Catch Up Chappy (Not really needed but still good) Backstories!!!

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(Okay so I reread these Chappy's and realized That I wasn't doing so good With the back round stories. so this Really long named Chappy is just a Catch up of what had Happened! Hope this helps those of you who Might be a bit confused.So here You go, a catch up Chappy!)

TMNT: Master Splinter, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo:

Theses guys have been through a ton, Battled Demon dragons, they have faced Shreddar and a Kraang invasion, defeating them all. The Kraang are still here, although in way fewer numbers then before. The Shredder was mortally wounded and can't do anything . . . either that or he's dead, we don't really know. Karai is now in charge of the Foot, all of that pressure on her has made her kind of erratic. 

Karai is in charge though and that is what you have to keep in mind, she controls an entire army. The purple dragons are still around, but instead of helping or providing information to the Foot clan they are kind of in a boundary war. You come here we'll beat ya up, kind of deal. The guys are all 20 in this story. Master Splinter was also hurt pretty bad in the fight with Shredder, Meaning now he acts more like a family man and a bit less like a ninja master, but don't be fooled he can still kick butt.

Lilly Tara Conners:

Is a Eighteen year old girl (her birthday was on August 23rd, While she was kind of out of It.). Lilly is a deaf girl that has lost her father in a car accident and then her older brother in a war zone a few years after that. Lilly just graduated high school and was about to go to college when she was mutated into a half dog girl. 

Her and her mother have lived in the same apartment for as long as she can remember. Lilly knows why though, It's because her mom doesn't want to leave their first home, and memories. Lilly loves her mom, but she can be a bit strict when it comes to certain things, like school, basically any distraction was out of the question only school. 

Which is why Lilly has to hide her dancing from her, she told her about it once and that caused an entire week of fighting, followed by two more weeks of the silent treatment, until Lilly decided to hide it from her mom. 

Lilly is a dancer, and a skater although she is better on blades than a skate board. Her skater name and nick name is L.T. cause it could stand for anything. Raph likes to call her a Minx for her fun and sneaky attitude. Now Lilly is focusing on getting her life back together, or to try and have some hint of normalcy.

Lilly also has four forms from her Mutation: Dog/girl form (like an anthro), full on dog form, and a metal (lol I almost wrote Mental?!) version of those both.

She can also change her eye color which based on what eye color she has determines whether or not she hears and/or sees color. The major thing you need to know is Gold eyes=hearing and Green=deaf.

Tabbitha Styles:

Is the youngest in the style family, she is three months older than Lilly, and met the turtles thanks to her. Teddi as everyone calls her, unless she's in trouble, Is a skater girl with a fun loving sarcastic attitude. She doesn't really know what she wants to go into for college, something to do with kids though. Teddi loves to hang out with kids, cause of their fun personality and great ideas for fun.

Through out high school Teddi was the rebel that had decent grades, she wasn't the class clown but she was the one in charge of pep rallies and the sports entertainment. She was pretty popular in school with her fun attitude and huge ideas for fun activities, especially for the Senior Prank that she pulled this year, a Mario Kart racing track inside the school. 

Teddi had a few boyfriends but each of them were liars, and would cheat on her or they would not even care about her they just wanted her popularity. Her Senior year was the only year were she refused to have a boyfriend. When dances came up she would help decorate them and D.J. as well, still having a great and fun time.

Teddi has three older brothers (Trevor, Tyson, and Tony) and one niece (Tami) and one nephew (Taylor), she gets along with her entire family but the second oldest brother Tyson. He's a liar and a deceiver and honestly they don't really stay in touch, He is the black sheep of the family. Her dad and Brother Tony run a sports store, where she lives. Her Mom is in Florida last they heard, she was dating some rich guy.

Teddi also has a huge crush on Mikey, but they aren't dating. . . . . . 


Venus De Milo:

Was a regular turtle until mutated along with the guys. Really if you want the entire back story just look it up on Wikipedia. But if you don't here's the short version, Venus was taken and taught by her master and father in Japan. One day her father was captured and hurt by forces from the dream realm, on his deathbed he told her about his friend Splinter and the turtles.

Venus determined to find out who had killed her father set out to find Master Splinter. Venus goes to New York and helps them defeat the Shredder and save Master Splinter, and in return they help her defeat the Dragon demons back into a mirror that eventually leads them to the dream realm. 

(Venus doesn't really do ninjitsu, she does a different kind of martial art called Shinobi, In simple terms she was trained to be a magical ninja assassin. There are actually many stories about the Shinobi to the Best highly trained most honorable ninjas to mystical beings who can walk on water and having control over the elements.)

Unfortunately Venus must go back home and take care of the Mirror until it can be transported. On one of her various trips back to New York Leo get's the courage to ask her out, and they continued the long distance relationship. She now is living in New York, sharing an apartment with Serina. Venus Is 20 same as the guys.

Serina Rose Lane: (A little Longer then the others)

Serina was the next person the guys met, It was April, Venus, Casey, and now Serina. At the time Serina was studying to be a cop, and was on her way home when she was attacked by the Kraang. Luckily Serina has taken self defense, unluckily she was fighting off hard metal robots.

The guys soon intervened and helped her out, she thanked them before they ran off. Serina didn't see who they were, she wanted to find out who they were but felt that it was important to wait, so trusting her gut she did.

Her parents were divorced and separated since she was four years old so she never really had a stable home. Her Mom is a workaholic attorney, and her father is a rich lawyer for an extremely powerful business man and is always traveling, neither spend too much time with her. They actually fight over who's turn it was to take her, and not in the nice way. Serina didn't have a solid life until she turned 18 and moved out of both homes, if you can call it that. 

She lives in an apartment, on the top floor, away from the busier streets so that she can have some morsel of peace. Then one night when she was on her roof studying she feels someone watching her, Donnie. And Donnie being Donnie can't help but want to help the struggling but willing student. Well one thing leads to another and they soon become great friends, She is then introduced to the others and they get along pretty quickly.

One night though Serina, April and Casey are all captured by the Foot Clan and taken to the Foot clan base. Serina stands up to the Shreddar and gets hurt, Shreddar then goes to interrogate April when Serina gets in the way. Before anything big happens the guys come in and start attacking, a huge battle ensues. 

They all leave after the big fight, both sides damaged. The guys and Serina all retreat to the cabin, were more drama happens. After a big fight Serina leaves and goes back to New York to continue her studies. One night she get's captured by a furious Karai who starts to torment Serina, but she doesn't brake. When the Guys are trying to save her, Karai throws a can of mutagen at them, more specifically at Donnie, but Serina gets in the way.

After her mutation Serina finds a way to still live her half normal life and to keep the guys and her new boyfriend Donnie hidden. She's 21 in the story right now.

( Hope this helped Those who were a little Confused, If you have any questions, Please don't hesitant to ask, And I will Try to answer Them In the best way possible!! Thank you Little Jewels!!! Next Chappy coming Later Today!!! Promise!!!) 

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