Getting Back To Normal

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(Alright lets Keep going Shall we!! I am really Enjoying This!! Hope you Are Too?!!! I Do Not Own Five Nights At Freddy's!!! Happy Faces!!!)

(Lilly pov)

I sat down next to Mikey to see him playing a game of some sorts on the laptop. It had cameras and creepy looking. . .puppets? "Hey Mikey what are you doing?"

He didn't look up from the screen as he talked, "It's this new scary game called Five Nights At Freddy's. I have to make it through each night without getting killed b the creepy animal dudes. It can get pretty freaky, want to watch?!"

"Sure! Let's beat this game!!" I hopped closer to Mikey and watched him make it through the first night. He had a few close calls with the creepy Fox and chicken but he was doing great! I was his cheerleader and was on the edge of my seat by the fifth and final night.

Mikey was at 74% battery and Chica, as I found out her name, was being extremely sneaky. The other animatronics were usually in the hallways or by the dinning room. The Bear almost got us the third night but the time had changed to 6am before it could come in.

Right now Mikey was looking through the cameras. Bonnie Bunny was in the dinning room, Freddy Faz Bear was outside the dinning room, and Chica Chicken was trying to hide under the camera. Then it hit me, "Mikey where's Foxy?!" Mikey's eyes widened he clicked and we went back to the room, leaning in closer we saw nothing.

We relaxed slightly. Suddenly I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder the same time Foxy jumped out screaming! "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" went across my lenses. I screamed and fell off the couch, I twisted and fell right on my butt. I looked up and found Raph behind the couch laughing his head off.

Mikey's face was pale but then he started to laugh too, "It wasn't that scary Lilly."

I glared at him, "Don't think I didn't see you jump either Michelangelo! And if it wasn't that 'Scary' why is your face pale?!"

Raph chuckled, "You just got burned bro!"

"Yeah-Yeah-Yeah Let's play again!" Mikey went to restart the game.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around myself, "No way man, I have had enough scares for today!! Which reminds me, did you need something Raph?"

"Hmm? Oh Master Splinta wanted ya to know that It's almost Midnight. April and Case went home a while ago." He shrugged his shoulders still smirking.

Midnight? No wonder I was feeling tired, I yawned, "Guess it's time to go back home huh?" I turned to Mikey and patted his shoulder, "Hey watch out for Foxy okay?"

He grinned up at me, "Don't worry I won't let him do that again! Good night Sissy!"

I smiled and grabbed my bag, "Here I'll take yous' home." I looked beside me at Raph, "Thanks Raph." We walked through the sewers side by side. Before I felt a tug on my bag.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to carry you's bag fer you."

I gave him a funny look but shrugged handing it to him, "You don't need to but if your offering, Thanks."

"You was walking funny." He mumbled.

I smirked, what a softy. I thought as I held my hands behind me, my side not hurting as bad now that the weight was lifted. "Hey Raph? Is your favorite color red?"


I rolled my eyes, "Is your favorite color red?" Saying each word slower.

He snorted, "I don't know, I don't really think about that stuff, but yeah I guess so." He shrugged his shoulders, "What's yours, Blue?"

"I like green, but I do wear a lot of blue don't I." I saw him smirk, "But that's because of my dad, that was his favorite color."


"Yeah, " I looked over at him and stopped under a sewer lid to look at my necklace and the tags on it. "When I was eight me and my dad were driving home when we were hit by a garbage truck. My dad died on impact and I was made deaf."

"Yous' wasn't born deaf?"

I shook my head, "Nah, I was hurt pretty bad and my brain got knocked around pretty hard, so now I'm deaf! Tada!"

He tilted his head, "I'm sorry about yer dad."

"Yeah me too but, I still have a piece of him with me, see?" I handed Raph my necklace and he looked at the tags.

"He was on the police force," I smiled remembering his favorite quote, "He use to tell us all the time 'Today Is for Tomorrow. So live don't just survive."

"He sounds like a good man." Raph smiled, "Is that Cocoas tag?" I nodded he tilted his head, "What about this one?" I saw that he was pointing to a charred and tarnished tag. Anger grew inside me, "Someone who should still be here." I looked away from it and clenched my fists beside me.

"Lilly?" I flinched ready for the question that didn't come, "Here, sorry." Raph said and handed that tags back.

I shook my, "No Raph, thank you for listening. I'm sorry I got upset." He nodded his head and we continued to my apartment. When we got there he helped me up to my window. I stepped over the waist high seal and set my bag down and turned back to Raph.

"Hey is anyone else home?" confused I shook my head, "Good now I can see if it's safe."

"What?!" But he was already in side, "Umm, oh-kay come right in?" Raph started to look for 'suspicious' things as he put it, I think he was just looking for an excuse to not be bored. I rolled my eyes at him and went to get a glass of water as he looked in the hall closet. I put the glass in the sink and saw a note on the counter top.

I started to read it and walked towards Raph. 'Lilly, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be back home until 3 am tonight. Before I left though I broke a glass, I think I got all of it but just be careful wher—-' I stepped on something sharp and yelped jumping away I slipped on the tile.

I closed my eyes and waited for the floor to say hi to me, when I was caught. I peaked and saw Raph, "Sheesh Lilly! What the heck happened?" He put an arm under my knees and carried me to the couch. A piece of glass about half the size of my pinkie was sticking out of my heel.

"The first aid box is in the closet, can you go get it?"

He brought the box back, "I'm going to take the glass out-"

I cut him off, "Not until you wash your hands!"


"You heard me, safety first." I mean we were just in the sewers.

"Darn picky woman!" He grumbled and came back a minuet later. He sat down on the other end of the couch and put my foot in his lap. "Ready?"

"Yeah—-ow-ow-ow-OW!" He pulled it out and then my ruined sock off, "Wow yous' have tiny feet!" He smirked, "Good thing the cut wasn't that big."

I rolled my eyes as he put a band-aid on, "Aww. Thanks Raph." Hopefully with a lot a sarcasm in my words. He went to put the things away, I got up and walked to the other closet, limping with my tip toes. I reached in and grabbed a small hand held vacuum.

"What are ya doin now?"

"Getting a vacuum to clean up the rest glass, don't want someone else to get hurt now do we?!" I turned around and found Raph directly behind me, startled I jumped a little. "GEEZE RAPH!!! Don't you know better then to sneak up on a deaf girl?!"

He smirked and took the vacuum, "I'll do it. With yer luck you'll cut yer hands."

"HEY!" I yelled and smacked his shell playfully, as he went to clean up the mess. "Fine, I'll be in my room." I went to my room, to tired to take a shower I just pulled some pajamas on. I turned to my closet and picked an outfit for tomorrow. I was laying it on my chair when I felt heavy foot steps on my weak floor boards.

I smiled and turned to Raph hands on my hips, "Dude what if I wasn't dressed?!"

Raph just chuckled, my smile widened. He was such a great friend, always there for me. He smirked and went over to my window, "Everything looks fine, so I'm heading out, G'night Lilly."

"Hey Raph?" I went over to the window and stopped him as he was about to go over the seal.

"Yeah Lilly?" I reached up on my tip toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

His face went redder then his mask, "Thank you."

He stumbled/fell out, "Y-y-yeah s-s-sure Th-thing Lilly!" I giggled as he stumbled on the fire escape, "Um. . Er. . .I *cough* have ta go! Bye!" He jumped away into the shadows. I giggled and laid down in my bed, my last thought before sleep was, 'I can't believe I broke Raphael! He's so much fun to tease!'


After about a week of absolutely no activity from the foot and no word about Shreddar. We started to relax and everything soon went back to normal. Well as normal as life could be with four mutant friends. It was Friday and I didn't have work and I couldn't go to dance because the studio was getting inspected and cleaned.

I woke up and found a text from Mikey: Hey L.T You coming over today?!!

LT: Yeah If I could, I can come right now?!

M: Shell yeah!! We have so much to do!! I'll meet you at your cover!!

I smiled at his excitement and got dressed. I had some light jean shorts on, with a grey tank top. I pulled on a blue, white and black plaid shirt that buttoned to the middle. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple shoving it in my mouth I pulled on one of my sneakers. 'Bye mom I'm hanging out with some friends today!'

'Wait what friends?'

'The four brothers I told you about, remember?' I hopped to the door pulling my other shoe on and went to open the door.

 'Yeah I remember, just be careful and be safe.' I smiled at her.

 'I will I love you!!'

She grinned, 'I love you too little flower!! Have a good day!' 

I rushed out of there and into the alley way, I pulled my glasses on and looked around and then down when I felt Mikey poking my foot. I leaned over and smiled at him. I got down and was engulfed in a turtle hug. I giggle as he started to swing my back and forth, "OHMYGOSHLILLY!!!!" He put me down still bouncing up and down, "We have SOO much we have to do! We have to play (I Don't own any of these Games!!) Halo, Halo 2, Mario kart the new Wii version, and I found a new flavor of pizza!! It's called apple pie and let me just say. . . Awesome!" I chuckled as we walked towards the lair.

"OH and I also mastered a new Skater trick!!"

"I can't wait to see that!" I grinned.

"Even better I can teach ya!! Oh this is going to be great!!"

I snickered, "That's going to be a bit hard, since I don't know how to skate."

He gasped mouth open wide hand on his heart, "My sister doesn't know how to ska-skate?! That is the first Thing we are doing!!! Well as soon as It's darker that is the first thing we are doing!!" I smiled and just read his words as we walked to the lair. Sometimes he talked so fast that the poor lenses only got half of his words.

We walked into the lair and he pulled me to the kitchen, "Come on I know you're just going to love this pizza!!" He put a few slices in the microwave and then handed me one. He dripped some frosting on the top, I smiled and took a bite. It was really good, just like a pie but crunchier. "Mmm!"

Mikey took a big bite out of his too, "Golden Perfection!! So Good!!

I nodded and took another bite, the heat making the frosting melt and drip on my fingers. I ate it fast, I couldn't find a napkin so I started to lick my fingers. Mikey was licking his fingers too. He looked up and sighed, "What's wrong Mikey?"

"Leo just called us for training."

"Hey do you think I can come and watch?" I sucked the tip of my pinkie, and the last of the frosting.

Mikey nodded, "Sure let's go!" He bounded away, I smiled and quickly washed my still sticky fingers. I rushed out of the kitchen and turned a corner only to bump into someones shell.

"Oomph!" I rubbed my head and looked at Raph, "Sorry about that Raph, Sheesh who knew a shell could hurt so much!" Raph chuckled and walked ahead of me and into the Dojo. I walked in and went over to Master Splinter. Even though the glasses worked he still liked to sign with me, I really appreciated that.

 'Hello Master Splinter, I was hoping I could watch in today?'

'Of course you may, little flower. You can go and sit in between Donatello and Michelangelo.'

'Thank you Sensei!' I ran over and sat between the guys. Mikey and I grinned at each other, Donnie smiled before we went back to Master Splinter. "Warm Ups!" The guys got up and started to do some stretches and then advancing them. Like jumping up and doing chin lifts from the beams, then flipping down only to jump back up and do some more. Just watching them made me tired, and these were only warm ups?!

After about a half hour of the crazy warm ups, Master Splinter split them up, "Michelangelo and Donatello will spar first today. Ready your stances." The two Eldest brother came and sat down again. The other two crouched down and readied their weapons, "HAJIME!" Splinter yelled. Mikey was bouncing on his feet ready with speed, while Donnie looked calm and thoughtful.

When Master Splinter said the command Mikey charged swinging his nunchuks trying to hit Donnie, but Donnie was deflecting each hit. Mikey swung his right high, as Don deflected that Mikey wrapped his right around the staff. Yanking the staff away Mikey threw it behind him, and went in a 360 right spin he went to roundhouse kick Donnie. But Donnie was ready; jumping back He hit Mikeys' leg to keep him spinning. Mikey missed Donnie completely and stumbled falling over, but was up in the next second.

A second too late as Donnie regained his staff and was ready for Mikey. They circled each other and like before Mikey was the first one to charge. Mikey swung high and Donnie ducked down Knocking Mikeys legs out from under him. Using Mikey's momentum Don flipped him up and over himself. Before Mikey could get back up, Donnie spun around and pointed his staff towards Mikeys chest.

"Nice hit bro!" Mikey smiled up at Don.

"Thanks Mikey."

Mikeys' grin widened, "But not that good." Looking down Donnie found one of Mikeys' nunchuks wrapped around his leg.

"Tushay Mikey." Donnie smiled and helped his brother up.

"Owarimasu! Good work my sons." Mikey and Donnie bowed to each other and then to Master Splinter they walked over to me.

"Wow guys! you were both so good! It was getting a little intense there, but you guys looked really great!"

"Thanks Lilly." Donnie smiled and sat

Mikey grinned, "Thanks Little Sis!!"

"Raphael, Leonardo, Ready your stances!" Leo stood facing Raph his twin swords or Katanas as they were called were gripped loosely in his hands, and at the ready; I could already tell that he was going to fight with grace. Raph stood legs spread apart ready to charge with strength, his Sais were gripped in his hands itching for a fight.

"HAJIME!" Raph and Leo wasted no time and immediately rushed each other weapons clashing in mighty fierce fire, the power of wills. Sais and Katanas locked until Raph shoved Leo away and tried to swipe him before Leo deflected him.

They broke away from one another and began circling. A heavy tension lay in the air as the two brothers circled. I caught Raphs eyes for a flash of a second, and saw the determination that lay deep in them. He focused back on the fight at hand and rushed Leo.

It was like a dance! Both parties were equally matched, even though Raph was stronger then Leo; Leo was more fluid with his movements and could deflect Raphs attacks with more ease. Side stepping each other before one would attack and the other would defend. Raph suddenly spun around swinging while Leo blocked, surprised by Raphs sudden burst they were soon locked again.

The air around the oldest brothers grew heavy as the Leader and the Hot-head grappled. Neither one willing to give in they stood sturdy. Leo moved first, stepping forward trying to push Raph down, but Raph side stepped and made Leo lose his footing. Raph took the opportunity and swept Leos' legs out from under him. But Leo rolled out of the way before Raph could jump him.

They were up again and circled each other, "If only you were a little faster Raph." Leo's face had a slight smile on it.

Raph grunted then smirked, "I wasn't ta one to kiss ta floor fearless."

They both smirked and rushed each other, "How old are you? Never mind you could never count that high."

"I'd punch ya but I don't want Stupid on my hands!"

Beside me Donnie sighed. I looked over at him, "What's wrong Don?"

"You better hide Raph the garbage truck is coming!" Leo called.

"Why don't ya go playin in the traffic! Fearless!" Raph said shoving Leo away.


Donnie face palmed and looked from between his fingers at me, "And now begins the insults." He muttered.

"Ninja Drop out!" Leo yelled.

"Teacha's Pet!" Raph jeered.

Mikey leaned over to me, "And then comes the punching in, 3. . ."

"At least I know how to say 'Teacher' right,"

"2 . . ."

"Oh wait my fault, I forgot you were an Idiot!" Leo finished

"And 1." On cue Raph lunged and soon both boys were rolling around, punching and kicking each other while yelling insults. Donnie and Mikey just watched the two guys fighting.

I raised an eyebrow, "This is normal in a house full of boys?"

Don shook his head, "No, this only happens in the house of idiot number 1 and idiot number 2." Mikey snickered, me and Donnie hid our smiles. I watched Leo and Raph tussle around before both were on there hands and knees panting. Master Splinter stepped forward, "Owarimasu!" The guys glared at each other but bowed. Mikey and Donnie stood up and went next to their brothers.

Master Splinter took a breathe and started to talk, "Raphael you have improved much my son but are still to focused on your strength and power. You should work more on your timing and fluidity. And try to not let your anger control you."

"Leonardo your hold on the Katanas has improved tremendously, same with your agility and power, very good. But my son you mustn't let your anger and energy overcome your strategy, instead use them to your advantage. Look at the possibilities, choose the best one and go through with it. Don't abandon it, improve upon it. You are the leader and have a responsibility to every member, keep that in mind my son."

"Donatello, your speed has increased and your will power, and determination has been very well maintained. Your power strikes are also very well planned and graceful. A good warrior knows what always needs to be done, but the best and the wisest feel what is best. Do not be afraid of your instincts, my son, but learn from them."

"Michelangelo I am so proud of your improvement, you have done very well. Although you rush into everything too quickly, you must be wary of this! This could be dangerous in a real fight, be cautious. But your quick thinking has been greatly increased, you are becoming a true ninja. Good work Michelangelo."

Master Splinter looked at each of them, "My sons you have all done very well and have made me very proud. You are all true ninja's." The guys all beamed from the praise, Splinter turned to Leo, "Leonardo take over the rest of training."

"Hai Sensei!" Leo bowed along with the others before leading the guys over to some training dummy's. Leo and Raph bumped each other before they all chuckled. Apparently that's how they say sorry. I smiled as they started to set up the dummy's in a weird pattern. Funny boys, I smiled at the foursome.

Master Splinter came over to me, "Would you like to practice Little Flower?"

 "Yeah sure."

"Let's us see what you remember and how your reflexes are. But first stretches."

"Yes Sensei!" I got up and started to loosen my body up. I did some basic's like push ups and lunges, but I also did some stretches that I did for dance, like splits. I started to sweat a little and took my plaid shirt off along with my shoes and socks. I was almost done wrapping some practice tape on, when Master Splinter came over to me with Mikey. I finished and faced them, Mikey grinned as Splinter started to sign, "Alright little flower, Michelangelo will be helping you with your training today. I want you to take this pebble," He placed it on the ground by Mikeys' feet, "From Michelangelo." I nodded my head, "Ready. Hajime!"  

I ran my orange friend who was still grinning, even though this was serious. I gave him a small smile before sliding under his legs as a nunchaku came down where my head used to be. I got up and searched for the pebble only to see that Mikey had kicked it from under him to the right side of his foot. I grinned up at him, that's why he was smiling, "Very sneaky Mikey!"

We grinned at each other, I charged again at him going right. He shifted his weight and he went to block me. I hopped back and twirled around going left and around him. Mikey was surprised but quickly adjusted to stop me. I slide down on my knees as the nunchuks went over my head.

I was going to fast and only managed to throw the pebble up into the air. I rolled up and round housed Mikey's hand away as he reached to grab the falling pebble. I hit the pebble with my left shoulder so it went up and over my head and into my hand. I tried to catch it but it slipped from my fingers. I kicked it up again and blocked Mikeys' punch.

I uncrossed my arms pushing Mikey back. I quickly did a back bend, and continued making it a flip. I twisted so I was faced the other way. I saw where the pebble would land as I did my back bend. I held out my hand and caught it. I turned to Mikey and curtsied. "HA-HA-HA!!! That was soo cool Lilly!! How did you learn how to do that!?!"

I grinned, "A little game called hacky sack, I learned it when I was eleven."

"Soo cool, can you teach me how to play it?!!"

I giggled, "Sure!! It'll be fun to play with you!"

Master Splinter smiled, "You have done very well Little flower. Your speed, agility and strategic abilities are very impressive. Power and strength will not come easily, but I believe there is always room for Improvement."

"Don't worry Sensei I can do it, I can improve!" I signed a little out of breathe.

"Of course you can, I never doubted your will power." Then he turned and called out to the others, "Training is done for now, I must go and meditate. Good work my sons and daughter, I am proud of all of you."

"Thank you Sensei." We all bowed to him. I stood up and smiled, I think I was starting to really like training.

(How'd ya Guys Like that Chappy?! Way Fun for me to Write!!! Hajime= begin. Owarimasu= finish. Hai= yes. Well there We go with The translations, or As Close as Google Says ;P Comment and read Some More!!!) 

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