Donnie Get's It

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(Sup Little jewels!!! Cute Pic btw for whoever made it!! Hope you are all ready for the next Chappy!? I know I am!! Sorry it's going to be A little Smaller than Usual, BUT that means more Chappy's!!!! So with out further ado. . . . . . SHAZAM!!!!) 

((Sorry been watching Young Justice :3 ))

Lilly Pov

For the next week I was able to practice my sight switching and body too. Donnie says that the reason I turned silver was because of the different metals in my necklace, making it a stronger metal, that I just called silver. He also said the reason I can now hear was because the canine species has incredible hearing, so by mixing that with my deafness made me able to hear regularly. But let's get one thing straight. . . I hated it. 

Oh the noise! I so did not miss the noise, the cars honking angrily above, people shouting curses and profanities at one another for no reason at all!! The static on the TV and the high pitched screachings . . . UGH!!! I so did not miss this! I always ended up with a head ache, so I tried to use my hearing as little as possible. Although I did find out I could mix and match my transformations so I could change hearing and deaf with black dog or silver wolf.

I also found out what all those snakes of color were, they were smells. You know the saying 'they can sense fear'? Well that is true, except I could now see it! It was pretty cool, the cooler part was that I could attach a color to a certain person and track them! I guess it wasn't that bad to be a dog, Except for the fact that I was still a dog.

I sighed heavily in the couch cushion, Raph and Leo had all gotten in an argument and were being 'punished.'Donnie quickly avoided it by going in his lab and working on. . . I frowned, 'Wait what was Don doing?' Curious I jumped down and walked to the lab door that was open just a crack, thankfully.

I pressed it open and peaked in, Don was over by one of his tables using a blowtorch on a huge piece of machinery. 'Oh I better not bug him, wouldn't want him to loose something important!' I felt my ears go back as I shivered with the thought. Well I was still board so, might as well snoop.

I opened a few drawers and looked inside them; papers, blueprints, small tools, gadgets that spark! I jumped back as one with a small claw reached up snapping the air. I slammed the door shut, just a little creeped out.

I shuttered and opened the next one, umm what is that? I pushed a few object away with my nose and felt myself growl at what I saw. Snatching it up and putting it down at my fee- er paws, I turned to Donnie with a glare, "BARK!!" I switched eye color after the bark, knowing that would've caused a headache.

He jumped and the torch turned off as he turned to me, "What?! Lilly? What are you doing?" I grabbed the box and dropped it at his feet, the box opened to reveal the ring he had shown me, I growled at him peeved.

He turned away and started to fiddle with a wrench, "It wasn't the right time, too many things were happening. It just wasn't right. . . " A bunch of emotions flew off of him but the biggest one was scared. 

Oh no he was so not going to chicken out of this one!! Well technically he couldn't really be a chicken he was a turtle and --- er um that was beside the point! He continued to play with the wrench when I got an idea. Grinning I scooped the box back up in my mouth and went to the open door. Grinning I crouched down my tail wagging as I barked to Donnie.

He stood up his eyes wide, "No Lilly! You wouldn't dare!?"

I winked 'watch me!' I thought as I bolted out the lab with the purple nerd stumbling after me. I saw Venus come out of the kitchen and bolted behind her as Donnie came crashing out of the lab, "LILLY!!! Give that back!!"

'Translate for me?' I cocked my head up to her as she smiled.

"No Donatello Hamato! You need a push! So here it is!" She yelled out relaying my thoughts.

Donnie ran over and started to chase me around the kitchen table, "No I don't! I have thought it over and----"

"Stop thinking with just your head!! Boy for a genius you sure are stupid!" 

"Venus?!" Don glared as he jumped over the table, as I went under.

She held her hands up, "Hey that wasn't me."

"Lilly!! Give IT BACK!!!" Donnie yelled out pole vaulting in front of me, I turned around and ran back into the front room with him in hot pursuit. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sensei, Leo and Raph come into the room standing by Venus.

"What is going on in here?" Sensei asked.

"I'm helping Donnie to not be such a scaredy turtle!! Wuss!!!" The guys looked over at her, "Hey that was Lilly not me." I saw Raph smirk and gave him a wink as I jumped over the couch and stopped as Donnie kept going missing me completely.

"I'm voting Don." Leo said folding his arms.

"No way," Raph snorted, "Lilly's totally gonna win." 

"Yeah but Don is very strategic and a ninja." Leo shrugged looking us over.

"Give It back now Lilly!!" Don yelled swiping at me.

"Chicken, Bock-bock-bock!!!" 


Raph smirked, "Yeah, but he's way off balance."

Leo nodded thoughtfully, "True, I'm changing my vote!"

Don turned to them as I hid under the coffee table, "Will you two stop betting against me and HELP ME!!"

"Sup Dudes!! Cool what's going on here?" Mikey asked as he came in with pizza, the door wide open.

Perfect! "Come and get me Lover-boy!!" I bolted to it as it was starting to close.

"AHHH!! Mikey stop her!" too late, I thought as I went through the crack and ran down the tunnel. I stopped and looked back, when I saw the light of the lair go off I ran off again with dork in tow.

It took a minuet to find her scent but once I did it was easy to follow. I followed it to the old garage, I walked in the old place and looked around for the door. I heard foot steps, I had to hurry! now where is---- I saw a broken button on the wall, oh there's the door opener!

I pressed it down and ran out into the city, the sun almost down, good. I sniffed and found that her scent was really close! I glanced around a corner and saw her with another older cop, they had just caught some teen punks vandalizing and were booking them. Serina and Her partner I'm assuming put the punks in the back seat of the cop car.

I turned around and jumped away as Donnie came closer traveling in the shadows, "Please Lilly give that back!!" 

I glared and shook my head, smirking I walked towards them Donnie whispering and begging behind me. I got closer to the two cops and whined, they both looked at me the older cop with dark brown hair and brown eyes chuckled, "Hey look! That one actually likes ya Lane!" His voice was loud and enthusiastic.

Serina rolled her blue eyes, "Hilarious Peterson, Hey girl!" She crouched down and patted my head, I nuzzled her roughly and snatched her badge before bolting away.

"HA! OH Lane yer really not a good Cop." Her partner laughed patting her back.

She sighed and stood up, " Oh boy why not, come on lay it on me oh wise one." 

He snickered, "Cause most cops don't get picked by a dog."

 She frowned and felt her belt, "Hey!! Get back here!!" She kicked her shoes off and started running, "BE RIGHT BACK!!" 

Peterson just laughed and got in the front seat, "See ya tamorrow Lane!"

I ran leading both Donnie and Serina away, boy was she fast! I booked it until I found a small garden area with a pond and surrounding trees, perfect! I the middle of the pond stood a boulder with a few smaller boulders around it. I jumped and made it to the center one waiting for the couple to come and catch their breaths.

Serina smiled and stood up, "Hey what do you think you are doing Lilly? The law says no stealing, now give me my badge back." I set the box down and tossed her badge to her, "Thank you now what did you need?" She squinted and stepped closer, "And what is that you have? Who does it belong to?"

"Erm actually that it mine." Donnie said nervously stepping out of the shadows. 

"Donnie?! Hi honey!!" Serina ran over and gave him a hug, "Wait why does Lilly have something of yours?"

I yipped making them look to me as I tossed the box, Donnie caught it and gave me a look of annoyance. I just grinned and laid down watching the show, It was time for him to turtle up!

Sighing he turned to Serina and gently held her hand, Man I wish I had some popcorn!!

Don Pov  

(let's See If I can do This shall we?! Tell me if I did good that was cool, bad don't ever do this again)

I held Serina's soft hand in my own callused one, the small box engulfed in my other hand. I took a breath and looked into her curious cornflower blue eyes, with her long golden hair up in a ponytail a bit of her ear showing. I smiled, "I love you Serina."

She grinned intertwining our fingers together, "I love you too Donnie." She giggled as I brushed my thumb across her knuckles.

I shook my head and grinning I didn't think I just opened my mouth and let my heart talk, "I have always loved your personality and your strength. You have always been able to stay strong even in the hardest of hard times. Your need to make others feel safe and to make sure that all are happy makes me want to do my best every single day." She blushed her nose twitching, "You inspire me Serina Rose Lane." 

I grinned and bent down closer to her beautiful blushing face, my own face probably just as red. But I felt confident, letting my heart take the lead, "Serina my Sunshine." She giggled.

I felt my body move down, one knee pressed against the cool grass my shell to the pond, the Last of the sun light glowing down behind my life love. Serina's hands flew up to her mouth a smile growing behind, "Will you be the morning that makes my day, will you be mine forever, will you, marry me?" I opened the box the making the ring wink up.

Serina's eyes pooled and spilled over, "YES! I LOVE YOU DONATELLO!!" She jerked forward and slammed her body into me, pushing us both into the cool pond behind. It was shallow so I could sit right up with Serina in my lap.

Carefully I pulled the ring out and looked up in her eyes as I slid it on her slim finger. Her eye held nothing but joy as I did this, her ponytail was now crocked and she was all wet a bit of her mascara smeared in the corner of her right eye. She was the most gorgeous person I have ever seen.

She giggled and wrapping her arms around my neck, slammed her lips into mine. I gladly returned the kiss with force, my hand reaching up and undoing her hair from the infernal scrunchy. She smiled against my mouth causing my body to react with a shutter. I felt her ears flop down and brush my cheeks as her locks were released, Perfection!

I clamped my hand in her silky soft hair and pushed her closer until there was no room between us. I felt her hand caress my head sliding down my mask tails and then traveling across my shell. I felt a groan of pleasure escape my lips as she rubbed my shell. Serina giggled and broke away keeping her head against mine, "Thank you." She whispered.

"I love you Sunshine, So much." I pecked her lips once more.

Serina sat up and grinned up at the black dog watching us with what could only be called a grin, "Thank you Lilly."

Lilly nodded her head her tail wagging behind her, I glared at them both playfully, "You two planned this didn't you?"

"Nope this was all you Donnie-baby, You are the one that asked me." 

I smirked and playfully pinched her sides, "And your the one that said yes."

Serina gasped, "Oh heaven help me."

Smiling I captured her lips again in a tender kiss. I probably would've just sat there holding my Sunshine all night, but unfortunately she still was on duty and had to leave.

Lilly jumped down and stood next to me as we saw her off. I looked down at the ecstatic friend beside me, "I hope you realize how annoying you are Lilly." Her ears dropped slightly, grinning I ruffled her head, "But I love you anyways."

Lilly perked up and smiled rubbing against my leg in a hug, I chuckled, "Alright Lilly let's go home." She nodded and ran ahead of me as we walked back to the lair.

(There you guys go!!! The Next Chappy!! I thought It was Super cute!! I hope you all Liked it, Comment and Tell me What you all think!! Have a freaking fantastic Day My little Jewels!! Until next time, Allonsy!!!) 

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