Um Okay Now WHAT?!

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( So Sorry Guys!!! I won't even write a Big A/N I'll just say thank you and Enjoy!! Nice Pic too!! Not mine!)

Raph Pov

I punched out a foot ninja that got too cocky, I smirked and threw him into a bunch of his buddies. I was about to hit another one when a blood curdling scream broke out, freezing me mid hit. I whipped around and ran towards the scream, not caring about the ninja's around me. I came closer and there in a puddle of the new mutagen was Lilly writhing around in pain. Her screams echoing around the room making it a continuous torture.

I slid down as close as I could and just stared, not sure what to do, "DON!?"

"BUSY!" He hollered as he pushed back two katana wielding ninjas, and whipped around to knock another off his feet.

Lilly stopped screaming and was breathing in rapid screeching breaths, I started to panic as her breathing became erratic. I couldn't touch her though, I don't know what that would do to her. "LEO!?"

 He grunted and shoved a ninja away before answering, "We need to get out of here! Don distraction! Mikey get Teddi use these lab coats! Raph get Lilly! Serina help me cover! Go!" Leo tossed me a big white lab coat, I draped it over Lilly's shivering wet body. I carefully picked her up, her entire body but the top of her head covered in the thick cloth. Don threw smoke pellets down fogging up the room, and helping us escape out the door and through a window.

I ran clutching Lilly close to me, scared out of my mind. I jumped into the car as we drove off. Don drove us expertly through the streets, all I could think about was all of that mutagen, it was so much. I realized then that I wasn't angry, I was scared. Usually I would be furious now, but I just couldn't be when Lilly needed me. 

I watched her and held her tighter as she shook and shriek out in pain. I hated it, I was so useless right now! Don clicked a button and the wall ahead opened up letting us in and to the garage. I jumped up as soon as the car stopped and kicked forcing the doors open. I ran to the lab, passing Sensei by, not a word was said.

I slammed in there and shoved the tools on the table down and away, I gently set Lilly down. I turned around and cleared another table as Donnie and Mikey came in with Teddi. The coat around Teddi had slipped down to show her face, I looked at her. Her eyes were shut tight as she held in her screams of pain by just whimpering.

Mikey set Teddi down on the table and taking one of the sleeves started to brush the sweat away from her head. I turned back to Lilly and froze, Lilly wasn't moving. I panicked and felt all the blood drain from me, please no!

"Donnie." My voice cracking showing my fear, Don jerked up and jumped over to the table. Before he could see what was wrong her body arched straight up her piercing scream echoing off the walls, "RAPH HOLD HER!!" Don shoved me towards her thrashing body, my mind had stopped working I couldn't think I could only do. I grabbed her shoulders and held her down as best as I could, her legs kicking out in frantic hard movements.

I froze as the mutagen started to take effect and sink into her skin. Her caramel hair started to shade down to black, her skin color also changed to a dark brown color. Her eyes flashed open to show them changing from soft green to bright yellow and back again as she convulsed.

Don's voice brought me back to the present, "RAPH!! HOLD HER!!!" I jerked and pressed down on her shoulders as Don jammed a needle above her collar bone. Her eyes widened as she tried to take in a breath sounding as if she was choking!!

"DONNIE!?!?" I yelled still holding her down.

"Wait, hold her!!" He ran over to his desk and grabbed two more shots before running back and sticking them in her as well. Lilly instantly fell flat on the table, gasping for the precious air around us.

"What's--goin--on?!" Teddi gasped out on the table behind me. "Is--Lilly. . . "

Mikey shushed her and started to talk to her in a calm voice, "Lilly and ya were hit with mutagen, don't worry Donnie's going to help."

"Is--Lilly--okay?!" she shuttered.

"She's stable for now, Let me check on your leg Teddi." Don ordered as he dropped the needles on his desk before turning to Teddi.

"No, help Lilly ferst--- she's hurt werse."

Don shook his head, "I can't help her right now, so let me help you."

"What do ya mean Don!?" I stared back at my brother as he pulled the lab coat off Teddi and started to look over her leg.

"I gave her some antibiotics, and Dilaudid to help with the pain, but only she can determine what happens now." He glanced up at us all, "Don't worry I'm right here, I'll do the best I can to help Lilly. Raph I need you to watch over her and try to remember all the changes that happen and in order please." I turned back around and looked over Lilly, she was sweating profusely and but at least she wasn't screaming any more.

"Don do you need anything?" Leo asked from the door way as he and the others came in.

"Yeah can you get my medications box down, I going to need to mix up a few just in case. Teddi did Karai tell you anything about the mutagen? Anything at all?"

Teddi whimpered, "She said if I ain't touchin somethin livin, then I'll be a bunch of mush. I don't want ta be a pile of mush!"

"You won't be, Karai was lying. Do you remember anything else?" Lilly's hand twitched but nothing else happened.

"She said it was a prototype, and that it was unstable. Somethin about MMS 2.0 or somethin like that." She groaned out, and Mikey gasped.

"Whoo Dudette yer hair!? Why's it doing that Don?"

"I don't know, Serina can you log on the computer and look up MMS 2.0 mutagen?"

"Sure thing." I heard the wheels of the chair move as she sat at his desk. I watched Lilly not taking my eyes off of her shaking body. 

"Don what do you need me to do?" Leo asked.

"Help watch Teddi and Lilly while I stir up some chemicals."

"AHHHH!!!!" Teddi screamed out, I turned around and saw her sitting up clutching her head, Mikey and Leo in front of her. Don put the vials down and stood by Teddi, as she changed.

Teddi Now had five streaks of silver in her already crazy hair, three thin lines appeared on her arms dark like a tan with four more wrapped around her legs, each spread evenly. Her hair started to shift as two grey striped cat ears poked out. A ripping noise sounded as a matching grey tail snaked out from under her long tank top.

Her screaming died down, as she lost consciousness and fell forward, Mikey and Leo caught her before she could fall off the table. Don checked her vitals nodding in satisfaction each time. I turned around and looked back to Lilly who was breathing normally, like she was sleeping. No change other than the dark skin and black hair.

"MMS 2.0 is apparently a new mutagen that the krrang were able to bring back from their dimension, they were only able to bring so much with them though cause it was highly flammable and explosive to make. MMS 2.0 stands for Maximum Mutagen Strength, it's the most dangerous Mutagen created!" Serina said.

"Will they be okay Don?" Leo asked.

"They should be, other than the fact that they will be mutants. I can't change that, at least not yet." Don sighed frustrated, giving Teddi the painkiller he had made. "How's Lilly looking Raph?"

I turned back, "She's asleep. . . and black." I grumbled my anger starting to boil, they'll pay for this.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to see Serina, "It was not your fault Raphael. Remember that." She told me sternly giving me a small shake.

"Doesn't mean I can't beat the ones that are." I growled crossing my arms, I stiffened as I felt her head rest on my arm as she hugged me in a side hug. That's when I felt something sliding down my cheek, I shut my eyes and quickly brushed it off. "I'm fine."

"Yes you are." She nodded to me, "And so is she, because of you." I sighed and looked back to Lilly, her face scrunched up in pain, "She's strong, but she'll need our help."

I nodded, "I'll be there." I promised to the girl on the table, I pulled a chair over and sat down next to her and whispered, "I'll always be there."


Teddi Pov 

I woke up in a bed, that was so not mine!? What the? Where the shell was I?! I sat up and looked around the messy room, then up and gasped at the ceiling, it was amazing!! I saw something silver beside my head and grabbed it, it was my hair?!

Then it clicked, Oh . . .My . . . SHELL!!!!!! I jerked out of the bed and fell down on the floor, my hands out in front of me. I looked at them and saw a dark tan stripe just above my wrists, one on my elbows and one over my shoulders, my nails coated in a silver color that I don't think was nail polish. I sat down and saw four more stripes on my legs.

I felt something twitch behind me, I looked over and yelped as I saw a grey snake!! I jerked away and the snake followed. . . wait snakes aren't furry!? It was a tail! My Tail!! The door to the room opened up and in walked Mikey with Serina.

"Teddi?! Are ya hurt?" Mikey asked as he kneeled down next to me.

 I ignored that question and looked around the room, "Where am I?!"

"Um my room." Mikey said, "Are ya okay?"

"Yeah! Peachy." I rolled my eyes my tail end flicked, I gave it a glare, "Why the shell do I have a Tail!!"

Serina stepped forward and helped me stand up, "Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah," I huffed, "freakin Karai dumped hot mutagen on me and . . . Lilly?! Where is she?!? Is she okay?!?" I started to feel panic set in.

"Calm down dudette she's fine, just sleeping." Mikey said calmly holding my shoulders.

"Wait how long have I been asleep?"

"Umm two days." Mikey said quietly, I stared at him and said nothing, "Ar-are ya okay Teddi?" He asked tentatively Serina next to him looking me over.

"I have been kidnapped, yelled at, mutagen dumped on, I have been missing for two days, AND I had a Freaking Tail!!! How on earth am I---- I mean--- I -----" I slumped, " I don't know."

"Well if it's any help you have cat ears too?" Mikey said giving me a small smile.

I raised and eyebrow, "Really? Wait why a cat?"

"Oh Donnie found Cat hair on your clothes, so therefore you got mutated into a half cat girl." Serina said opening the door, "Do you want to see?"

I nodded as I followed them out of Mikey's room and to the bathroom. I stepped in and looked in the mirror the stripes on my shoulders curved like half moons horizontally the ends almost touching as they lay next to my collar bone. I had a long purple tank top with jean shorts on and my sneakers. 

Mikey was right though I did have two Cat ears growing up the tips poking out from my now five silver striped hair. I would have to wear a hat to hide them, I looked back and saw a matching tail touching the floor.

I didn't really have to think about it before I moved it making it curl up and down before swishing it around it was kind of fun, maybe this wouldn't be too bad? 

"Meow!" I smiled as I turned to my two friends, "Yer right Mikey, the matchin ears do help."

Mikey grinned and snatched me up in a famous Mikey hug, Serina giggled, "I'm glad you're okay Teddi."

"I think I can do this." I smiled at her.

Mikey pulled away slightly, "I know ya can!" He grinned and brought me back into the hug, Smiling I hugged him back, joyously.

"DON!!! IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!!!" Raph voice sounded out startling me and Mikey apart. 

We all ran to the lab and what I saw made me gasp, "WHAT THE SHELL!?!?"


Lilly Pov

I felt my nose twitch as I started to wake up, Ugh man I had a huge head ache! I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a familiar dark room, I saw a computer and realized I was in Donnie's lab. Wait If I was awake and alive, then that meant that Teddi was okay! Happiness grew inside me and I sighed in relief.

I still felt funny though, I yawned and felt my teeth run along my tongue, they were sharp?! I snorted and yelped out as the sharp smell of cleaning alcohol hit me, It was so strong I thought that it was right in my nose!? I reached my hand up to wipe it off, but I didn't see a hand, I saw a paw! I stood up startled, I looked down and saw that I was a dog!!!

This had to be a dream!? I felt something brush my legs, I turned my head and saw a big fluffy black tail! I jerked to the side and felt my back legs slip off the table I was on before the rest of my body followed tumbling to the hard floor.

Huffing I went to stand back up only to trip and fall on the blanket that was tangled around me. I struggled to get out of it only to get tangled up even more!! Help? The lights above me flashed on, I winced blinking at the sudden brightness. I looked over at the door and saw Donnie and Venus walk in, the sheet was over my head covering half my face so I could only see out of one eye.

"Shh Lilly, It's okay calm down and I will help you." the words flowing in my head, I froze and looked up at Venus as she came closer.

"Venus?! Are you in my head?" I thought.

She smiled kindly, "Yeah you could say that."

"What's going on? Why am I a dog?" I looked up at her as she removed the sheet, "All I can remember is the fight and the burning goop on me?"

"The goop was Mutagen and you got a full dose of it, Donnie is worried that you have become more animal then Lilly."  She nodded her head towards Don who was standing a little bit away. I looked up at him and nodded my head helping him relax, even though I was still freaking out on the inside! "Lilly look at me, " I looked up at Venus as she wiped my wet scared eyes, "A lot has happened and before I tell you and overwhelm you, you should probably eat or drink something, think you can do that?"

"Okay Venus, I'll try." She smiled down at me and started to talk with Donnie, I couldn't hear anything so I must still be deaf. I sighed relieved at least not everything has changed. Donnie left the room and soon came back with Mikey. Mikey's eyes widened and a huge smile broke out on his face as he ran over to me. Sliding down on his knees he scooped me up in a hug that I returned, well tried too.

I buried my head into his chest my tail wagging on it's own that honestly didn't feel as weird as I thought it would. Donnie smiled and set down two bowls one with coco puffs and the other with water, I sighed, was this really my new life?

Eating was easy, drinking on the other hand was a lot more difficult then it needed to be! I had to lap it up or else I'd get water up my nose, plus I was making a mess. I saw Mikey failing to hold in a laugh, I glared at the bowl and leaving it there I walked over and sat by Venus.

Mikey came and put me on his lap as Venus started to tell me what had happened. I had been asleep for two months now and in that time Venus was able to move here, April and Casey got married just two weeks ago, and Teddi was turned into a half cat because of the cat fur she had on her clothes from her brothers cat. 

Donnie started to tell me what had happened in greater detail, through Venus's translating. When the Mutagen first got me my skin and hair had turn dark and then over these two months I had transformed even further until it had stopped this last week. He thinks that because I was wearing my necklace with Coco's tag that that was why I was a dog. Donnie also says that because I got an extreme dose of the MMS Mutagen that I was transformed fully into a dog instead of a halfa like Serina and Teddi.

Mikey was petting my fur carefully and gently, it helped me calm down through out the entire story. When me and Teddi were taken we were gone for an entire day, and Teddi was asleep for two more days after that. Because of her Mutation Teddi still looked pretty normal she just had to wear her clothes a certain way to more effectively hide it.

Teddi with Serina's help told my mom that we had been kidnapped and that she didn't know where I was. I felt bad that Teddi had to lie for me, she hated to lie, but it couldn't be avoided. Serina then through her connections was able to file and make multiple arrests to the foot clan dramatically slowing them down to almost nothing, making Serina's career skyrocket.

After all of that I was still feeling depressed, I didn't realize I was whining until Mikey hugged me closer to him a tear falling off my long nose. Venus smiled at me, I looked into her eyes which unlike Teddi's colorful hazel eyes, hers were a dark chocolate brown with an immediate calming effect, "Lilly, we are all here for you. And we are going to help you get through it one day at a time."

I nodded my head, "Thanks Venus."

"Don't worry Little Lilly! We're here for ya!" Mikey bounced smiling at me, "And for what it's worth, ya are a really cute puppy! I really like yer fluffy ears." 

What a sweetheart little brother, "Thanks Mikestar, do you think I could have a mirror?" He nodded his head and got up leaving the room. He soon came back with the Mirror from the bathroom, with the right corner cracked, and held together with duck tape. I peaked up at it and instead of my caramel hair and human self, a brown and black German Shepard dog stood staring back. 

The only difference between my new self and Coco was the eyes, his were yellow while mine were still grey green. Now that I was standing up I also noticed that I was a little bit bigger than a normal German Shepard and my fur was shinier. Mikey was right though, I was a cute puppy. I looked up and saw Mikey yawning, unable to stop myself I yawned with him.

"Lilly, it's four in the morning and I know you just woke up, but you should probably try and go to sleep." I looked over at Venus and just nodded, and jumped back up on the table. Venus and Mikey left the lab, Donnie came over and draped the sheet back over me. Before he left he leaned down and hugged me with a smile, I didn't need words to know that he was happy I was awake.

He soon left the lab and shut the door leaving me in the dark again. I looked down at my hands now paws sheathing and unsheathing my black nails. Was this really my new life? Was I really going to be a dog forever? It might not be too bad, I won't have to do homework or dishes, Heck I could do whatever I wanted, right?

I knew that I was just fooling myself, I couldn't do half of the things I could have done as a human. I couldn't write, or talk I'd have to talk through Venus. I stuffed my nose in between my fluffy paws, at least I could eat and drink. A part of my brain said, then the other one hollered, yeah but you could barely do that!? I frowned I was useless now.

I couldn't go to college, I could just forget dancing, I couldn't do Sign Language, I couldn't go home to my mom she didn't need a dog. With each thought my heart broke more and more until I felt it shatter at my next and last thought before sleep found me; I couldn't even have love.


(Whoo!! Well that Was super depressing!!)


(Okay I can't Just leave it here!?)


 (That is just way too depressing, On wards And up wards!!)


(Plus I kind of Owe you For Being late:) enjoy)

I woke up to someone petting my head, I opened my eyes and saw Raph, he stopped when he saw that I was awake. His face softened a little before he squeezed his eyes shut tight letting a tear escape down his face. He turned away and brushed it off quickly, when he looked back he gave me his cocky grin, one side lifting higher then the other.

I looked up at him the thoughts of last night still clouding my mind, I sniffed and put my head back down turning away from him. I tried holding my tears of disappointment and heartbreak in but a few managed to get free. Raph put his hand under my chin and turned me back to him, our eyes met he leaned down and pressed a kissed to my head.

My heart fluttered as he pulled away smiling, I gave him a lopsided grin as my fears and thoughts dispersed. He still liked me! He reached up and scooping me off the table he held me close, in a iron tight grip not wanting to let me go and time soon. I buried my face in his neck and my dog nose was filled with the scent of leather and pine.

Kneeling he set me down and tilted his head in the direction of the door with a question. I looked over, was I ready? I looked back to Raph, confidence shining from his bright eyes, he believed in me. Yes, I can do this! I stood up straight and nodded to him, making his smile widen slightly as he stood up too.

My necklace swinging as I walked next to Raph and out the door to see my friends and family; Master Splinter, Leo, Venus all talking, Donnie and Mikey racing on the game station as Serina cheered them on with . . . TEDDI!! Cat ears poked out of her hair, with striped tan lines on her arms and legs, a long thin tail poked out from behind her but that was it! She looked normal, I saved her! Well mostly.

My tail wagged and I felt my throat vibrate as I barked and ran towards her open arms. She caught me and buried her face in my neck fur crying, "I'm sorry so sorry Lilly! I was weak and and and and I'm just sorry!" Teddi said, Venus projecting her thoughts to me.

"Teddi, It's not your fault, you didn't do this to me, as Venus said," I looked over at her, "Everything will be okay."

"I'll help ya Lilly, we all will," Teddi mumbled pulling away with a smile.

Leo came over and knelt down putting a hand on my shoulder, "I'm glad your back Little Lady Lilly." 

I shoved my head under his hand, "How many time do I have to tell you that I'm no small? I'm--"

"Fun size!" We thought together smiling. Leo ruffled my head before I turned to Master Splinter. I took a breath and bending my left leg I bowed my head towards him, I stood up straight, "I can do this."

He smiled and started to sign to me, "Yes you can Little Flower, I know you can."

I smiled but winced as a sharp pain went off between my eyes, I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed my nose trying to make it stop. As suddenly as it came it vanished, I opened my eyes and saw the room had been sucked of color. Everything was black and white with weird snakes of bright colors flying up and then away.

"Dudes what's wrong with her eyes? That's just creepy." I yelped and turned towards Mikey.

 "Donnie what's wrong with her? Is she okay?" Teddi asked next to Mikey. I stared at the black and white Mikey and Teddi as they spoke!? I could hear them!! Something High pitched ringed out causing me to stumble wincing.

"OW!" Venus yelled out holding her head.

"What happened Venus?" Leo asked holding her up.

Terror griped my heart as I look around as everyone gathered, I was literally a cornered animal! My breathing started to get rapid, suddenly I was hit with so many sounds I screamed out shaking my head, trying to get rid of it but I only managed to make it worse. My head was being torn apart! 

I panicked and shoved my way out of the circle I ran away, to the door. It was closed and I didn't have fingers, I didn't care I'll ram my way out If I had too! I felt my body change and grow longer and heavier, I glared at the door and pulling my ears back I head butted it with all my speed and strength.

I didn't expect it to work, honestly I thought that I would just knock myself out but instead the large impending metal door gave way and toppled over faster then you could drop a penny. I stumbled forward, looking down at the metal slab under me, A silver colored dog with bright yellow eyes stared back at me. 

"Lilly?!" I looked back and saw everyone staring at me, Raph caught my eye he looked at me surprised. Raph took a step towards me, I took a shuttering breath stepping back I ran into the dark sewers.

I soon got lost, but that was okay as long as I was away from those terrible noises! I came into a intersection and paced, what was wrong with me? Why can I hear now? I didn't want to hear if it meant listening to all those pounding things! I glared down in the water, And why the shell are my eyes yellow?! And what is with this fur!? As I watched the sharp silver fur darken and my body shrank down but my eyes still stayed yellow.

Terrified and frustrated I barked which I heard, making me jump up on a ledge and clamping my paws down on my ears as it echoed around. My nose twitched and I opened my eyes to see a snake of pink and green fly around before it dissipated. That was cool, I sat up as I saw another one and was about to investigate when, BEEEEEEP!!!!!! As a car went screeching above, I clamped my paws down again and screwed my eyes shut tight, my tail wrapped around me my fur sticking straight up in fright.

Something touch my back I jerked up and was about to jump away when I saw that it was Raph, in color. I looked in the water and sighed as my eyes were now grey green with no sound. I thought too soon as they switched back gold, green, gold, green, and gold again!!

"Lilly." I jerked up and looked to Raph as he switched in and out of color. "Lilly. . . . Calm . . . Down. . . Breath. . . " I was shaking but closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them the color around fritzed on and off before it became steady in color.

Raph smiled down at me, I grinned back before blacking out.


I woke up on a huge pillow by the couch, I started to remember what had happened, I sure hope that doesn't happen again! I stiffened as a hand came down and held my shoulder, Raphs fingers gently brushed my fur. I leaned my head into his hand, I knew by how he was acting that he was asleep. I carefully got up and went into the kitchen where a light was on. Who was up at, I squinted at the clock, 2:23 am??

I walked in and saw Leo sitting by the table with a cup of tea by the smell of it. His face in a scowl as he glared at the cup, I knew them well enough to know that Leo was up with his silly thoughts. He was always thinking of better ways to help lead better and blaming himself for every tiny mistake that was made either by him or his brothers. I tried to tell him that he was a wonderful leader and brother, but I don't think he really believed it yet.

All I knew was that he needed a friend, I crept under the table and put my head on his knee. He jumped in his seat startled before seeing that it was me. Leo smiled and started to pet my head, it felt pretty nice too. We stayed like that until Leo stopped petting me, I opened my eyes and saw that he was sleeping.

As gently as I could I grabbed one of his training straps that was loose and tugged him up. I pushed him up the stairs and into his clean room. There were a few posters on the walls with a few tools and cleaning supplies on a table, in the corner of his room sat a rug surrounded by candles for meditating. I pushed him into his bed, I jumped up and held the edge with my paws as I yanked the sheets on him.

On the way out I stood up and bit the handle careful not to lick it. I started falling forward, scowling I felt myself growl as I yanked back wards, the knob slipped from my grip making me tumble to the floor. I looked up just as the door closed, I shook myself and walked back down to the couch, turning the light off in the kitchen as I went.

Raph had rolled over on his side, conveniently leaving enough space for me.  I set my paws on the edge ready to jump on when I thought, Would he mind? I was about to jump back down when I was lifted the rest of the way up. Raph had his head resting on his hand the other wrapped around my middle. His eyes were opened slightly, he grinned and kissed my head before sighing back to sleep.

I smiled and snuggled closer to him, closing my eyes I grinned, I'm ready for tomorrows challenges, and I knew that I would not be alone. 

(Haha!! There we go my little Jewels!!! How'd you like that Chappy!!?? I thought It was pretty good, a Little interesting too! Hey tell me what you All Think and please Tell me If I messed something up so That I can fix it up Right away!! Thank you So much for your Patience, I'll be Up dating soon!! Thank Guys and Have a Great day!!!!)

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