Into the night

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(Little Jewels!!! I am so Glad to be back, I went on a little trip that I thought would still be fine for me to write but I couldn't sorry!! I know that Last Chappy was ummm A Little out there, and I know I said the 'Next' Chappy would be cute. . . And I wouldn't want to disappoint you all. . . So. . . Here's Your cute Chappy!!! Hope you like The Pic Too, It's not mine but I'd say they all look Pretty Fine!!! XD Enjoy!!!)

(PLEASE READ A/N AT BOTTOM!! Okay back to the story.)

Lilly Pov

I woke up to some one poking me, again! "Quit It!" I growled out while turning away.

I heard a snort, "I don't speak dawg L.T." I flipped back over and saw Teddi peering down at me, I looked down and realized that I was in dog form. Standing on fours I shook myself as I shifted, I stretched with a yawn and flicked my tail up before sitting straight on the couch edge. Teddi cocked her head and smirked, "Ya didn't hear me did ya?"

I sighed, "You do know that my hearing automatically turns on when I'm a dog and turns off when I'm human, or half human right? So no If you were talking while I was shifting then No I did not hear you."

Teddi bounced and sat down next to me, "I asked ya if ya wanted ta pitch in to the apartment?"

Sleep was still fogging my body, I shook myself and looked over at her excited face, "What apartment?"

Teddi groaned and fell over her muti-colored hair spilling over the edge, "Serina and Venus invited us ta live with them in their apartment, I was wonderin if ya were ready ta move in?!" 

"Wait I thought Donnie and Serina were going to move in there?"

"Nah they got other plans," Teddi sat up real fast and got in my face with a huge grin, "So what do ya say?!?! Want ta be roommates!!" 

I rolled my eyes, "Oh how could I ever say no?"

Teddi just smiled and grabbed my hands yanking me off the couch, and dragging me to my room to pack. Soon all four of us had moved in together and lets just say it was a very nice change to be living with my girl friends instead of a bunch of noisy brothers. The apartment was at the top and surrounded by workaholics so we didn't need to worry too much about being seen.

Serina had her own room that was half hers and half storage closet, we keep the books and anything else in her room, which was huge already so I don't think she really minded. Venus and Teddi were sharing a room and I got the huge closet by the living room, hence the reason Serina's room was now part storage. 

The closet was a little too small for a person but just perfect for a dog, which is how I sleep now whether I wanted to or not. I could go to sleep semi human and still wake up a dog, oh well, can't really do to much there.

In the three weeks that followed Serina was able to get me a position on the force, as a dog granted, but I got paid a ton. Well I would get paid a lot when I was completely certified, good thing Don was able to hack the system and make it seem like I was almost done with my training. I just had to do a few more lessons, like smelling out drugs and things.

It was exhausting work, I came home still in dog form and plopped right on the couch, Serina smiled and patted my head, "At least it wasn't too bad today."

She went to the kitchen and kicked her shoes off, I shifted and sat up, "Yeah but your not forced to smell so many different things that all smell the same nasty as before! Ugh I don't know how people can do drugs, It just makes me sick with smelling them!"

Serina just shrugged, "It's a requirement."

"Oh Tough day?" Teddi asked coming in, and launching her hat to the coat rack perfectly.

I slumped down, "Yep." I said popping my p, before rolling off the couch and shifting so I ended up in a down ward dog position stretching. I stood up and smelled something sweet by the door mixed in with the smell of pine! I went and padded to the door.

Teddi glanced at me and smirked as she joined Serina in the kitchen, "Ya know It's pertty cool how ya can change that fast, like ya get all smokey and just shift down or up. Like a Super Hero!!"

Serina snorted, "Oh yeah nothing says Super hero like a dog, cat, and Bunny."

"Don't forget Turtle." Venus said joining Serina with a few cans of food, Serina just rolled her eyes.

Teddi sat up on the brown counter, "Hey we could pull it off, I mean Venus already saved the world, and keeps it safe from the freaky voodoo stuff, and ya are a cop that beats down punks and helps people, should I keep going?" Teddi smirked popping a piece of gum in her mouth.

I shifted into Dark Lilly, opened the door, and  looked down at objects that were there, "Okay fine I'm starting to see your point Teddi." Serina said behind me, I just smiled and a brought the things in.

"What do you have there L.T?" Venus asked coming over and looking over my shoulder at the note and red rose I had found. I kept the rose to my nose as I read the note:

Alright Minx, No more interruptions, I am taking you out tonight. I'll see you 

on your roof top tonight at 8! Until then my Beautiful Black Swan,


Venus giggled, and I was grinning like an idiot, and probably looked like I belonged in a mad house, as I rocked back and forth my tail wagging furiously. Teddi came over and read the note before squealing, "OH MY GOSH!!!! A Note? That Is super cute!! And he called you Beautiful!!!"

I winced at her shrilled voice but still smiled, Serina came over and calmed her down, "That is pretty cute, inside voice Teddi."

Venus chuckled, "Yeah I didn't know Raphael had a 'cute' side."

Teddi jumped up and followed her back to the kitchen, "Right?! He's usually mister Don't Mess With Me Or I'll Pound Ya!"

I followed them and smacked Teddi playfully, "Oh don't be mean."

She smiled and then had a light bulb go off, "OH Great Gatsby!!"

Serina raised and eyebrow, "Well That's a new one."

I gave her a shrug, "What did you expect from Teddi?" Serina shrugged.

Teddi continued as if we didn't say anything at all, "This means we can do a make over party!!"

"I don't usually like to do things like that," Serina smiled, "But we could use the practice."

"Hey" I held my hands up as they both looked to me, "I don't want to be the guinea pig!"

"Just do it Lilly, they aren't going to budge." Venus said a smile on her face.

I squinted at her one hand on my hip, "You are having fun with this aren't you?"

"Immensely." She smirked and went back to cooking as Serina and Teddi dragged me to that bathroom.

I groaned as they sat me down, Serina left and Teddi rolled her eyes, "Oh shush will ya! Come on I need the practice, Serina needs ta know what she likes, and ya get a free make over, now shh!" She said playfully bumping me.

"She does have a point there Lilly and Three of them." Serina mused as she came back with some clothes.

"Okay fine, But I'm washing myself!" I grinned as Teddi laughed.

"Alright Red Carpet moment!!" Teddi shouted and left with Serina.

After 15 different outfits and 8 pairs of shoes, we found one that I really liked. I looked at myself in Serina's room mirror, and smiled. It was a deep green top that had a black wrap around strap on the top, for my neck instead of sleeves. I also had on a pleated jean skirt and ankle high boots with a small heel.

Teddi stepped back and held her fingers in a square, "You look Perfect!!"

Venus snickered, "Oh yeah Raphael will really like that one." 

I felt my face heat up in a huge blush, "Um maybe I should change?"

"Psh No!" Serina argued, "You like this one and and you look good in it! Leave it on, besides we're running out of time."

Teddi then jumped forward and shoved me back in the bathroom for makeup. I ended up with black mascara with a green outline and light gold eye shadow making either eye color pop out; and with the perfect shade of pink on my lips. I had my bangs down with some hair to help frame my face, the rest was up in a ponytail, my ears poking up more now that my hair was tight.

"Aww L.T!!! You Look so pretty!!" Serina gushed.

"Oh yeah are we awesome or are we awesome!!" Teddi smiled triumphantly.

I turned to them all and smiled, "You guys are the best!"

"Oh!!! Wait-Wait-Wait!!! Don't move!!!" Teddi ran out and then came back with her phone, "Selfie!!!"

We all gathered around by Teddi and took at least ten different ones, we all ended up giggling and laughing at our silliness. Venus stepped back, "Alright I love Lilly too but we should let her got, It 7:54. And I don't think Raph would like to be kept waiting from her."

"Hey If he tries anything, turtle or not I'll still book him." Serina said hugging me.

I chuckled, "I'll make sure to let him know that." She pulled away and smiled. I went over to the window in the living room.

"Don't forget to have fun!!!" Teddi jumped and hugged me.

As I was closing the window I heard Venus say, "Oh I think they will."


When I got to the roof, I didn't see anybody there, so I sat on the A.C vent. I looked over the city and the pretty lights that blinked over with all of it's fun colors. It was very nice and calming to my inner girly who wanted to scream out with joy. I giggled at the image I created, my tail flicking out.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move in the shadows. I turned and watched them, my eye color now gold so I could hear, "Lilly?"

I grinned as Raph came out of the shadows wearing a loose shirt with rolled sleeves and dark jeans, his Sei in his belt. How he got a shirt on with a shell? I have no idea but he looked pretty hot so I wasn't going to complain. 

"Hi Raphie!" I smiled as he walked over and stopped now eye level, a smirk playing on his lips. I raised my eyebrow when he rested his hands on either side of me, his face inches away. I wasn't going to back down so I matched his look.

"Knew ya would come, couldn't resist could ya."

"Cocky much?" I snorted.

"Gorgeous much?" He smirked and leaned forward giving my lips a quick kiss.

I giggled, "I thought you were suppose to kiss me after the date?"

"Since when do I follow the rules."

"Point taken, so what are the plans Red?" I asked resting my hands on his.

He leaned closer again, "Ferst I'm goin ta need another kiss, that one was too short. And then we'll get goin."

I smirked and put a finger to his lips, "You'll have to earn that one."

He smiled, "I'm sure I will. Come Here!!" I squealed as he swept me off the box and spun me around in a circle before stopping and holding me close, "I missed yer laugh Lilly." I hugged him back, I couldn't stop smiling, and as I pulled away it looked like neither could he, "Alright let's go."

I followed Raph to the sewers, walking side by side hands entangled together. We stayed like that for a while before I had to ask, "So where are we going?"

"Some where special," He smiled down at me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "Don't worry we're almost there." I giggled happily as I returned the embrace, I switched my eye color back briefly to see that his cheeks were dusted pink, cute.

I smelled fresh air before we ended up at a opening. Raph let go of me and lifted himself on top of the pipe, then reached down to pull me up as well, "Yer so small." He smirked as I stood next to him.

"You and your brothers." I crossed my arms, "When are you going to learn, I'm fun size."

He smiled, "Yeah ya are." I blushed as he chuckled and continued to lead me to a small clearing. We walked in to find some low lights hanging from the branches, and a blanket against a bigger tree with a box of pizza. It was beautiful, I walked forward and turned in a small circle.

"Do ya like it?" I looked over and smiled as I saw his nervous face.

"I love it! Did you do all of this?"

He came and stood next to me, arms crossed and a grin of pride on his face, "Sure did."

"With no help at all?"

He just smirked, "Of course! I didn't need any."

I his emotion shift slightly in a lie, I snorted, "Uh huh."

He huffed, "Tsk. Whatever let's eat." 

We sat down on the blanket, Raph leaned against the tree as I sat on my side my feet resting under me, my shoes off and to the side. We ate the pizza and just talked, Raph complained about his brothers before his smirk softened, "We are always fighten, but I couldn't ask fer a better team or pair of brothers than them."

"Yeah I know how that feels like."

Raph sat up, "Wait I didn't know ya had sibs?"

Shoot!! Stupid!! I scolded myself for bringing that subject up, "Yeah I had a brother, Thomas, He's. . . He's gone now."

"Gone? Oh, was he older?" He asked gently.


"What was he like?"

I smiled, "He was great, and a really cool guy, you would've liked him. He never let anything phase him or tell him that he couldn't do something. He would always say that If you can do something good, then go and do it!" I chuckled slightly, "He would always call me little bird, cause I was always moving around, and would get distracted by things."

Raph smiled, "He sounds great, what, happened?"

I frowned and started to finger his burnt dog tag on my necklace, "He went in the army, and gave his life for his comrade. He never made it back home." I closed my eyes tight as the tears started coming. 

I looked up as Raph set his hand on my shoulder, "Hey I got somethin that'll cheer ya up."

I gave him a small smile as he helped me stand up. Raph lead me to the center and then went to go and fiddle with a computer? I raised my eyebrow at him as he came back to me, and held my hand. He smiled and pushed a button on a small remote before slipping it in his pocket.

Music filled my ears, a guitar, Raph chuckled at my surprised face before taking my hand and twirling me around in a circle holding me in a low dip, I looked up at him, "Raph?! You dance?!"

He smirked as the song continued, "It's amazin what ya can learn on the T.V." He winked at me.

I smirked, "Oh Raphie you don't know everything."

"Dancing can't be that hard ta learn, It's pretty easy." He started to bring me back up.

I leaned against him, faces only centimeters away as I whispered, "Well then maybe I should teach you." I leaped back and twirled away still holding his left hand, I kicked out, let go of his hand and did a small jump away. Putting my hands on my hips, I slowly slid my left foot behind my right.

I pointed my hands in a 1/2 circle and twirled back over to Raph, my back facing him as I started to rock back and forth. Raph set his hands on my waist and helped me to move, looking at me over my shoulder every time. He then dipped me back and spun me around to face him. Raph smiled and started to lead me in a basic tango and then spinning me out again as the song came to a close.

"See I told ya, dancin ain't that hard." Raph smirked as he brought me back to him.

I shook my head and smiled knowingly, "Oh Raphael, that wasn't dancing, that was only a warm up." After that I literally danced circles around him, laughing the whole time while trying to avoid being caught by him. He eventually did catch me though as I was laughing and having to much fun, and I wasn't really trying that hard. I giggled uncontrollably as he pulled me close chuckling, and started to just rock us both as a slow song came on. (I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore By: REO Speedwagon)

We just held each other as the music continued on, drowning out every worry and every care away just leaving me and Raphael together. I rested my head on his collar my arms wrapped over his shoulders, he rested his head on mine where he could press a kiss to my ear every few seconds, this was bliss.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"What fer?" His chest vibrated as he asked.

I smiled, "For tonight, for everything, you have no idea what this all means to me. This has been the best night of my life."

His arms tightened on my lower back as he hugged me, "Lilly." I looked up at him as nervous colors flew around his face. 

He looked me straight in the eyes and continued, "Yer so beautiful and amazin, I'd do anythin fer ya..." 

His nerves were then replaced by confidence, I smiled as his side ways grin that I had come to love came on his happy face, "Because I love ya Lilly." Smiling I leaned up and pressed my lips to his, kissing him with a passion. With out delay he quickly returned it matching my passion with his fire, as he squeezed me closer in his strong arms. We broke away a few times only for the other to come back again.

When the song had ended I pulled back and looked up at him lovingly, one hand gently against his cheek. I changed my eye color so I could capture the whole image, Raph's bright Green eyes joyful and happy a blush on his cheeks embellishing his cocky grin that he wore, "I love you too Raphael."

His grin widened and swept me up spinning us both around as he laughed out with joy pure and strong. He kissed me again as we came to a stop, still holding me up in his arms. We pulled away breathing heavily and smiling as big as Mikey with coffee; we looked like idiots but I didn't care, I was too happy to care.

Raph walked over and set me down on the blanket, "One last thing." He then went over to the computer and turned it off. He glanced over at me, "Close yer eyes." I raised a eyebrow, he just rolled his eyes, "Just trust me."

I chuckled and did as he asked, and waited a few moments before he came and sat down next to me his hand on mine interlacing our fingers together, "Okay open them."

I flashed them open to the dark slightly illuminated forest, I looked around and then up. A small gasp made it's way from me as I saw the night sky, there were so many stars, almost like someone just threw a bucket of glitter straight into the sky, "Wow there's so many."

Raph smiled and leaned back against the tree trunk, "Yeah me and the guys came campin out here once when don found a book on constellations. So we came out here to see them fer ourselves, cool huh?"

I smiled and leaned back against him, one arm draped across his waist as his held me closer rubbing my arm tenderly. Raph then started to name the few that he remembered, the rest we named ourselves. 

Raph curled a corner of the blanket to make a pillow as we laid down and enjoyed the night sky. Best date ever, I thought to myself as I fell asleep to Raph kissing my ear and his arms wrapped protectively holding me to him.

(Alrighty, Well I was Going to make just one HUGE book but I Decided against that, And am Going to do a Sequel instead. It will be called Sounds In the Sewers. It will be a continuation of this story, there will Be adventure, Fun, weddings, Fights and Much more!! I think That was a good name, Whateves. 

So I Also wanted to tell You all that I will not Be Able to Write anymore or start until 2017, I have decided to go on a Mission for my church and I can not Go On Wattpad until I get Back. So For now This Is good bye and Until 2017. 

Bye My little Jewels, Thank you so much for your support and great Ideas, Madhatter19 Thank you for that little bit about Mikey saying Shut up, I fixed it Up for ya!! Hope Its better!? And LeoValdezMyFictionBF Thank you for Your great suggestions!! I could go on and on Thanking each and Everyone of you brilliant people, But then I would have to add a few more Chappys, and I can't. Maybe later!! So Instead I'll just say 


Have a great time and keep up the great attitudes, you are amazing don't let anyone tell you other wise, cause they are wrong. Good Bye You brilliantly fantastic people!!! See You IN 2017 Little Jewels!!!!!)

The sequel, Sounds in the Sewers, is now up and running!! enjoy!!!

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