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(Alrighty!! Time for the Next Chappy!!! Is It weird that I get excited over My own story?! oh Well at Least I'm having fun!!! Oh and I hope the Pic shows up! Cross your Fingers ;) Hope you Guys like It!!    BTW: THANK YOU!!!!)

(Still Lilly's Pov)

I had to leave at three cause Teddi's dad, who owned the X-Treme Rollers store, told her she had work today. I made it home by three to find mom passed out on the couch, she had work at four so I could let her sleep. I took a quick shower and shoved myself in ripped up jeans with a white lose t-shirt. I combed my long wavy caramel hair and put it in a fishtail braid with a red ribbon at the end. I glanced at my bedside clock, 3:34, I sighed and went to wake mom up.

'wh-what is it L.T?' I showed her the time which made her grimace before giving a forced smile, I hated how she acted like this. Like she was okay and happy, when I knew she wasn't. I tried talking her out of it but she never listened, we got in an argument over that once and ended up not signing to each other for two weeks. We later, mainly mom, decided to leave well enough alone.

I saw her to the door, 'bye mom.'

'bye L.T. I love you, hey do you have work today?'

'No but I'm going to hang out with a few of my friends.' I saw her face and smirked, 'Don't worry it's a big group and we aren't going to stay out for that long.'

Mom gave me a smile anyways before hugging me and waving good bye, 'Be safe little flower!'

'I will love you!'  When she was gone I pulled out my phone and started to text Mikey.

L.T: Yo Mikestar!!

 I didn't have to wait long at all. M: Sup Little T!!

L.T: Want to head to the park later? I have an idea for my board but I want your opinion. Think we could do that?!

M: Totally Yes on both!!! Meet u at 7?

L.T: Perfect! Little Chain Link park?

M: Yep that's the one!! C u soon sis!!

L.T: See you later!!

I grinned and plopped on the couch, my feet kicking on the arm rest I started to text Teddi.

L.T: Score one for your new best friend!!

T: Is it on?!

L.T: It's on like. . . like Donkey Kong!! sorry that was dorky wasn't it :3 

T: Just a Diddy bit ;P (Ha! did ya See what I did there?! Ye-ah sorry, Please excuse my dork side;D)

I chuckled : lol! Yeah were meeting at the Little Chain Link park at 7, you might want to come a little later so as not to look planned or anything ;)

T: YES!!! I can't wait!! This is going to be awesome!!!

I smiled, I hope that everything would go great! What would happen if Teddi 'saw Mikey?! She seems like a cool girl. . . Oh I hope everything goes great!?! I looked at the time, Thursday June 26, 3:59 pm was at the top of the screen. I frowned, something was important about today, what was it?! I bolted upright!! OMGOSH!!! I had dance practice today!! I only had two weeks left before the Big production!! 

I jumped up and rushed to my room, grabbed my bag, my board and keys before barreling out the door. I hauled a taxi and made it to the studio by 4:17. Late. Huffing I found Tiana helping a small group of students before turning to me. 


'Sorry Tiana.'

She sighed and then smiled, 'Well it's a good thing you are here. Now let's get you ready to be Odiel. Back room five minuets.' She waved and ran over to help a few animals with there steps. I scrambled to the locker rooms and got dressed. I was fixing my hair in the mirror when a few other girls came in. They were all swans and 'Odette' who was little miss barbie doll perfect, Annalysse Princetton (SO so so sorry if that's Your name.) She had too shiny thin blonde hair, which was mostly extensions, and dark blue eyes. She thought she was at the top of the world and that every one else was beneath her, especially me.

Annalysse use to be my friend but that was before the accident, when her true colors were shown. I loathed her, and I didn't need my glasses to know that what she was saying was beyond rude. Unfortunately I had them on, and was soon reminded just how much words hurt.

"EWW!! What is that smell?!" she held her nose with her neon colored nails, her friends snickered and joined the 'fun' while slowly surrounding me. "Oh! It's 'Garbage girl' what are you doing here junkyard. Why don't you go crawling back to the swamp hole you call a home."

Everyone laughed and jeered adding a few 'jokes' of their own. I glared back at the idiots and jammed more pins in my hair. Annalysse scrunched her nose, "Sheesh didn't your parents ever teach you how to present yourself, Stupid?" 

I stiffened as she masked her face with false pity, "Oh wait that's right, I'm so sorry I forgot that your dad was dead and that your mom is never around." I ground my teeth together and clutched the sink top until my knuckles were white. She better shut her stupid fat mouth up!! "It's probably because she has such an ugly daughter who is always causing her grief." I growled as she stepped closer, "Don't worry ugly duckling at least someone loves you, oh wait that's right no one does, who could love someone so dumb."

THAT WAS IT!! I whipped around and slapped her, hard. She fell over against her lackeys and looked at me shocked, "My parents love me, and they always will, even if one of them is gone. They loved me with true love, without having to 'pay ' their way to love! As I remember neither one of your 'perfect parents' ever gave you the time of day! Not one second! Do you know why! Because there daughter was too selfish and bratty to be seen around them!"

Annalysse lunged at me and my fighting skills kicked in, I turned to the side and round housed her away. I only managed to kick her into more of her lackeys, she glared up at me her face red with anger. But I was done with her, I got in a stance ready to take her down when a hand clamped down on both of our shoulders. I looked up to find Tiana, who was beyond mad.

"Stop it! Stop it right now or else I will personally make sure NEITHER of you ever dance again!!" We froze as she glared at all of us, "Now I need a beautiful Odette to learn all of her moves and have them perfect in TWO weeks! Lilly I need you to save your passions and emotions for Odiel!" She gave each of us pointed looks, " I need good dancers not broken ones! Now all of you swans out and to the main room! Odette go to the side room for your fitting, and Odiel back room now." we walked out of there, I turned right and Annalysse went left. Before she was out of view she gave me a glare, but I just smirked at her now red hand print. 

Me and Tiana went to the back room, 'L.T. What happened? You never get angry like that and you certainly don't throw the first punch?!' I raised an eyebrow, 'I saw the mark.'

I glanced down, 'Nothing just some stress.'

'You don't want to tell me fine, but either you two resolve it or you two stay away from eachother. I can't handle this right now, I doing a charity production and I'm co-directing two others!!' She sighed, 'Alright Lilly let's see what you remember, and if I like it then I'll let you go early, okay?'

I just nodded and started my routine. When she was satisfied she let me go at 6:47, I quickly got dressed and rode my board to the skate park where a big orange dude was doing flips in the now setting sun. I smiled, Mikey always managed to make my day better just by being around. He grabbed his board and hung upside down with one arm on the edge, "LILLY!!!" pushing off his arm he landed and came over to scoop me off my board and into a crushing hug.

I giggled and hugged him back, my feet barely skimming the ground, "Hi Mikestar!!"

"I'm so glad to see ya little dudette!! Did ya have an awesome day!? How are ya!? Are ya ready to do your board?!" He gently set me down and went to grab a bag already full of spray paint and supply's.

"Yep! I think it's time to paint this baby!"

"ALRIGHT!!" He fist pumped and we started to set up an area a tarp on the grass. before we could start painting though someone came over to us.

"L.T? Mikestar?" We looked up and saw Teddi skating towards us both, Mikey gently tugged his hood down further, still smiling, "Oh cool!! Are ya two painting the board?!"

"Hey Kare-Bear! Yeah we are, want to help?!" Mikey offered.

Teddi grinned before kneeling next to him, she had ripped up, and stained jeans with a black tank top. She popped a bubble before grinning, "Ya know I would! What's the design?!"

"Oh, right here. What do you guys think?" I handed Teddi the paper while Mikey looked at it from over her shoulder. It was a picture of a shooting star, the lite purple star at the front and the dark tail going towards the back with blue swirls intermingling. 

"Way awesome Little T!"

"Thanks Mikey!"

Teddi smiled, "Alright let's do this! What's the name any ways?"

I grinned, "Space Breeze."


We got done with my board and left it to dry. Teddi -- Er I mean Kare-Bear and Mikestar were trying to out trick each other. I watched for a while before I remembered that I had brought my skates. I pulled them out and started to roll around the basketball court. I was a little bumpy but I soon got the hang of it; it was a lot like ice skating! I had set my glasses in my bag so as not to accidentally crush them. 

Smiling I started to do an old routine, my mom had taught me. We use to go all the time as a family before. . . I shook my head and started to go in a circle, switching I started to go backwards. I was soon engulfed in my own world of twists, spins, jumps and turns!! I loved the rush I got from them it was a lot of fun! 

I finished my routine by going in a circle faster and faster before leaping in the air and doing a 360, I landed it a little wobbly but landed it none the less. I faced the skating ramp and saw that my friends were watching me. Kare-Bear was jumping up and down cheering and flinging her arms all over the place, Mikey was no better but was fist pumping instead. Smiling I went over to them and put my glasses back on.

"Wow!! L.T! That was fantastic, where did you learn how to do that?!"

I grinned at Teddi and took the right shoe off, "Ice skating, I use to be better when I was younger," I shrugged and took the left shoe off, "Guess I lost the touch a little bit huh?!" 

"What?! That right there was Freakin Awesome Little T!!!" Mikey waved a grin peaking out from his hood.

Blushing I looked at the two, "Aww Thanks you two!" I got up and went to get my other shoes by my bag but stopped when words started to go across the screen.

"Well look at what we have here?! A couple of teens, in our park, without pay." I swiveled around and saw a tall ugly buff blond dude and a group of about ten other punks, the purple dragons! I felt my blood boil, "Tsk guess we'll just have ta teach em! Eh boys!" I stood back to back with Teddi and Mikey. Scooping up a rock I tore my red ribbon and tied the end with it, a little trick Splinter had taught me. Mikey had his nunchuks out and Teddi had a pocket knife, and a small bottle of mace in her pocket.

"You want ta fight 'Puny Lizards' then get ready for the beat down of yer life!" Teddi yelled out at them. 

"Booyakasha!!!" Mikey yelled out before jumping into the fight. I spun the ribbon around and whipped it out hitting a guy right in the middle of the forehead, 1 down eleven more to go. I yanked it back and hit a big guy behind me knocking him and the guy he fell on down and out. 3 down, 5 down, 9 down. We were winning, and then I felt the air change and soon the purple dragon all left. I was confused until I turned around.

Mikey stood petrified, his hood off, and Teddi was staring at him. I waited for the scream that came next, but instead it was more of a squeal as Teddi's whole body started to jump up and down, clapping her hands. "OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! YOU'RE A TURTLE!!!"

Mikey looked at her baffled, "You're not afraid of me?!"

"No why would I?" Teddi asked starting to calm down, she looked at him curious and a little shy, "You're still Mikestar, right?!"

Mikey's face broke out into a huge grin, "YES I AM!!" He swept Teddi up in a hug and spun around. I chuckled in relief as Teddi's giggles went across my screen.

Mikey set her down. Teddi smiled up at him, " I love turtles and now I have a best friend who is one!!"

 I snorted, "Oh and what am I chopped liver?" I shoved my shoes on and started to tie my ribbon back in my hair.

Teddi playfully smacked me, "You got demoted to friend cause, you didn't freakin' tell me!"

"Well it was suppose to be a secret, and besides would you have believed me?"

"Would I have a reason not too?" I pointed to Mikey, Teddi rolled her eyes, "Okay point taken."

"Not that this isn't super cool and fun, but we should probably disappear before the 'puny lizards' come back." Mikey said, Teddi giggled and we were soon safe on the roof tops over looking the city and it's beautiful lights. Mikey sat between me and Teddi, both of their legs swinging over the edge while I had my right leg up and was resting my chin on it. We had already talked to Teddi and had given her the basic background on the guys.

"Well that wasn't how I expected my night to go."

"That's an understatement." I retorted to Teddi, she and Mikey chuckled. 

Mikey turned to me, "Hey Little T, how did you learn to hit like that? You looked as mad as Raph back there?!"

I saw Teddi smirk, I rolled my eyes and looked at the city, "I just needed to get it out of my system. And now it is." I huffed and pulled my other leg up.

"Get what out of yer system, is everything okay Lilly?" She and Mikey looked at me concerned.

"Nothing." I glanced at them and huffed, "I don't want to talk about it."

I felt a huge hand on my shoulder and looked up to Mikey's baby blue eyes, full of concern, "Please sissy, tell us. I don't like seeing you like this, please." Teddi looked at me as well both of them scared and patiently waiting for me to talk.

Sighing I started to tell them, "In two weeks my dance teacher is holding a charity play 'Swan Lake.' And I have a big part in it, but the girl who has the main part isn't. . . the nicest person. And we got into a fight that we didn't get to finish."

"Wow, really? She must really be a jerk to make ya fight!" Teddi looked surprised.

"Ya aren't hurt are ya?" Mikey asked.

"Actually I was the one who through the first hit!" I smirked at the memory of her stupid face now slapped red, literally! "Man I've wanted to hit her for so long!" I started to chuckle, "You should have seen her face too, priceless!!" My laughter and anger soon turned into sobs and pain as I also replayed the words she had said to me. . . Ugly. . . Garbage Girl. . . Junkyard. . . Stupid. . . Dumb. . . Each one stung with renewed force, making my heart crack.

I felt Teddi come around and hug me from the side and Mikey holding us both in a tight hug. I cried with my two best friends, Annalysse was a bully but she was right about a few things. My mom was always busy and tired, and I did feel responsible for that, I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help it I just did. After a while we pulled away from the hug but still stayed close to each other.

"I'm so sorry you had a bad day Sister. I love you and I think you're the best most awesome sister ever!!" Mikey pulled me into another quick side hug. 

Smiling I leaned forward and pecked his cheek, "And you're the best most awesome brother ever!" Teddi put a hand on our shoulders and smiled, "You guys are the best!"

 "Sorry if I ruined out night."

Teddi snorted, "It wasn't yer fault, ya could never ruin a night with us! Besides if anyone was ta blame it was the purple dragons."

"I thought it was the Puny Lizards." Mikey wiggled his eyebrows, and tension soon broke as we all chuckled, me and my best friends.


Mikey started to walked us home; on the way we made each other laugh and told each other jokes. Teddi's house was closest so we dropped her off first. After we said good bye to her Mikey and I made our way to my apartment. 

Mikey hugged me outside my window, "I really did mean it, you really are the best sister a turtle could ask for."

I felt myself tear up and squeezed him closer, "Thank you Mikey."

He pulled away and grinned his usual cheeky grin, "Anything for ya Lilly!!" He held up his hand and I mirrored him.

"Good night Michelangelo! I love you." We hooked our fingers one way.

"I love you too, Night night!" We finished the sign, smiling we hugged and then went home and to a good nights sleep.

(Hey My lovely little Jewels!!!! How did you like This Chappy?! Mikey Is the Cutest!!I loved writing His part!! I know It's A little Silly but Man was I getting Upset with Annalysse!! Oh well as one of My favorite Quotes says: It takes 42 muscles to make your face frown when it only takes 4 to extend your arm and slap that moron upside the head ;) Lol!! Well thank You  little Jewels for reading!! Have a good one!! I'll try to update Soon!!!! Bye Bye!!)

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