his older brother to accept her too. He wants your approval.


LT: Yep!

L: Wow, my little brother, in love?!

LT: Aww I think it's cute!

 L:Whatever you say little lady lilly ;)

LT: Lol, Night sir blue!

L: Night!

(How did I Do with the Texts?! OH sorry back to the story!!)

I smiled and got a craving for hot chocolate. Now I know it was the middle of summer but hot chocolate just seemed like a really good idea! I got up, and went to the kitchen to make some. I stirred the chocolate pieces in the steaming milk and poured some marshmallows in it too. Blowing on it I turned around and saw a huge shadow of a man!

 I yelped and dropped my cup expecting it to shatter, but the shadow grabbed it not even spilling a drop!! I jerked up and saw Raph laughing. I huffed, 'What the heck is wrong with you!!!' I signed at him, my heart still doing flip flops in my chest. Raph chuckled and handed me my glasses that were on the counter.

 I shoved them on and smacked his arm, "RAPH!!! You scared me!! How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on a DEAF girl!!" I crossed my arms angrily.

He stood up straight still smirking, "Didn't believe ya when ya said yous was fine, but ya look fine." He looked me up and down. I realized I was in a spaghetti strap tank top and short booty shorts with matching pink paw prints. My face flushed and Raph went pink as he realized what he had said. "Er what I meant was----"

I smirked and popped my hip out, "You going to take it back now Red?" I smiled amused by how red his face was getting, he was so cute! I shook my head and sighed, "Wait here I'll be right back." I went to my room and put on a pair of sweat pants before coming back to Raph finishing off my drink. "DUDE!! I was planning on drinking that!" I saw him smile behind the cup. 

"It was gettin cold, can't waste a good cup of hot chocolate!" He said playing along.

 I rolled my eyes and grabbed another cup and started to make another, "I didn't take that long silly boy." I felt him watching me, I turned around and saw him leaning against the counter across from me. His intense green eyes looking at me. "What?"

He shrugged, "Just wonderin?"

I put my cup in the microwave, "About what?"

"Yer secret." 

"What secret? I'm an open book, ask me anything." I took out my cup and carefully sent it down I stirred the chocolate, waiting for Raph to speak. 

I was pouring the marshmallows in when, "How are ya so strong?" Surprised I dumped more then enough, making the hot mixture spill out on the counter top. I dropped a rag on the spill and turned to Raph.

"What? I'm not strong, that's one of the last words I'd use for me, I mean look at me I'm tiny!"

"I didn't mean physically, I meant. . . ya know. . . strong."

I shook my head baffled. I cleaned the mess up, "Honestly Raph I have no idea what your asking." I sat on the counter and sipped my cocoa waiting for the turtle in front of me to talk. "Well," He looked embarrassed, "Please Raph tell me, I'll read ya loud and clear?!" I chuckled at my own small jest.

He rolled his eyes, "See That right there, ya take anything and turn it around. No matter what happens ta ya, ya just roll it off like no big deal. And yer always in a good mood, while I just blow up all the time, how do ya stay strong all the time?"

I was shocked that he thought all of that about me. I sighed, "Oh Raph I wouldn't call that a strength, but cowardliness. when I don't want to think about something, I bottle it up and away. But it always comes back to me." I looked up at him and gave him a small smile, "I'm not strong Raph, I'm actually really weak."

He scowled, "That's not how I see ya. I think yer pretty strong to be able to help others, before yerself. Yer always lookin out fer us, not caring bout yerself, that's pertty strong."

I blushed and smiled, "Aww, thanks Raph, I didn't know you had this side to you?!"

I looked at me confused, "What side?"

I looked at him from my cup, "A sweet side." I jumped down and put my cup in the sink as Raph grumbled, "I ain't sweet!"

I gave him a smile and took his mug to the sink as well, "Well if you think I'm strong then I think you're sweet!"

"Minx." He smirked.

"Brute." I poked his chest.

"Short stack." He patted my head

I shoved his hand off, "Hot-head!"

He leaned down, "Drama queen!"

"Hot Chocolate Thief!!" I giggled pushing his face away.

He stood up straight and sighed, "And boy was it good!" 

We laughed at each other, "Thanks for coming over Raph it was nice to talk with you."

"Sounds like I'm being kicked out?" He raised an eyebrow.

I looked at the time 10 pm, "Nope you can stay until five in the morning if you wanted to. . . so do you want to watch a movie or something?"

 He shrugged, "Sure got nothin else ta do." I walked into the living room with Raph following me. I opened a cabinet by the TV an grabbed a blanket. 

I sat down on the couch and wrapped myself up, "Go ahead, you can choose I don't care." Raph grinned and pulled out a DVD from moms movie, Nightmare On Elms Street. I cringed, "Oh um maybe I should tell you that I don't do scary movies."

"Ah but ya said I could choose. Besides it's just a movie." He popped it in and the commercials started up. Raph sat by me but not too close and we watched the commercials go on. After 3 minuets Raph stood up, I grabbed his arm, "Where are you going?!"

He chuckled, "Just ta get popcorn, do ya have any?"

"Of course I have Popcorn but you must be out of your mind if you think I'm staying here alone! You stay I'll make it!" I didn't give him a chance to answer, as I shot up and went to the kitchen. I put the buttered popcorn in a bowl and gave it to Raph. I sat down and squashed myself in the blanket already terrified. 

When the girl was killed I took off the glasses after I jumped from her scream flashing boldly across my glasses. I buried myself deeper so that only my eyes were out of the blanket. I started to feel a little better until Freddy came back suddenly! I yelped and jumped into Raph, I felt him shake in laughter, "You watch, I'll just stay here!" I pulled the blanket over my head and waited for the movie to be over, but within a few seconds I was already asleep.


Raph Pov

I was watchin the dumb Freddy movie and laughing at Lilly when I felt her head on my arm. I paused the movie and looked down at the sleeping girl. The blanket had fallen off her face, her lips puffed out slightly as she breathed. He long brown hair framed her peaceful face. She was so beautiful. I smiled, she was such a minx. 

I turned the movie off and carefully standing up I went and cleaned up the small mess. I rinsed out the mugs and the buttery bowl and left them to dry. I put the movie away and the other blanket on the floor. Glinting from the table was her glasses and phone, I picked those up and put them in her room on the bedside. I walked back to the living room and stopped at the image before me.

The moonlight was coming in from the window and was shining directly on Lilly. She was laying on her side with her head on her arm and the other arm draped on her side. Her hair lay perfect on her head and shoulders, from her waist down she was covered in the blanket. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. I stared at her and enjoyed to peace before a thought hit me, What if she woke up right now?!

I felt my face flush, well I couldn't just let her sleep there! Well I didn't really have a choice any more. Groaning I carefully made my way over to her. Leaning down I cradled her close to me, careful to not wake her. She was so small and warm, I liked holding her close to me, my heart was beating so fast and I'm pretty sure my face was as red as my mask.

While walking back to her room I felt her shift, only closer to me. My face flushed as I bumped the door open. I lay her carefully down before realizing that sh was holding my hand?! I felt as if my heart had just leaped in my throat! I really liked Lilly, that I knew I just . . .didn't know what to do after that. pulling my hand away gently, I placed the sheets over her sleeping figure and did something I wasn't planning on doing. 

I swiftly leaned down and kissed her forehead. When it hit me of what I did I shot up and blushed. My blush deepened when I saw her smile. Grinning I brushed her hair away, "Good night. . . Minx."


Back to Lilly pov!  

  I woke up in my room and vaguely remembered Raph taking me to may room. I got dressed and ready for the day, and ate an orange for breakfast.  It was 9:32 am, I sent a quick text to Raph.

LT: Hey sorry I fell asleep on you last night! Thanks for cleaning up and for putting my glasses on my table!! 

R: No big deal.

LT: Thanks anyways!

I then texted Tiana and asked if she needed any help, to which she said absolutely. I left my home and went to the studio where I found Tiana working on Annalysse's dress. It was pink and silver with light blue roses in the tutu part. She also had some arm bands with lace and the same roses. The top of the dress was a dark pink that faded to lite and then the silver tutu part, with a very low sweetheart neck line.

I looked at my two dresses; each of us main characters had two, Me, Odette, The Prince and Rothebart too. My first one was brown, gold and black, with a rounded top. It had a gold flower on one side and the skirt part was almost like a sun flower from light to dark. The whole outfit was spiky looking and daring just like my character.

The second dress was just gorgeous! I loved it and was currently adding more feathers to the head piece. The top was a sweetheart shape out lined in dark purple with a black point in the center front. the middle was filled white until it got to the tutu part. The tutu was dark purple and Black with black diamonds glittering it. I also had arm bands, they were tight purple ribbons with black tails. The head piece was just a thing I could stick in my bun; it had dark purple feathers with black diamonds.

After I had helped Tiana, she sent me to go and practice. Tiana gave me a practice dress, but seeing as how I couldn't practice at home I decided to go to the lair. The practice dress was a pretty thing with blues and silvers running through it. I was also a two piece, the top was like a swim suit that tied behind the neck with a sweetheart neckline that was a little lower then I would have liked. And the tutu was more of a low skirt.

I went to out and down a man hole, towards the lair. I looked in and was surprised to find no one there. Probably all in the dojo training. I felt a lite tap on my shoulder and turned to find a beautiful blond behind me. She had a red shirt with ruffles on the front and black slacks on with black heels. Blond sandy hair and bright blues eyes. She was taller then me that I could tell with out the heels. What caught my attention was her belt, she had a gun, cuffs and a police badge.

"Hello my name is Serina Lane, who are you?" I smiled, so this was Donnie's' girlfriend, I held my hand out and we shook.

"Hi I'm Lilly Tara Connors, L.T for short. So You're the Serina I've heard so much about!"

She smirked, "L.T? Oh no what have you heard?!"

"Oh a ton of good things, like that you're in the CSI, you're smart, beautiful and . . . Part bunny?" I frowned cause she looked normal.

Serina smiled and undid her pony tail, all of her hair fell down and two long ears flopped straight up and down. I gasped and watched her grin making her ears flip again. "Wow!! May I?" She nodded and let me feel them, they were so soft!! "Thank you Serina, so what are you doing?"

She shook her hair and started to walk to the kitchen, with me in tow. " I actually have a week off of work so I came to visit, I haven't been here in months!! It feels so nice, like I'm back home!" She grinned and I had to hold in a giggle as her nose started to twitch real cute like. "I have some sweet lemon orange tea, would you like to join me?"

I smiled and nodded as she got the water boiling, she turned to me and tilted her head questioning, "So L.T tell me about yourself." I knew it was coming so smiling I sat down and turned to her.

"How about we play two truths and a lie?"

She smirked, "Okay you first."

"Okay ummm, My favorite color is blue, I'm deaf and I had a dog named Cocoa."

"The second one, your not deaf?!"

"Wow do I really sound that good?!"

"Well your words are a little lisped and a little louder then normal . . . wait your deaf?"


"Then how can you understand what I'm saying? Are you lipreading?"

"No, your boyfriend made these glasses for me. They take words and sounds and creates them into subtitles for me to read!"

"Cool!" Her smile widened at the mention of Donnie.

"The lie was the color my favorite is green."

 "Alright my turn; I am a detective, my favorite color is yellow, and I hate the rain."

"Um the last one?"

"Nope the first, I am still in training. I only hate the rain because of the thunder, it was loud before and now it is almost unbearable with these ears of mine." she made her ears flap again causing me to giggle.

We ended up just talking with each other, it was fun to talk with her. She was a detective because her whole family was mixed in with the law in some way. But only her boss and partner know about the mutagen and what it did to her. She can hear a heart beat up to two floors away and anything else dangerous, like a bomb! I also found out that from her knees down she had fluffy yellow rabbit feet, they looked more like socks but I knew better. Her feet had helped her run down a lot of bad guys, and that unfortunately she can't be around drug dogs or service dogs because of her rabbit part.

"Hey L.T what is on your necklace?"

"Oh this? My dad was a NYPD cop, he was killed in the same car accident that made me deaf. I was nine. And this one was my dog Cocoa's he was a service dog and on the night that I met the guys he was protecting me from some purple dragons and got hurt." I smiled, "They were my heroes! And now I wear them to remind me that 'today is for tomorrow."

"Today is for tomorrow? Yeah I can relate to that, today is for tomorrow." she smiled. "So what are your plans?"

"Well I am suppose to go to college and get a doctorate in something but. . ."

"But what?"

"But what I would really like to do is be a dancer! But my mom doesn't want me to be distracted by 'silly activities' so I really don't know what to do. I don't want to disappoint her but at the same time I don't want to be a doctor, judge or whatever."

"Why not do both? Go to school and dance like with a scholarship or something?"

I glared down at my cup, "They don't want a deaf dancer in their troupe, I't be to much of a 'Hassle' for them!"

"I'm sorry but hey if you ever want to come on the force, I could probably pull some strings!" She held my hand and smiled.

I returned the smile, "Thanks Serina!" 

"Don't worry if you really want something you'll find a was to get it, don't give up on hope." she gave my hand a squeeze and pulled away. We talked about other things and life when her ears twitched and she looked behind me.

Her face split into a huge smile as she jumped up, "DONNIE!!"

"SERINA?!" Serina then literally jumped up and over me and the table, and into Donnie's arms. He spun her around making her giggle before giving her a sweet deep kiss. She smiled and played with his tail fins while he held her closer. I felt as if I was watching a heart throb movie! Smiling I decided to find Master Splinter, leaving the cute couple to catch up.

(Hey Guys!!! What did you guys think?!?! I thought that was a cute ((4670 words Long!!!)) Chappy!! But lots of fun!! I can't wait for the rest!! hope you guys liked it!! Comment down below, and thank you Guys for helping me reach 400 reads!!!! That Is just Freaking fantastic!!! ARIGATO LITTLE JEWELS!!!!!!) 

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