Coming Back

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(Okaybe, ready for The next Chappy?! I couldn't help myself when I Found this Pic!! LOL so funny!!!! I am, I love writing these stories!! I hope You guys Like Them as Much as I do!! Have fun and enjoy Little Jewels!!)

Lilly Pov

It has been a week since I had any communication with the guys, a long, sad, depressing week. Mom tried talking to me, but soon gave up, waiting to see if I'd come around and tell her. I couldn't tell her not just because it was a secret but because I didn't want her to worry about it. Her life was already hard and busy, she didn't need the stress.

I went to school, dance, work and then home everyday. Soon one week turned into a month. School was now over and I was graduated, I smiled a little as I walked to dance at least it was summer now. And when the fall came I would be going to CCNY (City College of New York) for a few general classes and then. . . I didn't really know what I was going to do. I would love to be a dance teacher, or any kind of high school teacher really, but mom would rather me be something bigger.

I sighed and walked into the dance studio, It was only a few weeks before the swan lake production went on. I needed to practice as much as I could, I got all of my things ready in the back room. I had a light pink spaghetti strap tank top on and a grey skirt with black spandex underneath.

Tiana came by and asked me if I would lock the front door on my way out, before leaving me alone in the studio. I liked it better, this way I don't get distracted. I turned my music on and stepped into the middle of the room, when my beat came the room changed and magic occurred.

The beat pounded through out the room as I twirled and leaped through the air. I loved this! The rush, the beauty, the grace, the challenge of keeping your entire body inline and perfect! I poured my heart into the steps, Odiel the black swan the out cast. I compared myself to her as I twirled around, we actually had a lot in common. That's probably why Tiana put me as her.

Odiel was and outcast, an outsider from the group, just like me. But she didn't just sit down and cry she pushed herself forward, like me! Although I wasn't a bad guy, and I didn't try and steal power from people. But I wouldn't be taken out that easily.

The song started to come to and end, I twirled around backward two more times before ending with a pirouette. I went into an small curtsy with one foot in front of the other with both arms up barley touching my finger tips together. My palms faced out wards away from each other I stood straight just as the music ended.

I felt a pair of eyes watching me, I whipped around looking for a person. Suddenly from the shadows came a tall man who was dressed in all black and had the a weird mark on his shoulder. . .The foot!! Ninja warriors from Shreddar. I suddenly realized that there were six more circling me.

My body immediately went in a crouched position ready to defend myself as they rushed me. I went to side kick one and he grabbed my leg trying to push me to the ground. My reflexes kicked in, I jumped up and rammed my other leg into him. I pulled with as much strength as I could and did a back flip, throwing the man into two of his friends I landed in a plank position.

I rolled out of the way and jumped up as two more rushed at me both punching. I ducked down and grabbing one ankle each made them give a good hard, smacking kiss to the ground. As I stood up I was kicked in the right side, where my old wound was.

I cried out as I fell to the ground, they all got up and stalked towards me. I clutched my side and pushed myself against the wall with mirrors. One of them lifted his hand a flashed from a ninja star gleamed. I raised my arms protectively over my head and waited for the stinging blow.

It didn't come, I felt the floor vibrate with movement and thuds of bodies hitting the hard wood floor. I was over quickly, heavy foot steps came towards me before a large hand was placed on my shoulder. I peeked out and saw electric green eyes surrounded by a red mask, Raphael!

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He hugged me back as I was engulfed in a pair of strong arms. He was petting my hair trying to get me to calm down. I took a deep shuttering breathe, the faint smell of pine came to me, I breathed out.

We pulled away and he searched me, checking for injuries, "I'm Okay." He glanced up at me and nodded. Before getting up and collecting my things, he came back over and handed me my glasses.

"You are okay right? nothin' broken or nothin' bleedin' right?"

My breathe was still a little heavy, "Yeah, Yeah I think so."

He sighed in relief, "Good I's got here first."

"Raph what is going on?" I still sat on the ground not sure if my legs could hold me upright just yet.

Raph took a knee and looked at me, "These past few weeks have been difficult. We've been tryin' to find the Shred-head with no luck. We got word from April that there's was goin' to be an attack on a 'friend' of ours. So we split up. Mikey and Case are stayin' with Splinta, while Don went to pick up April and check on Serina. Leo's lookin' for a lead."

I sighed, grateful that everyone was safe. I frowned, "But why was I attacked?"

He shrugged, "Cause ya knows about us." He huffed when he saw I wasn't convinced, "All I know's is that you's ain't safe here and we need to group back! Now, " He stood up and crossed his arms, "Are ya stayin' here or are ya comin' with me?!"

I scowled at the ground, "I don't need you pity or protection Raphael. I am not useless!"

"Well of course not! Who's gave ya that stupid idea?!"

" Then why was I sent away?!!" I shouted.

"Cause we thought the since ya had only known us fer a while that the Shred-head wouldn't care. So we took the chance and got ya outta there and away from us."

I looked down ashamed and sad, my anger diminishing, "It still hurt. Probably more then you know."

"Hey," He put a hand on my shoulder as I looked up, "We missed ya too Lilly." Then he gave me an actual smile with a dimple in his right cheek. I smiled in return, "Ya ready to go back now?"

"Yeah, Thanks Raph." He helped me up and we went out the door and into the alleyway and down to the sewers. When we got to the lair I was swallowed and crushed against the hard chest of Mikey, "LITTLE SIS!!!! I've missed my gamer buddy!!!"

I gasped, my side were I had gotten kicked inflamed, "Mikey—-Crushing—-Me!" He quickly let me go, I bent over and heaved in great gulps of air.

"Geeze Mikey how hard did ya hug her!!" Raph said hitting Mikey upside the head.

"Not—Mikey's— fault." I managed to gasp out. I peered down my side and peeled my tank top up to reveal a dark purple bruise.

I grunted and slide the shirt back into place as Raph exploded, "What the Shell Lilly! You's told me you's wasn't hurt!"

I huffed, "No I said I wasn't broken or bleeding, I never said I wasn't hurt."

"I Didn't Think I Had Ta Ask That!?!!"

"Lay off Raph! I'm fine, I'm not broken or bleeding, It's just a bruise. I totally fine, no need to worry about me okay?"

"You still should've said somethin'!!" He grumbled and turned away from me.

I snorted and turned towards Casey who joined us in the middle, "Hey how you holding up?"

He gave me a small cocky grin, "No foot ninja is going to bring down the Casey Jones!"

I smiled and turned to find a worried Mikey, "I'm sorry Lilly, I didn't mean to hurt ya!"

I smiled, "Oh Mikey you didn't hurt me." He looked up hopeful and smile creeping on his face. I grinned and held my arms open, "Now I need another big turtle hug as a welcome back!"

He grinned and scooped me up in his hug, my feet no longer touching the ground, "Welcome back sister!"

"It's good to be back," I gave him a squeeze and whispered, "Please don't ever make me do that again."

He shook his head and buried his head in the crook of my neck and hair, "Never again sis. I promise." He put me down and gave me a wide grin before running to get me and Casey some pizza. Soon everyone was grouped back together. Sensei came into the living room and spoke to us, "It pleases me to know that my family is all safe, and now that we are together we are to discuss was to do next."

He looked at each of us before continuing, "For now we will stay hidden coming and going with the utmost caution! Our family friends, April, Casey and Miss Lilly should call or text us every morning and night to make sure they are alright. Donatello you told me of a panic button?"

"Hai Sensei."

"Could you explain?"

"Hai, It is a little green button on the side of every ones phone that will automatically send a mass text telling us your location. You can't press it by accident you have to really press it to make it work."

Master Splinter nodded to his son, "You may all return home with in two hours, to give the foot some time to calm down. Donatello please check on any injuries." On that word Master Splinter looked directly at me, How did he. . . Raph!!! I shot Raph a glare before being dragged away by Donnie to his lab.

I was poked and prodded by Don for a good half hour before I couldn't take it anymore, "Okay Donnie! Nothings broken, but if you keep poking me your finger will be!"

He held up his hands, "Okay, okay Lilly no need to get feisty, I just want to make sure you are all good and healthy."

I sighed, "I know Donnie, I'm sorry I snapped. But five times really?!"

Donnie chuckled, "It's okay Lilly."

I bit my lip, "So can I leave now?"

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah sure Lilly, you can go." I smiled and ran out of there before he could change his mind. I grabbed my bag and went to change in the bathroom. I had a pair of white shorts and a delicate violet lace jacket over my pink tank top, my hair still up in a ponytail. I walked out and saw Mikey playing games and Raph beating the crap out of the punching bag.

"Hey Mikey where did the others go?"

With out looking up from his game Mikey said, "April, Leo and Master Splinter are in the dojo talking while Casey is —Die!— Fixing his hockey stick. Raph is —Come make it! yes!— beating the stuffing out of the punching bag, Donnie is probably calling Serina and You and I are talking."

I snickered at Mikey, "Well I'm hungry. Do you want anything Mikey?"

"Nah I'm —-Take that red team!!—- all good Lilly, Thanks!! HA-HA-HA Victory is mine!!!"

  I smiled and went to raid the kitchen, Hmmm. I looked over my choices of old pizza, coffee, tea or cereal. Cereal it is then! I got the milk and the silver ware out and went to a top cabinet to get the chocolate cereal. I could barely reached the stupid shelf! I stretched and grunted but I couldn't even graze the box. Dang turtles! Why'd they have to be so tall? I was about to turn around when the word chuckle appeared and a large green hand grabbed the cereal down.

I turned around to find Raph smirking, I rolled my eyes and went to get the box when Raph held it higher. "What da ya say?"

"Please give me the box Raph."

"And?" Boy he was really pushing it!

"Thank you. Now give me the stupid box!" He chuckled and gave it to me.

"Blockhead." I grumbled.

"What was that?"

I flicked my hair over my shoulder and went to the table, "None of your business."

Raph followed me with his own bowl and spoon, and sat down across form me. We ate in comfortable silence before Raph broke it, "Hey Lilly. . . We's good right?"

I grinned evilly as a thought came into my mind. I was probably going to get creamed but it'd be worth it! I scooped a spoon full cereal and launched the sticky wet chocolate food, hitting Raph in the forehead. I laughed as a piece of the food slipped off his surprised face. "That's for yelling at me."

"Oh that's it!!" Raph flicked a piece off of him and went to scoop his own ammo.

I cackled, "Bring it Raphie!!"

"Don't call me Raphie!!" A full food fight broke out, but only lasted for a minuet due to the fact that our bowls were both empty and I was laughing to hard to shoot at him some more. Raph chuckled, "Your somethin' else Lilly."

I giggled and flicked a piece of cereal from his mask. The red mask really made Raphs eyes pop out. His beautiful electric green eyes, that now that I was looking had flecks of gold in them. I realized that I was staring and blushed looking down at my shoes, "Um we should probably clean up. . ."

"Er. . . Um yeah good idea." He swiftly turned away from me and went to get a broom and rags, but not before I saw a slight pink on his cheeks. Well this is awkward, I thought as we cleaned the kitchen. After a minuet I decided to just roll with it.

When everything was all cleaned up from our little war Raph went to leave but I stopped him, "Hey Raph?" I held onto his elbow and gave him a big grin when he looked at me, "Thank you! For, well everything today , I had a great day thank you."

He nodded his head, "Yer welcome Lilly." He said before leaving to the dojo. I smiled and put the broom away before going to see what Mikey was doing.

(What'd ya guys think?!!! I was trying to Do a New York Accent for Raph, But that Is really Hard to write. I'll try To keep it up but If you Don't like It please Tell me So that I don't Do it Any more. Thank you Little Jewels!! Next chappy Is going To be A bit Bigger!! Bye-Bye!!!) 

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